Obsession with the appearance of Somali men online. (Since when were men judged on looks?))

1) People make fun of other communities because people are simply tribalist/racist. a tale as old as time nothing that unique

2) People make fun of those who are different. Somalis are unique community wise in a lot of aspects, we're super distinct looking, very islamic in a landmass were other black african muslim groups don't migrate to as much (unless you live in the french speaking world). I can list them out but end of the story is we stick out too much and groups that stick out tend to get mocked more. Again a tale as old as time nothing too complicated

3) The internet, particularly (X/Twitter due to Elon) has become highly divisive and leans into right wing rhetoric which exasperates these issues largely. There is also an element of the left wing identity politic culture working backwards than intended too, utilising different concepts made for racial unity but actually ending up causing further division (Mocking Indians en masse and saying "well they're anti-black anyway" as an excuse comes to mind).

4) Somalis acting like apes online. No matter how much we wish to blame others, our incel/troll subculture has a huge part to play. Acting so horribly in such a wide and large way has done two things:

- Allow an excuse for those who've always had issues with us to voice these opinions with less push back

- Causing hatred in those that never had problems with us before.

Yes logically I would hope people wouldn't gain prejudices from online communities, unfortunately people do, and therefore you cannot pretend certain parts of our community don't have a part to blame


1) People make fun of other communities because people are simply tribalist/racist. a tale as old as time nothing that unique

2) People make fun of those who are different. Somalis are unique community wise in a lot of aspects, we're super distinct looking, very islamic in a landmass were other black african muslim groups don't migrate to as much (unless you live in the french speaking world). I can list them out but end of the story is we stick out too much and groups that stick out tend to get mocked more. Again a tale as old as time nothing too complicated

3) The internet, particularly (X/Twitter due to Elon) has become highly divisive and leans into right wing rhetoric which exasperates these issues largely. There is also an element of the left wing identity politic culture working backwards than intended too, utilising different concepts made for racial unity but actually ending up causing further division (Mocking Indians en masse and saying "well they're anti-black anyway" as an excuse comes to mind).

4) Somalis acting like apes online. No matter how much we wish to blame others, our incel/troll subculture has a huge part to play. Acting so horribly in such a wide and large way has done two things:

- Allow an excuse for those who've always had issues with us to voice these opinions with less push back

- Causing hatred in those that never had problems with us before.

Yes logically I would hope people wouldn't gain prejudices from online communities, unfortunately people do, and therefore you cannot pretend certain parts of our community don't have a part to blame
Tell that to these tear jerks somali "men" who believe incels aren't a representative to real life. They did severe damage to our name that ow it has seeped into real life.
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1) People make fun of other communities because people are simply tribalist/racist. a tale as old as time nothing that unique

2) People make fun of those who are different. Somalis are unique community wise in a lot of aspects, we're super distinct looking, very islamic in a landmass were other black african muslim groups don't migrate to as much (unless you live in the french speaking world). I can list them out but end of the story is we stick out too much and groups that stick out tend to get mocked more. Again a tale as old as time nothing too complicated

3) The internet, particularly (X/Twitter due to Elon) has become highly divisive and leans into right wing rhetoric which exasperates these issues largely. There is also an element of the left wing identity politic culture working backwards than intended too, utilising different concepts made for racial unity but actually ending up causing further division (Mocking Indians en masse and saying "well they're anti-black anyway" as an excuse comes to mind).

4) Somalis acting like apes online. No matter how much we wish to blame others, our incel/troll subculture has a huge part to play. Acting so horribly in such a wide and large way has done two things:

- Allow an excuse for those who've always had issues with us to voice these opinions with less push back

- Causing hatred in those that never had problems with us before.

Yes logically I would hope people wouldn't gain prejudices from online communities, unfortunately people do, and therefore you cannot pretend certain parts of our community don't have a part to blame
As for the specifics as to why we as men have our attractiveness mocked. There's a lot of factors, but I'd put it down:

1) to it being more socially acceptable to say racist things about men if you phrase it as some type of misandry (same way you can say misogynistic things about white women so long as you dress it up as attacking white people instead)

2) The fact that the incel/troll accounts are mostly men

3) a wierd fetish for horn african features on women.

