Wow this was so well said brother. Good on you.The concept of Shubuhaat in Islam is loosely translated as illusory or hallucinatory propositions. That means they are ideals that are dressed up with some truths but the core of it are fallacies. It is deceiving while being enticing. This is a perfect example (to be frank every ideology outside of our Deen, which isn’t an ideology but the Haqq, is an example of it, given an ideology proposes the “best” method to organise people, community, society, government, etc - so by definition that means they will contradict Islam).
RP emphasises three areas:
- Women (and the concept of sexual market value): This runs contrary to Islam. We do not chase women, we have a strict policy of the institution of marriage being our only intimate interaction with a woman. Now what about the axioms that are listed that RP follow such as hypergamy, post-wall, etc? Islam established men being Qawaam over women and the Prophet SAW emphasised the importance of having Gheerah over your women. Those two pillars alone weigh far more and are more significant to establishing a relationship than any of the RP factors.
- Money: RP pushes the concept of SMV and that men’s rank in society is the income. Yet Allah SWT has stated that He, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful, ranks us based on what is in our Qalbi, the rational, just and egalitarian form of rank. It doesn’t matter if you inherited millions or if you are in a mud-hut, the rank in the eyes of Allah SWT is based upon how you worship him, while considering your context. Alhamdullilah. That is a far cry from this materialist paradigm that RP espouses.
- Status: This one is intimately tied to money, given money & status are sisters. However, RP pushes for men to have status given that is how to accomplish goal no1: Women. Yet, again it runs contrary to Islam. The Salaf would fear being known, as they understood that any action or sayings that is attributed to them will be put on their scales. The promotion of fame is an illness, wanting to be known is a disease birthed from trying not to be “average” - average indicating someone who goes about the job, doesn’t want the limelight and stays within the structure given. Even if we analyse this practically, which has more evidence that it will bring happiness; being unknown and following Qur’an & Sunnah or being TikTok / Instagram famous and going viral? Anecdotally I can safely say that I see countless of content brothers and sisters who are part of the former and from the perception the latter all look miserable, chasing an insatiable dream of the Dunya.
Islam has honoured us. As Umar ibn Khattab RA said “Islam has given us honour, the moment we remove Islam our honour is gone”. We should not be looking into man-made ideologies like these as a source of guidance (RP should really be called Tomassian ideology, as Rollo Tomassi is the eponymous of the ideology). Its supposed praxeology are based on half-truths for e.g. hypergamy. Islam promotes the man being the breadwinner and the woman being provided & protected. However, Islam has already covered this, to use another ideology’s phrases and way of thinking is to indicate that Islam has holes in it, Subhanallah. Then the common argument that Islam and RP are two separate ideologies and should we look into the Qur’an to study science? Well, Islam provides the framework for all aspects of life. Science is seen as a religion in and of itself today, yet it has many contradictions (a whole different conversation). The framework that Islam highlights is clearly illustrated throughout the Qur’an (for e.g. Surah Nisa:34).
One final comment: The best way to deduce whether to take from someone is to see their Akhlaaq and Adab. These RPers while promoting their “masculinity” (I put in quotations given their ideals of masculinity commonly clashes with our Prophet SAW, the ultimate masculine man) have shown their lack of Akhlaaq through the way they speak vulgarly to their lack of modesty to their vainness. These aren’t role models we should be encouraging youngsters to follow and like every ideology it will come crashing down and show all of its contradictions wAllahi. Let’s encourage the Seerah, Umar ibn Khattab, Abubakr as-Siddiq, Uthman ibn Affan and all the Sahabahs as role models, they each had their own personality and way of living yet were the best of people outside the Prophets (unlike RPers who all have a copy-and-paste style and attitude, the lack of originality should be enough of a discouragement to follow their way). I pass this message on as a self-proclaimed post-RPer. I fell for that making sense however our Islamic paradigm has always taught us that no ideology is needed outside of our Deen, I was experiencing cognitive dissonance and Alhamdullilah I gave up any of their ideals I held in my heart and rather than dismiss any brothers who fall for it, I understand and try to explain that Islam has a solution for any of those fundamental issues that they look to RP for.