Official Puntland Ministers Announcement Thread

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I will defend my country till my last breath, I may not like the administration in charge. I see positives n negatives whereas Bohol has just cuqdad every single day he's ranting like a crazy person like DR OSMAN
At the end of the day kama xigtid. Xogga yar ka gaabso. You look like nin walan. Markii la so hadal qaado Sl waad so boodeysa. You act like its perfect when indeed its salvage.


Reformation of Somaliland
At the end of the day kama xigtid. Xogga yar ka gaabso. You look like nin walan. Markii la so hadal qaado Sl waad so boodeysa. You act like its perfect when indeed its salvage.

Didn't say it's perfect, the 68IQ is real with all you lot. Can't understand complex sentences


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
The whole world is in 2019 and you lot still in 1856. Tribes shouldn't matter, Tribalism was meant for prior to know each other but you lot use it to determine who's better.

Shut the f*ck up
Pu kcuf eht tuhs
Up the f*ck shut
f*ck up the shut


I would like to see Gen. Afguduud to be reinstated. He was the one that hold LA under AY, he grew up there and knows who is who.
nah that was general Xiif cali taar AUN. he was a omar mohamud-reer abdulle General under abdulahii yusuf. he was and still is the most respected general. the isaaq feared him. i knew him personally. he was also the general when abdulahhi yusuf went to mogadisu. even the ethiopians feared fighting alongside him. lol


Wouldn't it make more sense to have given that position to Faroole's old finance minister, Farah Ali Shire? He was the one who handed Deni the presidency. I am surprised to see him come out of this unrewarded.

There was also talk of one of Faroole's sons getting a ministry. That doesn't appear to have happened.

It looks to me like Deni is shunning Faroole and Aaran Jaan.
he didnt want wasiir. hes starting his own political party. same thing with asad diyaano. he refused to be a minister
I owe Reer-Bari an apology I think I confused him with his cousin Armadillo who falsely claimed Gallan was half 'Bantu'.

Reer Bari called him out on that and corrected him.

Well done for predicting the eloquent well spoken Abdisamad Gallan as Minister for Security and Disarmament.
Abdisamad Gallan is the only Presidential candidate out of 22 Deni included who ran for President who was chosen and accepted a Ministerial post which is Security not bad.

Abdisamad Gallan was also the only candidate stopped from holding and speaking at famous Barxadda in Garoowe to his supporters which caused a lot of talk.

Abdisamad Gallan who is eloquently spoken tough guy who was former Governor of Bari gave an 24 ultimatum for Abdiwali Gaas to leave Puntland in 2012.

This caused for Gaas to retaliate though town officials say he didn't follow correct procedures.
So this is what happened

Previous 20 Ministries were cut to 18_Ministries.

The Federal and Democratisation ministry was incorporated into Interior Ministry.

The scam and bogus ministry of 'Reconstruction and Development' was removed.

Making it 18 ministries from 20.

3 Miniseries namely Interior which incorporated Federal and Democratisation, Finance and Agriculture and Irrigation got each a second deputy.

The State Ministers were cut from 13 to only 9.

Only a Royal could come up with that ingenuity. We haven't seen such craftmanship for long time. Had chief strategist Maxamuud Warsame Shiddo anything to do with it.

Shiddo took the Finance Minister with Xasan Shire and he gave reer Mudug subclan Ministery for Interior and added Ministry of Federal and Democratisation on top.

That Ministry belonged to SSC. They objected a woman be given to them. Shiddo worked his charm and gave it to his in-laws Abdalla's aunt as other smaller clans such as those from Goldogon refused and SSC too as their ministry was 'stolen' from them.

Genius Maxamuud Shiddo. Can they passed it through Parliament is the big question.


Bosaso iyo Bandar Siyada
This is really disappointing as we didn't get any ministers and just a downgrade from Minister of Justice and Religious Affairs to state minister. It's better for the wabeeneeye state minister to quit because that won't help us to stop this unfairness.
MSGA beesha dhexe 'Ibraahimo' secured Finance, Interior, Security, Planning and International Cooperation and Security.

I can feel your discontent though yourself hail from the larger subclan but that is no condolence.

Whatever is done if all clans and subclans were accommodated we simply couldn't sustain it financially.

The ideal would be 37 we are over ten higher than that but still short of 53 headed to 60. We started with 9 in our inception in 1998 and grew from there but it is about consolidating power and keeping clans 'happy'.

I am sure they are more competent than the ones of the past five years. This means our soldiers and workers will not to have to starve and strike.

President Deni will pay salaries and the state already recovered economically.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Abdiweli Gaas' first cabinet consisted of 47, Deni's consist of 48. Gaas enlarged his cabinet after a reshuffle two years into his reign.


Reformation of Somaliland
To stop conflict and ensure his leadership a success it's all about economics whether he can create back safe business sympathise atmosphere to attract investment / private enterprise. Globalisation & Free Markets
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