Ogaden diplomat is named as Somalia’s New Ambassador to Ethiopia

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
Your constituency Cabudwaaq wants to be under Ethiopia to escape HG slavery
What HG slavery? We have VP and random tuulos are getting degmo status. We have it good tbh. The status qou benefits us. Btw it's a sign of fledging confidence when u make up random claims like Caabudwaaq wants to join Ethiopia.

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
Bit ironic when there is amxaar soldiers in your gedo 😆
That's literally the point, he's trying to lecture me about ENDF in Gedo when the entirety of Somali Galbeed majority OG is under amxaar rule with the Ethopian flag flying high.
That's literally the point, he's trying to lecture me about ENDF in Gedo when the entirety of Somali Galbeed majority OG is under amxaar rule with the Ethopian flag flying high.

The difference between Galbeed and Gedo is that Gedo is apart of Somalia republic and Marehans willingly called upon the Ethiopians to Militarily occupy a region in Somalia.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Strategic Border states are not low ranking.
The first Somali Ambassador to the US was Omar Moalim Mohamed, ambassador Omar was appointed by the first president of Somalia late Aden Abdulle Osman

Ambassador Omar Mohallim was Ogaden Reer Isaaq voted from Jamaame district constituency. We need to bring back the hierarchy!

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Lol you can see jfk puzzled trying to figure out if he is black
Or white


Waawareey Will it not be confusing naming an Cagdheer as ambassador to Ethiopia, yacni which country is he representing ?
Another MX you can’t stop your hatred towards beesha OG