
reddit.com/r/nbastreamsWhere can i watch nba for free
You're cruel wallahihttps://cdn./attachments/304753450913234945/310741401455296512/unknown.png
@merka @Tramo @Mudug-Madman @Mohamud @Gucci mane @AbdiJohnson are all on suicide watch, fadlan reach out to them.
I knew it was gonna happen, but I'm still disappointed. Lebron fucking James man.https://cdn./attachments/304753450913234945/310741401455296512/unknown.png
@merka @Tramo @Mudug-Madman @Mohamud @Gucci mane @AbdiJohnson are all on suicide watch, fadlan reach out to them.
"JV just made 3 baskets in a row? Better bench him for the rest of the quarter. And all of the fourth. I don't want him getting any ideas.""Who needs solid paint presence when you can just isolate your best players until they collapse from fatigue"
"Settling a pick? Just grab the rebound I got all my centers and power forwards out at the same time for this exact reason"
"Timeout ref! I know I should have called one two minutes ago when LeBron started his run but being honest I lost track of time"
"Wenger out? He's doing a fine job"
- Dwayne "offence maxaa waaye" Casey
"JV just made 3 baskets in a row? Better bench him for the rest of the quarter. And all of the fourth. I don't want him getting any ideas."
"Carroll is bricking wide open shots and is a total pylon on defense? Better keep starting him, he gives us a lot of energy."
I seriously hope Masai fires this guy. He's a good dude but f*ck he's incompetent. At least Wenger has won something in the past to justify having faith in him."I know Corey Joseph can't shoot for shit but maybe one of his brick shots will hit LeBron on the hairline and knock him out. Let's give him the ball some more."
I seriously hope Masai fires this guy. He's a good dude but f*ck he's incompetent. At least Wenger has won something in the past to justify having faith in him.
Also please for the love god get rid of Carroll and Patterson. They're both nice guys but if I have to watch them brick wide open shots all next season, I might I have kill myself.
I'm actually really optimistic about Derozan. The reason he sometimes gets completely shut down is because the Raptors have really shitty floor spacing. Their shooters are prone to go cold for entire games, and since Caillou has no fucking offensive scheme, these idiots don't move around properly when they don't have the ball. So all the other team has to do is double or even triple team him, and if he drives collapse the paint, and then he has no where to go.I agree. At this point I kinda want JV out too because he's talented, young, and he deserves better than this. He's going nowhere in this system.
DeRozan has no opt out iirc. I'm actually on suicide watch atm.