Ogaden Jubbalanders support SSC & Laasacanood liberation forces

We were fleeing yes-thats natural after a war but even than we still have jubada hoose jubada dhexe and north bakool-the should have never been placed there to begin with-The fleeing folks had no hunger for anybody land-they have more than enough-SNM used the presence of people in need as tool to whip up emotion of their people-it worked.
Siyad bare destroyed his reer abti OG more than any other clan. He sidelined the reer jubaland OG from somali politics and gave all the military rankings to the OG reer galbeed solely so he can use them against his enemies within and outside. He massacred those in jubaland and none of the OG galbeed/nfd generals made noise until he came for their head ( gabyoow). You’re right he shouldn’t put them in hargeysa and hiiraan when he has ceelbarde all the way to baardheere Buaale and afmadow.


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
Siyad bare destroyed his reer abti OG more than any other clan. He sidelined the reer jubaland OG from somali politics and gave all the military rankings to the OG reer galbeed solely so he can use them against his enemies within and outside. He massacred those in jubaland and none of the OG galbeed/nfd generals made noise until he came for their head ( gabyoow). You’re right he shouldn’t put them in hargeysa and hiiraan when he has ceelbarde all the way to baardheere Buaale and afmadow.
Very aware of that situation-I dont want us to complain or take our ball and go home-We will control the game-Everything else is lesson learned.
Where did we become enemies-Dhul iskuma heysano,Hanti iskuma heysano-Few internet dweeps fell for farmajos Probagandha,That makes The whole clan our enemy?-
You seem to have short memory ghe kastuumites ciil ba haye majority of kastumites supported the destruction of JL.
People like you are ghose that will build monuments for aabe Siyaad.
Don’t ever try to destroy natural politics or be controlled by emotions. What can a powerless Cbb do to you other than online support for your enemies?
Dhulbahante make fine soldiers if they see the blue flag and some sort of qabiil connection they will support you and you need to take them under your wings or you can cry about why they sided with farmajo years ago.
Idoor are our business partners we don’t need to make enemies with all of them. HA have been our suppliers since 1600s they made our expansion and raids much better because without supplies it was hard. Some Are great neighbors like the garxajis since the other idoor have sidelined them get them in your side. But what will a hj bring to your table theyre the most beneficiaries of the sl project they need it for protection against the dhulbahante neighbors. If sl is gone from sool the battle will be strictly hj vs dhulbahante no other idoor will come to them.
You know your enemies during when you are hitting bottom rock.
That is when you learn from it.
1000s of absame died liberating jl from AS.
Kastuumites did not sacrife anything and they flocked to JL to exploit opportunities like investment.Then farmajo came and their hyena qualities came up.
As for iidoor its love and hate relationship and darood langaabs should never use this and create animosity between us like msb.

Dhulos hate mj then followed by ogaden yet they love mx and how did msb or farmajo treat them like foot soilders and wasted them.
Why were kastumites sending their youth to die in gheeto fighting ogaden while not liberating SSC?

That is why people call you doqonka ogaden you fail to learn from history.
You create enemies while treat your enemies better than fellow ogadens.

That is the reason we are in this quagmire.


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
You seem to have short memory ghe kastuumites ciil ba haye majority of kastumites supported the destruction of JL.
People like you are ghose that will build monuments for aabe Siyaad.
As far as i know the ones in jubbaland are part of jubbaland armed forces-Very aware of farmajo brainwashing certain darood elements but i still beleive it was small minority youtubera-The overwhelming mijority are busy with everyday life-As for monuments,i have no use for them-
As far as i know the ones in jubbaland are part of jubbaland armed forces-Very aware of farmajo brainwashing certain darood elements but i still beleive it was small minority youtubera-The overwhelming mijority are busy with everyday life-As for monuments,i have no use for them-
Keep beleiving.
Arent you the one that said next president of jubbaland shoulf be mx to bring peace?

