Official Game of Thrones Season 7 Thread!!

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Ahhhhh I want Cersi to sit on my face :ahh: When she got out of the bed and how her body moved it was so majestic. :ahh::ahh::ahh::ahh::ahh::ahh::ahh:
ps if cersi doesn't kill that little fucking brat and she dies, I legit will get emotional.
You want that nasty filth to sit on your face?:browtf: Emotional kulaha :russ:over Cersei? fr??:mjlol:
Men really do deserve to get cucked; pathetic and simplistic animals:icon lol:.
And I thought you were talking about Arya for a second when you said brat( :gunsmiley::gunsmiley:); Dany can be a little bratty sometimes, I agree, but she's the true heir and also stands for great ideals...put some respeck on her name waryaa !


What kind of BS is this??! I return only to find shameless reviews from countless Euron fanboys (gosh, I actually hate him more than Cersei!!! Am I alone in this???) ...and even a roast joke about miskeen little Shireen ! :farmajoyaab::mahubowtf:
You arseholes know who you are ! I AM TRIGGERED!!!
Long time no see walaal. Euron is a beast in every sense of the word. He's the most uncucked character on GoT along with the hound. What is there to hate about Euron. Everyone he's killed so far I hated (except the youngest Sand sister which I like). f*ck Yara and the Sand sisters lol. Last episode also made me like Cersei a whole lot more. Out of the three royals I hat Daenerys the most.


Long time no see walaal. Euron is a beast in every sense of the word. He's the most uncucked character on GoT along with the hound. What is there to hate about Euron. Everyone he's killed so far I hated (except the youngest Sand sister which I like). f*ck Yara and the Sand sisters lol. Last episode also made me like Cersei a whole lot more. Out of the three royals I hat Daenerys the most.
Tru tru, life happened lol. Meh, "most uncucked" isn't a reason to tolerate/like/respect someone sxb...and he can't be compared to the Hound (the Hound has a golden heart:2tjlv3e: and is actually one of my fave characters on GoT). I just hate Euron's personality, unlike Baelish-- he is not charming enough to pull it off tbh. I'm already dreaming about the different ways he could possibly die in the future, just like Cersei does while in her canopy at night:wow:.

Edit: And yea, as much as I hate Cersei...I admit she was brilliant in that episode. Her capacity for monstrous evil is so fascinating to watch,:banderas: . I always thought her and Ellaria had similar personalities, and their interaction was satisfying; "You must've felt powerful after you made that choice, do you feel powerful now?":icon lol::icon lol:...kind of redeems the deaths of Myrcella and Doran, although poor Sand daughter. People crap on Dany way too much as well, she's a bit childish but her vision for the outcome of 7 Kingdoms is the best one by far!
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Tru tru, life happened lol. Meh, "most uncucked" isn't a reason to tolerate/like/respect someone sxb...and he can't be compared to the Hound (the Hound has a golden heart:2tjlv3e: and is actually one of my fave characters on GoT). I just hate Euron's personality, unlike Baelish-- he is not charming enough to pull it off tbh. I'm already dreaming about the different ways he could possibly die in the future, just like Cersei does while in her canopy at night:wow:.
:mjlol: The hound is probably my favourite character but LittleFinger is probably the first on my list of those who I want to die ASAP. Euron > LittleFinger. Euron is gonna be one of the most entertaining and important characters this season.:manny:


:mjlol: The hound is probably my favourite character but LittleFinger is probably the first on my list of those who I want to die ASAP. Euron > LittleFinger. Euron is gonna be one of the most entertaining and important characters this season.:manny:
I also want LF to die if he gets in the way of the Starks...but he's entertaining af and I enjoy his mind games. Euron doesn't have anywhere near the level of intellect that LF has; he's a dud in comparison. I really hope they don't give Euron an important story line, no wedding with Cersei pls *crosses fingers*. LF has a lot to contribute, potential wise, and I want to see him interacting with Varys in the future so I need him to stay alive at least a little bit longer. Also, Aidan Gillen :it0tdo8::it0tdo8::it0tdo8:


I also want LF to die if he gets in the way of the Starks...but he's entertaining af and I enjoy his mind games. Euron doesn't have anywhere near the level of intellect that LF has; he's a dud in comparison. I really hope they don't give Euron an important story line, no wedding with Cersei pls *crosses fingers*. LF has a lot to contribute, potential wise, and I want to see him interacting with Varys in the future so I need him to stay alive at least a little bit longer. Also, Aidan Gillen :it0tdo8::it0tdo8::it0tdo8:
You really hate Euron:ohhh:Little finger fans are quite rare TBH. I hope he stays alive until him and Varys can meet again. Euron will be given a main story as he's in the books much earlier than in the show (I think). I can't wait until Arya kills everyone I hate Cersei, Littlefinger and maybe even Daenerys.


