Obsession with the appearance of Somali men online. (Since when were men judged on looks?))

Since when we're men judged on looks. What happened to the days men were judged based on being providors, warriors and what their ability to lead nations and societies?

Also can us Somali men stop being offended when we get called ugly. We are men we aint supposed to be pretty. A man is judged mostly by his character, ability to provide and protect and his level of god fearingness. Not by if he has long curly hair and a perfect jawline, that's some feminine shit. We meant to look rough and trust me majority of women like a guy with a bit of roughness.

And these tiktok pages need to stop posting these videos of these long haired feminine looking Somali Niggas and portraying them to be how we look. Just makes us look weak and insecure coz it's always the same five Niggas being posted on there

If we ugly that's fine, our women got the beauty. Us as men it ain't our job to sit nice and look pretty. Our job is to be masculine, provide and protect. Khalas. Our looks are secondary.


@Geeljire lotus do you agree as a man that men shouldn't care if others call them ugly? I'm always curious from a man who cares about his looks stand of view since girls are more prone to get hurt with those sort of comment.


@Geeljire lotus do you agree as a man that men shouldn't care if others call them ugly? I'm always curious from a man who cares about his looks stand of view since girls are more prone to get hurt with those sort of comment.
How can next man start ranting about your looks, that's f4ggot behaviour bro. And no girl has ever said anything bad about my looks either or talked about Somali men in general to me so it's really just an internet thing.

Leave social media before you rot your brain
Since when we're men judged on looks. What happened to the days men were judged based on being providors, warriors and what their ability to lead nations and societies?

Also can us Somali men stop being offended when we get called ugly. We are men we aint supposed to be pretty. A man is judged mostly by his character, ability to provide and protect and his level of god fearingness. Not by if he has long curly hair and a perfect jawline, that's some feminine shit. We meant to look rough and trust me majority of women like a guy with a bit of roughness.

And these tiktok pages need to stop posting these videos of these long haired feminine looking Somali Niggas and portraying them to be how we look. Just makes us look weak and insecure coz it's always the same five Niggas being posted on there

If we ugly that's fine, our women got the beauty. Us as men it ain't our job to sit nice and look pretty. Our job is to be masculine, provide and protect. Khalas. Our looks are secondary.
“Since men are judged on looks” so you think only women should be? Ignorant statement it goes both ways
Good looks will always give you an edge, not just in attracting the opposite gender but in life generally. People can still attract others and get married without being conventionally attractive though, happens all the time.

But I do agree that men should not be overly obsessed with looks, it starts to border effeminate behaviour which isn't just unappealing but also unIslamic.


How can next man start ranting about your looks, that's f4ggot behaviour bro. And no girl has ever said anything bad about my looks either or talked about Somali men in general to me so it's really just an internet thing.

Leave social media before you rot your brain
I was just asking geeljire since he's the type to care about his looks. I need someone to tell me if it's actually true that men really don't care about others calling then ugly, this is new to me since I'm a women so I don't know anything about men feelings


Good looks will always give you an edge, not just in attracting the opposite gender but in life generally. People can still attract others and get married without being conventionally attractive though, happens all the time.

But I do agree that men should not be overly obsessed with looks, it starts to border effeminate behaviour which isn't just unappealing but also unIslamic.
Finally someone with a wise take and not all "we ugly embrace it" views which I'm starting to believe is only ugly men that says this.
Good looks will always give you an edge, not just in attracting the opposite gender but in life generally. People can still attract others and get married without being conventionally attractive though, happens all the time.

But I do agree that men should not be overly obsessed with looks, it starts to border effeminate behaviour which isn't just unappealing but also unIslamic.
This is my exact point. I'm not saying it doesn't matter at all because even in the deen it emphasizes making sure your outer apearance is clean. But there is a certain level where it becomes borderline gay.

Eg I saw a guy getting his nails done tiktok other guys are getting Botox that's just gay.
“Since men are judged on looks” so you think only women should be? Ignorant statement it goes both ways
I do agree that even women should be judged on their character. But it's just a reality that women get judged more on their looks compared to men. Is it right? I would say no.

But I agree with your point. Even the prophet PBUH said that the best enjoyment in this Dunya is a righteous wife. He didn't say a 10/10 model looking wife rather be spoke about her being righteous in terms of Deen and character.
I get your point. I completely agree focus on being a provider and financially stable should be number one. However completely disregarding your appearance is not wise.

Looking presentable is the goal. Very simple.
  • Basic shave/grooming/haircut
  • Well fitted clothes (inexpensive)
  • Clear skin
  • Good teeth (if really bad consider braces/dentistry)
  • Moderate amounts of exercise
I 100% agree with you. Looks is for the females, we are supposed to be rough, mean and rugged. Being handsome can be a bonus though
I get your point. I completely agree focus on being a provider and financially stable should be number one. However completely disregarding your appearance is not wise.

Looking presentable is the goal. Very simple.
  • Basic shave/grooming/haircut
  • Well fitted clothes (inexpensive)
  • Clear skin
  • Good teeth (if really bad consider braces/dentistry)
  • Moderate amounts of exercise
True. I fully agree with you.

My point was just that when a mans value becomes overly connected to how strong his jawline is how soft and curly his hair his it just becomes feminine as hell.
It's called negging, standard practice with this generation :drakekidding:

Its just an attempt to humble Somali men who are often seen as being too arrogant and proud.

Don’t fall for it my brothers. Wallahi I think Somali men on average are easily amongst the best looking men in the world. Easily. Not to mention, naturally charismatic and easy going.

