Official World Cup thread 2018

LOL Neymar falls as if he's made out of paper. I'd be annoyed at him aswell watching him as a ref. The ref in their game before aswell did the same thing to Neymar. Lol I haven't even seen the ball away from Costa Rica goalie area for a bit. Feel bad for the defenders and goalie working all day
Navas and the defenders were excellent but the yellow card for neymar was undeserved :farmajoyaab:
Brazil overcome their germany defeat this world cup. I predict it now. Germany on the other hand are playing shit.



I took Neymar off my fantasy cause of the injury should've took a chance with him over the naag Griezmann. :susp:

Ighalo is dropped:rejoice:
Akhi Ahmed Musa is gonna go off IA..:westbrookswag:


Mikel played as a number 10 in the game against Croatia. :drakekidding::deadpeter: African players who play abroad walle have so much power especially old heads.

Anigu hada ahaan laha Nigerian manager and Mikel asked me yo coach ima finna play as number 10 waxa ku dhihi laha walasha number 10 ka was ka yaac meesha. You aren't young anymore.:childplease: :camby:

Just cause you're wearing number 10 don't mean you can play CAM. :cryinglaughsmiley:

I'm glad the manager came to his senses and dropped him back to his usual position lol. He also dropped the neef Ighalo. :qri8gs7:


Ashy Abdi Representative
Get in Nigeria. Nice goal from Ahmed musa was expecting him to pass. I see coach changed tactics


Ashy Abdi Representative
I can't stand that Iceland clap thing. Scary af. Come on Nigeria help send those mf back to their inbred homes:comeon:


As i live and breathe




Ashy Abdi Representative
Come on Nigeria. Ahmed musa did the sajdah for a goal from a winning team unlike Tunisia sajdah people were talking about when they lost:lolbron:



Nigeria and Senegal making us proud while the North African teams are busy getting their cheeks taken.