You really hate Euron:ohhh:Little finger fans are quite rare TBH. I hope he stays alive until him and Varys can meet again. Euron will be given a main story as he's in the books much earlier than in the show (I think). I can't wait until Arya kills everyone I hate Cersei, Littlefinger and maybe even Daenerys.
Yup x10000. And I'm not an LF fan, I'm team Varys <33. Dany hasn't done anything deserving of getting killed:umwhat:, you need to reevaluate.


The last suugo bender
Yup x10000. And I'm not an LF fan, I'm team Varys <33. Dany hasn't done anything deserving of getting killed:umwhat:, you need to reevaluate.

same team vasarys , the only reason i like Euron is because he's entertaining as f*ck also little finger has lost his spark as of late i'm sure arya will dispose of him especially when she learns he was behind the assassination of her father , Dany is still annoying as f*ck.


Yup x10000. And I'm not an LF fan, I'm team Varys <33. Dany hasn't done anything deserving of getting killed:umwhat:, you need to reevaluate.
Don't like her attitude and her self-entitled bs. She isn't the rightful heir as the mad king was overthrown. Ines you're overthrown you lose your claim. Just look at her attitude towards Jon Snow.


same team vasarys , the only reason i like Euron is because he's entertaining as f*ck also little finger has lost his spark as of late i'm sure arya will dispose of him especially when she learns he was behind the assassination of her father , Dany is still annoying as f*ck.
Varys <3, Arya <3, Dany <3, the Hound <3, Tyrion <3, Devos <3, Missandei <3, Sam <3 :2tjlv3e:
Besides the ship scene, I don't get what about Euron that ppl find entertaining, maybe I just don't get it and never will:manny:
He comes across better in the books so maybe I just don't like the actor- but so far, the character development for him seems if they tried to make him come off as a crazy/clever guy, but are trying too hard. Again, maybe it's just me. I have yet to see any great masterminding done by him though, he's like a poor man's Tywin/Ramsey tbh...except just unpredictable and with no clear moral stance.
As for LF, I'd like to see him die with one of his twisted plots backfiring on him :ahh:, I don't know if Arya would be my ideal choice to off him but we'll have to wait and see how it pans out. Dany may be annoying here and there but still doesn't deserve to die-- her intentions are noble.
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Don't like her attitude and her self-entitled bs. She isn't the rightful heir as the mad king was overthrown. Ines you're overthrown you lose your claim. Just look at her attitude towards Jon Snow.
And what about Cersei? :bell:She's also entitled and definitely isn't the 'rightful' heir..
Dany's been through a lot and she's still young/learning, give her time


And what about Cersei? :bell:She's also entitled and definitely isn't the 'rightful' heir..
Dany's been through a lot and she's still young/learning, give her time
You have a point there but Cersei > Dany just because Cersei has been involved throughout whereas Dany just arrived in Westeros. I might change my opinion on her as the season continues but as of now I want her to lose.
I find it funny every time missandie introduces the queen as 'the unburnt' as if its natural for everyone to be burned.

Tbh I don't know if its the character or the actor but Euron also annoys the f*ck outta me. I guess they were aiming for another Ramsay Bolton but fell short.

I still think Dany isn't the end game. The whole story is leading towards Jon being the man and I'm more convinced with every episode that Dany's role in all this was to provide Jon with dragons and legitimacy. I have a feeling they will get rid of her character soon.


I find it funny every time missandie introduces the queen as 'the unburnt' as if its natural for everyone to be burned.

Tbh I don't know if its the character or the actor but Euron also annoys the f*ck outta me. I guess they were aiming for another Ramsay Bolton but fell short.

I still think Dany isn't the end game. The whole story is leading towards Jon being the man and I'm more convinced with every episode that Dany's role in all this was to provide Jon with dragons and legitimacy. I have a feeling they will get rid of her character soon.
Jon's identity will be revealed by Bran when they meet up. That's why Bran said I need to speak to Jon as soon as he returned to Winterfell.


The last suugo bender
Varys <3, Arya <3, Dany <3, the Hound <3, Tyrion <3, Devos <3, Missandei <3 :2tjlv3e:
Besides the ship scene, I don't get what about Euron that ppl find entertaining, maybe I just don't get it and never will:manny:
He comes across better in the books so maybe I just don't like the actor- but so far, the character development for him seems if they tried to make him come off as a crazy/clever guy, but are trying too hard. Again, maybe it's just me. I have yet to see any great masterminding done by him though, he's like a poor man's Tywin tbh...except just unpredictable and with no clear moral stance.
As for LF, I'd like to see him die with one of his twisted plots backfiring on him :ahh:, I don't know if Arya would be my ideal choice to off him but we'll have to wait and see how it pans out. Dany may be annoying here and there but still doesn't deserve to die-- her intentions are noble.

Didn't say dany deserved to die (yet) , yeah who knows if Arya will be the death of Little finger as for Euron personally speaking i find him entertaining because he is so unapologetically violent and immoral he seems to be the catalyst that speeds up this whole 'war' whilst dany and cersie as well as jon are planning and plotting there wars amongst themselves (and the whitewalkers) Euron is out here actually providing the action , thats not to say I like him i honestly wouldn't care if he dies granted the actual war starts on the field and all.
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