Obesity Epidemic among our Xalimo's out of Control

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Not everybody is attracted to skinny twig women. Some of us like a thick girl. You can have your preference, and we'll have ours. We're not all the same.
These halimos have a high fat percentage with no muslcle as well, back in highschool these girls never got involved in PE they haven't even development their core muscles. 95% of halimos can't even do 5 push ups.:mjlol::russ:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
:trumpsmirk:No wonder these dudes still think I'm 21. Stick thin is a rare commodity for Xalimos especially the 30+. :mjswag:I feel loved.

Another benefit is I can also wear anything without it looking too haraam. Beautifully boyish. I must say.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Physically Men’s bodies build Muscle with ease while women’s bodies tend to bulk up with fat thats how it works

Most Somali women that tend to be overweight are so because of three things diet, time and their husband

Diet as a household they should make sure to eat healthy and buy as such many just let the wife go buy whatever to Cook this is very common back home the man gives the wife 100 dollars to go grocery shopping and she buys a bunch of sugar,baasto, oil etc

Number 2 is time

looking After the kids,cooking lunch,dinner running errands,Washing clothes and cleaning the house leaves no time to workout she cant lose weight
She needs a babysitter or her husband stepping in

Nr 3 The husband

If shes fat and he doesnt like it he shouldnt tell her instead he should encourage her to start eating healthy snd working out with him and going for walks worst thing to do would be go look for a 2nd wife in secret
I know a lady that force-feeds her kids baasto iyo suugo every 20 minutes :ohlord: They're just toddlers and already look like mini-beluga whales
@Inquisitive_ what do you suggest for breakfast? Is having a bagel with creme cheese or peanut butter fine everyday?

Your having a deadly cocktail there, the bagel is loaded with trans fat/hydrogenated oils (artificially produced not even natural to the human body hence stored as toxic fat automatically), then you have the fattening steroid/hormone laced dairy of creme/cheese.

The fast majority of people have oats/porridge in the morning, you should avoid dairy and have it with filtered water or non dairy milk sweetened with honey, I personally have hash brownies/mushrooms myself, you can have wholemeal toast as well (without butter, I normally have it with honey)

The pin interest link below has some great creative ideas, I also sometimes have potatoes, sorghum or barley for breakfast. (4 glasses of warm water with lime 45 minutes before you eat anything, at this has a cleansing effect as well as drastically increasing your metabolic rate)


List of Starch based food.

You want to avoid oil/diary at all costs and have meat at rare occasions (twice a month at most) and make sure it's organic grass fed. You'll quickly drop all that excess weight, no other FAD diet works because your own body will resist it.

Edo Nene

SUGAR breasts
@Inquisitive_ are u a vegan?
Vegan diet made me gained 15kgs, there's no way going back to vegan.
Avoiding sugar (cane, honey, fructose, corn syrup etc) and refined carbs like white pasta or white flour.


cismaan maxamuud
Get strong so you can lift us, thic girls are in!
What you saying b:gaasdrink:
i dont know how these women get so big. all the somali girls i know are stick figures, and they arent deliberately starving themselves.

i literally eat like a pig and i've been 52kg for as long as i can remember. maybe i'll wake wake a landwhale one day :farmajoyaab:
Maybe because you have not received gallons of sperm in your canal yet but when that happens and dont exercise, you will end up being like them.
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