I know a kastuumite who hated axmed madoobe and called him axmed dhuxul yet he was investing in farming in gobweyn.
If you are not going to learn from history I guess you are homer simpson.
Keep beleiving.
Arent you the one that said next president of jubbaland shoulf be mx to bring peace?

I know a kastuumite who hated axmed madoobe and called him axmed dhuxul yet he was investing in farming in gobweyn.
If you are not going to learn from history I guess you are homer simpson.

Dhulbahante in Kismaayo, they operate as Harti and come under Harti forces and their Suldaan is the leader of All Harti. Taas ogoow. It's the reer SSC Dhulos that are Farmaajo supporters and I am convinced a lot of it is due to the fact that they are his reer abti not because he's Marehan. Finally, SSC Dhulos don't affect Jubbaland politics, even if they were foolish they are not suicidal. The Dhulbahante that affect your State are not a threat.

I'm Majeerteen and plenty of them sided with Siad Barre over us and plenty of them sided with Farmaajo over us, but we still don't care, waa iska wadana, waa inala dhasheen and we are deris, it's not like we can get rid of each other even if we wanted to.


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
Keep beleiving.
Arent you the one that said next president of jubbaland shoulf be mx to bring peace?

I know a kastuumite who hated axmed madoobe and called him axmed dhuxul yet he was investing in farming in gobweyn.
If you are not going to learn from history I guess you are homer simpson.
I didnt disagree,What you said has some truth-Alot of people got swept up in the fake wadani movement-But even than you are asking me ro throw the baby out with the bath water-People are free to like who they want-Cidna khasbi meyno and i can learn from a bad situation while still keeping my cards close-It is upto you to bring them back into the fold oo ka shub wixi lagu shubay-Dadka soo jiido,Have them see your point of view.
You know your enemies during when you are hitting bottom rock.
That is when you learn from it.
1000s of absame died liberating jl from AS.
Kastuumites did not sacrife anything and they flocked to JL to exploit opportunities like investment.Then farmajo came and their hyena qualities came up.
As for iidoor its love and hate relationship and darood langaabs should never use this and create animosity between us like msb.

Dhulos hate mj then followed by ogaden yet they love mx and how did msb or farmajo treat them like foot soilders and wasted them.
Why were kastumites sending their youth to die in gheeto fighting ogaden while not liberating SSC?

That is why people call you doqonka ogaden you fail to learn from history.
You create enemies while treat your enemies better than fellow ogadens.

That is the reason we are in this quagmire.
I know thousands of OG who were against the jubaland admin maybe we should make them our enemies as well? Dhulbahante Cbb had their views which was a strong central government to put heat on sl at the expense of OG dominated jubaland. we learned a lesson there and we will make sure no dhulbahante ever amounts to anything in jubaland other than being a shacab we will make sure the Mj get the harti share because dhulbahante are not reliable partners to OG when it comes to marexaan or OG.

We can’t just go around and say idoor should take over ssc that doesn’t benefit us at all. Idoor needs to have two strong daarood fronts always and clipping dhulbahante wings will never benefit OG at all.
Dhulbahante in Kismaayo, they operate as Harti and come under Harti forces and their Suldaan is the leader of All Harti. Taas ogoow. It's the reer SSC Dhulos that are Farmaajo supporters and I am convinced a lot of it is due to the fact that they are his reer abti not because he's Marehan. Finally, SSC Dhulos don't affect Jubbaland politics, even if they were foolish they are not suicidal. The Dhulbahante that affect your State are not a threat.

I'm Majeerteen and plenty of them sided with Siad Barre over us and plenty of them sided with Farmaajo over us, but we still don't care, waa iska wadana, waa inala dhasheen and we are deris, it's not like we can get rid of each other even if we wanted to.
Dhulbahante harti were raped and robbed of their property by the reer diini and ceyr militia in kismaayo but some tried to side with the same walaalaha galgadud in the 2013 battle. They forget easily their dakano easy like the OG. Sheikh kululi is doing good but he’s reacting with emotions rather than think his head. They’re not reliable as partners in jubaland and should remain under Mj in the harti coalition of kismaayo.


