🌊🐫𐒅𐒔𐒖𐒂 𐒅𐒘𐒐𐒐𐒗𐒇🇸🇴🪽
I’ve asked this question so many times on this forum but received no responses. Why didn’t Somalia start extracting oil during the early 1960s? Or even during the kacaan era? You know how much our fate would’ve changed. Oil exploration started in the early 1950s along with many other Arab nations. And our rocks were said to have resembled that of oil rich Yemen and they had high potential too! So why is it that, every single other country that was able to export oil did except us? It’s so bizarre. Libya Algeria Egypt Sudan Yemen . Literally how did we miss our chance! Even during the kacaan era, we received some oil technology from Sadaam (Iraq) but why couldn’t we negotiate with other communist powers like the Soviet’s. The Soviet’s complained we weren’t transitioning/integrating our economy as they liked, were they referring to the lack of oil extraction? Other poor sub Saharan nations communist or not had the ability. And there was no civil war issues/dangerous climate with extraction. So why the hell did it take us until the Reagan admin in the damn 1980s to sign PSA. (Production sharing agreements) and how was there no oil drilling attempted or extraction for over a decade. It doesn’t take that long even with the old technology. It just makes me think how much stronger and richer we would’ve been. Our fortunes could’ve changed in the Ogaden war if we had an oil agreement. With the Soviet’s we would’ve had a larger military. Taken Harar and dug in the mountains and the US would’ve eventually recognised our claims. Even if we still lost the Ogaden war. We wouldn’t be reliant on US aid for arms so the isaaq issue would’ve been easily dealt with preventing our collapse. Like wtf we were just exporting fish licenses and bananas . Were we that economically illiterate? I even read somewhere on this thread that the Saudis didn’t want us to extract it so gave us free oil for a certain period of time on that condition. Just unforgivable to know that our most productive natural resource at the time wasn’t utilised but instead was a wild card/ bargaining chip we wasted. someone please reply and let me know what you think, cuz we’re the largest untapped oil frontier in THE WORLD. and if we had extracted while we were a peaceful democratic or even communist nation, I’m confident our country would’ve looked a lot different from now. And not in a worse way.
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