Ohio State: How We Failed Abdul Razak Ali Artan

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I got boomer connections
I read he was in a govt refugee program where he doesn't pay back a cent of tuition. Does that apply for everyone in post secondary (excluding those with high GPAs)?

I have never heard of such program, I believe anyone must pay back federal financial aid regardless of status. If you mean federal grants, you don't have to pay back federal grants but they don't cover tuition but only used to buy books and all low income families qualify for federal grants not refugee program lol media bias.

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
I've always stood up to the ones who talked about our religion. I'm guessing your hatred for women and Islam is blinding you from that. No Allah swt fearing Muslim will go in a killing spree.if you support that then you're like him. I reported you for your terrorist behavior.

You would know about getting triggered right, you blood thirsty terrorist.
Make me understand something OK.?

SO, you report me for wishing a dead Muslim brother Jannah..?

And the only thing you do when atheists insult Islam,Allah and the prophet is only stand up to them...and not report them...?
He died as a Muslim he didn't commit kufr nor shirk...

I said I hope Allah forgives my Muslim brother...what's wrong with that...

And you come and quote me for wishing a dead Muslim brother jannah..?

When was it harm to wish a dead Muslim brother jannah...?

The punishment for murder is hell

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
I've always stood up to the ones who talked about our religion. I'm guessing your hatred for women and Islam is blinding you from that. No Allah swt fearing Muslim will go in a killing spree.if you support that then you're like him. I reported you for your terrorist behavior.

You would know about getting triggered right, you blood thirsty terrorist.
And when did I say I hate women...?

Damn!! thanks for the laugh Wallahi...:chrisfreshhah:
The terrorist was very ungrateful to the West. He lived in Pakistan among his "people" and look at how they treat Somalis there.

Excerpts from an article from Pakistan in 2011

ISLAMABAD: Hundreds of Somali refugees, mainly women and children, assembled in front of Social and Assistance Centre (SACH) in Islamabad on Thursday and protested against what they described as injustice, deliberate negligence, and discrimination against them.

“Our needs of protection, education, healthcare and asylum are still unresolved,” they said through their placards.

They said they want basic education, vocational training, and access to adequate health facilities, financial assistance, enough protection and resettlement.

Most Somali refugees interviewed said their lives in Pakistan were not good. A mother of three, asking not to be named, said, “All of my children were born here. But I have nothing to feed them. I do not have enough support and can’t even go back.”


Gaalkacyo Gangster
The terrorist was very ungrateful to the West. He lived in Pakistan among his "people" and look at how they treat Somalis there.

Excerpts from an article from Pakistan in 2011
Pakistan is a third world country. The have millions of their own citizens that they can't take care of properly. For that reason Somalis are low on the list. I'm not saying it's paradise for Somalis, but for you to smear all Pakistanis are racist is incredibly dishonest.

Here's an article about Somalis in Pakistan: http://herald.dawn.com/news/1153225

Here are some of the comments:

Pakistan is a welcoming country, we're not racist.

Somalis are nice people and we don't mind them here. This is proof to those Leftists and Afghan hyper-nationalists who think we're "inhospitable" or that we don't like refugees. We welcome refugees and migrants. Pakistan is a country partly built by immigrants but we don't stand people who hate our country, our people(s), our way of life and histories on our own soil or who scheme against the country or plan to create some "Loya whatever". Otherwise we're chill people and welcome everybody of every shade and hue.


Somalis are doing something productive in Pakistan as refugees as getting education while the Afghans are involved in terror activities.


I have many friends from Somalia who studied with me in IIU Islamabad. All of them consider Pakistan as their second homeland and have always been thankful for the respect and hospitality they recieved here in Pakistan during their stay.


Why aren't refugees allowed to go to school or college? If this is a standard practice it's quite messed up and needs to change immediately; the poor people already have so many troubles can't have them near schools and colleges and not go there, that is just plain mean.


Hope more Somalis are welcomed to Pakistan. Somalis are very similar to Pakistanis by nature. They should be given food, shelter and education free of cost by Pakistan government. They are also great soldiers. They should be allowed to marry Pakistanis and stay in Pakistan, this way better bond will grow.


Finland has the largest Somali minority and they are very nice people. Even in Karachi, I met many Somalis, they are humble and nice people and of course in Islam they are our brothers. They are living peacefully in Pakistan and are not involved in mischief practices.


Just give them Pakistani citizenship and encourage them in soccer. One day we may see Somali-Pakistani's in our national soccer team


@Atif Khan I agree with you 100% they are a strong and brave people, to the ones who want it Pakistan citizenship should be given so that they can work, study and make a living.


