Ninyow I have a new dilemma with aabe Mourinho
If he sells Martial I'm gonna lose my shit.
He wants dameers who'll do what he asks which is to track back like their career is on the line. My guy Martial isn't about that life.I just hope he makes emends with him and stops bullying him about tracking back.
The c*nt Lingard who does fuk all has the trust of aabe smh this kalab is 24 or 25 and fans still rate him talking bout he's young and product of the youthNever seen more useless player in my life than this kalab. Does nothing but run around like a headless chicken for 90 minutes.
He's Cleverlay with EFl final goal, FA Cup final goal smh nacalatuallah calayk
About us being in the CL well I don't know how we will do without Bailly in the Europa final. Got no hope in Smalling or Jones. He'll probably park the bus against those kids aabe has no shame
You think parking the bus at home vs Celta Vigo was bad wait till the final man
He will bring more dogs who will play his way and buy 2,000 more buses for next season.
Shame how he fooled some fans into thinking he'd change and play good football.
Some sakhraan fans actually have a chant which is
"aabe Mourinho got us playing the way United should"![]()
you really hurt aye?

what a difference a year and a coach makes. We have the gawdfather revolutionizing english football and has teams changing they formations and styles just to match us....while ya'll have a man that said antonio valencia is the best RB in the world and plays 9 men in da box.

pogba went from a CL final team to playin with lingard and fellani.

mourinho went from sayin he would never win the europa league to passionately celebrating with the fans at trafford after nearly beating celta vigo.