Official Barclays Premier League Thread

Who will win the 2018/2019 season?

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:chrisfreshhah: Manchester United literally qashin without their 35 year old zlatan:mjlol:
IS mkhtaryan injured? If not what is fellani doing there?
Lukaku was terrible tonight .the Congolese stormsy -looking fellow failed to look up twice and play Barkley back in . He didn't impress any scouts tonight .
Man Utd seems like a Fifa game going wrong fOr mourinho .too much chopping and changing and criticising players .
Lukaku was terrible tonight .the Congolese stormsy -looking fellow failed to look up twice and play Barkley back in . He didn't impress any scouts tonight .
Man Utd seems like a Fifa game going wrong fOr mourinho .too much chopping and changing and criticising players .
that last one, barcly didn't attempt to run for the ball tho. he didn't even run towards the box, he was literally jogging. if he had run for a one a two pass, all lukaku would have to do would be put the ball across the goal instead of finding barcly all the behind his left.
They have all those world class players and still can't get into the top 4
Wankchester united are a disgrace. Now I know why Ronaldo ditched them niggas
I remember how they were talking about mourinho winning the league for them

Cambuulo Tonight

Poultry in motion
United is becoming the biggest joke in the league:cryinglaughsmiley:

They gave Jesse fucking Lingard, a championship level player 100k pw contract:cryinglaughsmiley:

They are also preparing a new deal for donkey Fellaini :cryinglaughsmiley:

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
@Air Jalam can you finally admit that dele alli> pogba and hes younger then him. How you gonna pay 100k for jesse lingard when son is 100x times the player he is. Face it sxb the glory days of united are over your squad can forever keep spending money for the wrong players:cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley:

enjoy being midtable club and thursday night european football:cryinglaughsmiley:


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