Ogadenia/DDS/Somali Galbeed

Whole lot of dreaming in this thread from people who couldn’t make a functional govt in Xamar. There is no such thing of a unified Somali political platform in Ethiopia and there will never be one. It’s every clan for themselves!

If Ethiopia ever balkanizes (very unlikely), my people will join the Republic of SL. The rest of the Somalis there can do whatever they want as it isn’t my concern.
I find ppl with your politics very interesting tbh.. somali people have been doing what you’re currently advocating for .. for decades. With little to show for it. The ”every man for himself” approach hasn’t worked. SL zealots don’t mind selling out the rest of somalis to ETH to get the upperhand, yet their region in Ethio is still poor and underdeveloped. They are not free from foreign rule yet. SL is yet to be recognized, and they are more unlikely today than ever to gain recognition since they’re losing control of more territory and more clans are opting out of their separatist clan project.

The government in Xamar and the one in Hargeysa are just as useless as eachother tbh. Both are incapable of providing essential services to it’s people
well the influence of xabesh in our state will only get worst with time, we see some dhaantos with ethiopian flags waving and some of the locals boasting about being “a proud ethiopian” we even see specifically some ogadens boasting about how they have “3 flags” or sadex calanle yan ahay which is tbh something to be ashamed of..

also ONLF as of i think it was 2018 went from being s freedom fighting group and signed a peace treaty with abiy which also made them a political party in the region, and as we all know the region is under ethiopia which makes them a political party in the somali state of “ethiopia”.. but hich is very sad balentu wuxu aha geeri ama guul wnd i the thousands who died for the cause must be rolling in there graves..

Lastly , i dont believe we need a strong somali state today because that only makes Ethiopia as a whole stronger.. the somali state is the only state in ethiopia today which 100% falls under ethiopia while the rest are fighting… and mustaf cagjar or abdi iley or any person who becomes president of the state will always be a lap dog for whoevers in charge if ethiopia .. we dont pick out ptesidents the xabesh pick whoever suits them best..
you bring up some good points, but you are over estimating it. No locals are boasting about being a proud ethiopian. Maybe a few planted leaders but thats it. I have however seen that alarming trend of some og being happy about 3 flags. But only seen this a little bit and it is a minority view. Most people in those areas which include the OG still view themselves as somali and are absolutely not happy about the situation. But what can a person do alone?
It was a massive mistake for onlf to drop arms, what they should do is immeditely rebrand to the WSLF (west somali liberation front) but one important thing is to avoid the things going on in other regions. As you can see they have been decimated by war, rebels versus endf. Luckily somali areas are saved from the raw meat gen*cidal shenanigans which has allowed the region to develop very well. At the cost of extended ethiopian influence. So what can we do, combat ethiopian influence while trying to maintain the level development we have. So one that can be done is by having a better leader, of course this is going to be tightly controlled but I sitll think it can be done. Im not sure how elections work though. Looking at the presidents history they cycle thru and pretty sure each is a puppet.

Also when I said strong state, I actually meant like Somalia as a strong state to support us. In fact if you check history, its only until 1990+ when ethiopia started to look at somali region, before that they couldnt even tax it all to well. Youre right about them being lapdogs and stuff
My lands will not be involved in either bud. The rest of you can do as you please

The world knows the de fact truth. My people will be ruled by Hargeisa in the scenario you suggested and SL forces will be stationed in the villages & districts to protect it from other Somalis who wish them harm.

The current president is an Oromo and Ethiopian forces are in Gedo & Raxanweyn regions of your Somalia maybe attempt to free them first and fight Shabaab as well.

WSLF (predecessor of ONLF) were terrorists. SNM used to battle them after they were massacring Isaaq civilians in Ethiopia. May Allah curse those criminals.

If the WSLF are t*rrorists, what are the SNM? The former was more justified in picking up arms, has a better humanrights record etc.
If the WSLF are t*rrorists, what are the SNM? The former was more justified in picking up arms, has a better humanrights record etc.
Hey bro dont bother with trolls they just waste your energy and make divisions
your absolutely right, the main question tho is what csn make a unified/strong somali state.. it definitely isnt having a strong “president”(puppet) or anything political but i believe it is having a strong somali urur/freedom figthing group similar to onlf but instead more lenient on Somali and less ogaden .. i believe that will trigger major avalanches in the horn of africa.. the question who will start it.. its a pity seeing all this somalis on social media especially from the region speaking nonsense and division
I have a feeling that this time is coming soon within the next couple of years. Things are starting to move, and the progression galbeed ogaden dds will follow that of somalia. The things lost in the past 30 years of stagnation can easily be returned to the rightful indigenous people. Wlhi social media is non sense aswell only the loudest idiots talk. They are very few people that are happy with ethiopia. You can even deal with them and most of the time their confused or larpers.
Like i said in another post, we have too many traitors who work with xabashi and oromo ( all of them are dir’s) if the Somali region don’t take action against them Ogaden will never be free until yomul qiyama!
Why make this about qabil? What are the traitors working with xabash u cant balme on qabil just look at the useless president who collaborates with ethiopians and smiles ear to ear when he talks about ethiopia.
The only way for Galbeed to be free is for a strong Somali state to rise up again. Thankfully Ethiopia is inherently too dysfunctional and has essentially become the African Myanmar at this point so that will give Somalia enough time to develop and stablize.