ogaden flag flying high in kismanyo

1.He caused refugee crisis where millions of ogadens were forced to live in squalid conditions depending on UN food which was being stolen by Kacanka govt.

2.He displaced 10,000s of Ogadens in Gedo and tried to wipe out Ogaden from Juboyinka using govt forces in the 80s.

3.He help create insecurity in NFD by inflitrating the shiftas with MX inteliggence who deliberatly targetted ogaden towns and killed Kenyan security personel which made NFD under marshal law for 21 years while the borfer was closed.So No interaction of Ogadens from JL & NFD.

4.In the mean time he used govt support programa like Abaarta dabadeer in 1974 to settle Mx in Gedo and also further settled mx in Gedo in the 80s and even attempted to settle Mx in Lower Jubba by funding Talxe armed militias targetting unarmed ogaden civilians in lower jubba and also the govt confiscated 10,000s of livestock from Ogadens in Lower Jubba.

Don’t forget that he was deliberately sending Ogaden idps from the 77 war to Hiiraan or Hargeisa to be slaughtered by rival clans while he sent Marehans in Negelle Oromia to Gedo region to grow their numbers. It’s why you have Oromos like Mucalimo seen living in Gedo right now. Afweyne’s whole plan was to displace Ogaden from Jubooyinka but alxamdulliah Reer waamo saw his wicked plans and rebelled against his tyrant regime.


Flag of ONLF not Somali state of Ethiopia

So when Hiiraale was screaming I was attacked by ONLF, Al itixiaad and yamyam iyo qadaadweyn he was not lying ?

anagu hal xil oo faido leh kama hayno kismaayo local government, shacab baa ka nahay ee ogadeeney shacab cadaalad fala oo diinta ku xukuma
Which city has more cadaalad Baardheere or Kismaayo? :ulyin:

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Is mx some landlocked clan? I always wonder what’s their obsession over kismayo? Why not just make another port on coastal town sorta like garacad port


Is mx some landlocked clan? I always wonder what’s their obsession over kismayo? Why not just make another port on coastal town sorta like garacad port

Kismaayo is a mx city. It is under the occupation of kenyan soldiers. Why should we make another port city? Do you want us to leave it for the kikuyu and their slaves?