I moved to G-10 in 2005. On my very first day I ventured out into the market looking for a CD to rent and ended up in ‘Mini Somalia’. I had no idea about the Somali (and also Sudanese) presence in G-10. All the shops in that small market were owned by Somalis/Sudanese. I hesitantly walked into the only video store with 4 Somali guys inside. I asked (in English) if they have Bollywood movies and they said no only Afrikaans. I came out flustered having no idea how I suddenly ended up in Africa :) Later I worked for several years and in East, West and Horn of Africa and came across several Somalis. Amongst their compatriots they are no doubt the smartest. I hope peace returns to Somalia and no-body ever have to leave their country and go through what they have been going through..

Some of the comments are negative but that vast majority are positive. Stop making it sound like they're treated like crap in Pakistan.:bell:
The point of my post is that he's an ungrateful traitor to the people who treated him better than their own US citizens like the homeless. No more Somali refugees. Leave them to be under the mercy of the Pakistanis and Saudis and the Libyans and the rest who mistreat them and treat them like dogs. 30 years of this traitorous behavior and the West still bring them in. Disgusting. People from their own faith treat them badly but they want to do this to America that gave them a second chance at life.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
The point of my post is that he's an ungrateful traitor to the people who treated him better than their own US citizens like the homeless. No more Somali refugees. Leave them to be under the mercy of the Pakistanis and Saudis and the Libyans and the rest who mistreat them and treat them like dogs. 30 years of this traitorous behavior and the West still bring them in. Disgusting. People from their own faith treat them badly but they want to do this to America that gave them a second chance at life.
Pakistanis don't treat them like dogs, that was the point of my post.
Those people are British. We're talking about Pakistan. Nice try though.


You should be very ashamed of yourself by spreading your lies. Everyone and their pet knows how racist they are to Africans.


Gaalkacyo Gangster

View attachment 9788

You should be very ashamed of yourself by spreading your lies. Everyone and their pet knows how racist they are to Africans.
"Original video by Tarek Fateh":trash:

You should be very ashamed of yourself by spreading your lies, and the lies of a man who insults Somalia and Somalis at every turn, even when we have nothing to do with the conversation at hand.
"Original video by Tarek Fateh":trash:

You should be very ashamed of yourself by spreading your lies, and the lies of a man who insults Somalia and Somalis at every turn, even when we have nothing to do with the conversation at hand.

You're shameless. The Siddi people in Pakistan experience racism and discrimination you can't even imagine.

Now going back to that other shameless person: the refugee terrorist. Kick his family out as they are responsible for raising a terrorist.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
You're shameless. The Siddi people in Pakistan experience racism and discrimination you can't even imagine.

Now going back to that other shameless person: the refugee terrorist. Kick his family out as they are responsible for raising a terrorist.
You're shameless. Lots of Somali people in America experience racism and discrimination that you can even imagine.

Then came the rumors. In a December Facebook post shared more than 3,000 times, a woman chronicled the infuriating account of a Muslim cashier at a St. Cloud Walmart who refused to check out a Christian customer unless she removed her cross necklace. A manager allegedly doubled down on the cashier's demand.

Battling responses vacillated from dismay to skepticism to charged calls to mobilize a militia. "I find it funny how all I hear is we are supposed to accept and be tolerant of these fucking people when they can just shit all over us?????" one commenter wrote. "Time to lock and load and defend what's ours."

Days later, the St. Cloud Times published a fact check: both Walmarts in the city denied the incident ever happened. There were no eyewitnesses, and nothing on security cameras. The author of the rumor could not produce a name for her persecuted heroine. The original post was removed.

Take the young man who posted a selfie of his bruised face on Facebook in August. "Samolians got me good an they robbed me fuckin pussy ass mother fuckers," he wrote.

The man's parent echoed the post, lamenting, "We live in Minnesota where there are so many somalions it's almost like being in Afghanistan...It's time to start fighting back. If your in mn and you read this and feel the same way then messege me and let's get together and do something about these guys."

An army mobilized on social media for "hunting season." Men and women across St. Cloud vowed to posse up with pistols, stomp their Somali neighbors down, and "sink them in the river. "

Then police spoke to the man behind the Facebook claims. He admitted that he'd been pissed off and drunk and that he didn't want to talk about it anymore, Anderson says. He'd indeed been whooped by someone, but Somalis weren't to blame.

You're shameless. Lots of Somali people in America experience racism and discrimination that you can even imagine.

What they experience is an not even an iota of what the Somalis in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and Libya and their "brother" countries face. Such a dishonest and ungrateful person you and that dead terrorist are.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
What they experience is an not even an iota of what the Somalis in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and Libya and their "brother" countries face. Such a dishonest and ungrateful person you and that dead terrorist are.
Prove to me that Somalis experience way more racism in Pakistan than in America. And if you could do it without calling me names that'd be great.

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
I hope they watch this thread carefully :damnmusic: All the suspected terrorist sympathizers in here :bell: I hope they track down and waterboard the idiots defending this loser and the thread creator.:kodaksmiley: Losers.
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