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
Dhulbahante harti were raped and robbed of their property by the reer diini and ceyr militia in kismaayo but some tried to side with the same walaalaha galgadud in the 2013 battle. They forget easily their dakano easy like the OG. Sheikh kululi is doing good but he’s reacting with emotions rather than think his head. They’re not reliable as partners in jubaland and should remain under Mj in the harti coalition of kismaayo.
As far as i remember in 2013 they were under the harti umbrella led by afgaduud-Harti as a group fought well in those battles-there were 3 different battles and harti fought in all of them-Harti waamo are all in on Jubbaland-there is no going back with that-
Dhulbahante harti were raped and robbed of their property by the reer diini and ceyr militia in kismaayo but some tried to side with the same walaalaha galgadud in the 2013 battle. They forget easily their dakano easy like the OG. Sheikh kululi is doing good but he’s reacting with emotions rather than think his head. They’re not reliable as partners in jubaland and should remain under Mj in the harti coalition of kismaayo.


Is that true, @DalsanJubiland

You'd have to be a special type of stupid to side with the same people that caused harm to your own people.
As far as i remember in 2013 they were under the harti umbrella led by afgaduud-Harti as a group fought well in those battles-there were 3 different battles and harti fought in all of them-Harti waamo are all in on Jubbaland-there is no going back with that-

That's what I've always heard, Dhulbahante Waamo are good and loyal people, plus they are the Harti Sultan family in Waamo. Unfortunately their voices aren't as loud online that's very apparent.
Also guys, guess what? In Waamo, even Leelkasse, Awrtable and Carab Saalax come under the "Harti" umbrella in Jubbaland. Carab Saalax doesn't really count as I see them as Majeerteen/Bah Majeerteen, but you get the point.
None of the Daarood clans in the Jubbas want anything to do with the invaders from Galgaduud when it comes to Kismaayo. That's what I have heard. @DalsanJubiland can corroborate.
In Jubbaland everybody moves as unit-Dhulbhante in waamo are harti-Reer cabdille in waamo are maxamed subeer-So the voice of dhulbhante would be under the harti name.


The truth is that online, most of the Dhulos you see are diasporans whose parents moved from Mogadishu and are mostly Reer SSC. I have never seen a Dhulos online who is Reer Waamood. So unfortunately, the image you get is not a good one when it comes to Jubbaland so I get @Sheikh Kulkuli 's sentiment. Laakiin, in reality, it's far more nuanced than that and I see no threat to Harti + Absame's interests in Jubbaland, at all.


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale

The truth is that online, most of the Dhulos you see are diasporans whose parents moved from Mogadishu and are mostly Reer SSC. I have never seen a Dhulos online who is Reer Waamood. So unfortunately, the image you get is not a good one when it comes to Jubbaland so I get @Sheikh Kulkuli 's sentiment. Laakiin, in reality, it's far more nuanced than that and I see no threat to Harti + Absame's interests in Jubbaland, at all.
I think the idea of farmaajo was too good to pass up-It was suposed to the return of kacaan-The way the masses went crazy for him in the begining along with well put togather youtube+facebook game-They got swept up in that-I remember old dude calling for OG to be exterminated,Now he dispeared from youtube😁
As far as i remember in 2013 they were under the harti umbrella led by afgaduud-Harti as a group fought well in those battles-there were 3 different battles and harti fought in all of them-Harti waamo are all in on Jubbaland-there is no going back with that-
Some group of soldiers over 30 left for gobweyn actually a few days later to join barre hiraale.


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
Some group of soldiers over 30 left for gobweyn actually a few days later to join barre hiraale.
I think that was Allgalgaduud spreading misinfo-They are the original cbb-Every other week the were reporting madoobe ran from the city or harti and mz clashed-They were realy desperate-Finally around 2020 they gave up.


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