Official World Cup thread 2018


You misspelled hazard
He was working while the ginger neef hid. :mjhaps:

Chadli tho :ohlord: What a fuking bum. Belgium missed Meunier. He's so important to them attacking wise. That bum Chadli couldn't pass let alone in decent crosses or corners. :snoop:


Ashy Abdi Representative
France is celebrating since they're gong to win the world cup. Can't believe they bet the Belgian since they had better shots but French goalie was too good
Looks like africa is through to the finals. My boys have made it far since leaving their shit hole villages in west africa. I'm so proud of them and lukaku your getting deported for missing that clear chance to score. I also believe that bastard henry sabataged the belgium team.

I support Belgium because it's a miskeen langaab country, but I wouldn't mind France winning. They're better players
Keep thinking belgium is a miskeen country.


Oh yeah, forgot about that :jaynerd:
Horta when did you become such pro-black? I remember you being the biggest racist on this site. You've become nicer
It's the somali mentality. Only were allowed to hate on our african brothers but when it comes to europeans hatin on our fellow brothers then it's in-groups and out-groups

Looks like africa is through to the finals. My boys have made it far since leaving their shit hole villages in west africa. I'm so proud of them and lukaku your getting deported for missing that clear chance to score. I also believe that bastard henry sabataged the belgium team.