I grew up in the UK, it was before my time but there was an era were the girls were called ugly just as much as the guys were, then they became fetish of the week. It's all fugazi so try not to put much weight on it
1) People make fun of other communities because people are simply tribalist/racist. a tale as old as time nothing that unique

2) People make fun of those who are different. Somalis are unique community wise in a lot of aspects, we're super distinct looking, very islamic in a landmass were other black african muslim groups don't migrate to as much (unless you live in the french speaking world). I can list them out but end of the story is we stick out too much and groups that stick out tend to get mocked more. Again a tale as old as time nothing too complicated

3) The internet, particularly (X/Twitter due to Elon) has become highly divisive and leans into right wing rhetoric which exasperates these issues largely. There is also an element of the left wing identity politic culture working backwards than intended too, utilising different concepts made for racial unity but actually ending up causing further division (Mocking Indians en masse and saying "well they're anti-black anyway" as an excuse comes to mind).

4) Somalis acting like apes online. No matter how much we wish to blame others, our incel/troll subculture has a huge part to play. Acting so horribly in such a wide and large way has done two things:

- Allow an excuse for those who've always had issues with us to voice these opinions with less push back

- Causing hatred in those that never had problems with us before.

Yes logically I would hope people wouldn't gain prejudices from online communities, unfortunately people do, and therefore you cannot pretend certain parts of our community don't have a part to blame
Fair point

Its just an attempt to humble Somali men who are often seen as being too arrogant and proud.

Don’t fall for it my brothers. Wallahi I think Somali men on average are easily amongst the best looking men in the world. Easily. Not to mention, naturally charismatic and easy going.

Thanks walaal, Somali men & women gotta have each other's back always, if we don't, no one else will

are somali men who grew up with access to a good standard of care any different than their peers? I don't think so.

because there's skinny from just being lean, and then there's the kind of skinny you only see in someone who grew up lacking vital nutrients to fully form their adult skeleton

also, literally all the things people call somalis ugly for are just signs of growing up in war and starvation. "alien" forehead = Lack of vit D weak jaw/malformed teeth= enviromental pollutions + lack of vitamins. small frame= long term zinc deficiency. sunken eyes = long period of time in sun.
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Cope tbh. Looks are important for both men and women. Women want a physically attractive partner, believe it or not

Also women tend to prefer a guy with a chiseled jawline and a slight stubble to an overly masculine kinda guy with a big beard and doesn't look as handsome. This has been shown to be the case over and over

Think Paul Walker vs Steve Austin. Most would choose the former
Since when we're men judged on looks. What happened to the days men were judged based on being providors, warriors and what their ability to lead nations and societies?

Also can us Somali men stop being offended when we get called ugly. We are men we aint supposed to be pretty. A man is judged mostly by his character, ability to provide and protect and his level of god fearingness. Not by if he has long curly hair and a perfect jawline, that's some feminine shit. We meant to look rough and trust me majority of women like a guy with a bit of roughness.

And these tiktok pages need to stop posting these videos of these long haired feminine looking Somali Niggas and portraying them to be how we look. Just makes us look weak and insecure coz it's always the same five Niggas being posted on there

If we ugly that's fine, our women got the beauty. Us as men it ain't our job to sit nice and look pretty. Our job is to be masculine, provide and protect. Khalas. Our looks are secondary.
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Good looks will always give you an edge, not just in attracting the opposite gender but in life generally. People can still attract others and get married without being conventionally attractive though, happens all the time.

But I do agree that men should not be overly obsessed with looks, it starts to border effeminate behaviour which isn't just unappealing but also unIslamic.
Good looks will always give you an edge, not just in attracting the opposite gender but in life generally. People can still attract others and get married without being conventionally attractive though, happens all the time.

But I do agree that men should not be overly obsessed with looks, it starts to border effeminate behaviour which isn't just unappealing but also unIslamic.
I think you can quietly be obsessed with looks, just don’t let us know 😂
one thing we have to realize is that attractiveness got to do with race/culture. I think a big part of it is that the women in our community absoulety meet the standards of a beautiful black woman, they look like literal black barbies. whereas we men lack a bit behind in the sense that we dont fit the standards for a handsome black man.
we have more gracile features such as being skinny and narrow which overall is a detriment to male beauty. Also our parents dont allow to do shit, dont grow your hair out or do dreads, dont get diamond stud earrings, dont get tattoos(obviously haram), dont do sports, dont go gym, just stay home and do your cashir all day long. that not only makes you less attractive but it also gets rid of your social skills and not being allowed to participate in the dating scene will get socially stunted when it comes to girls, some may even become incels because of it

