Old age, are you content with it ? it is inevitable unless you die young

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ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
Okay, but it's still troubling that you took the words of a grieving person to mean that she further proved your point.
Your soul is not yours to take. you don't decide if you wanna die. that's why suicide is haraam in Islaam, it doesn't help take the misery away but causes more misery.
As a muslim suicide is off the table.
You're running away from a world that you thought was worse only to be trapped in another that YOU WILL NEVER LEAVE.

Lil Resse

i get the heroic suicide as in saving people from a fire an shit but the "i cant take anymore cause ma life sucks" suicide is for made s and cowards... people that live under 2$ a day don't even kill themselves and are actually content and yet made niggas that have everything a family, food, a crib are the one that be killin themselves... No wonder the suicide rate is so high among 1st world countries people just don't appreciate for what they have. people now live better then kings 200 years ago but yet so miserable. fuckin pathetic
i get the heroic suicide as in saving people from a fire an shit but the "i cant take anymore cause ma life sucks" suicide is for made s and cowards... people that live under 2$ a day don't even kill themselves and are actually content and yet made niggas that have everything a family, food, a crib are the one that be killin themselves... No wonder the suicide rate is so high among 1st world countries people just don't appreciate for what they have. people now live better then kings 200 years ago but yet so miserable. fuckin pathetic
I think that's backward and dangerous attitude to have, but I can't educate you through a forum (nor do I have any duty to do so, you're let down by the education system of wherever you live).

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
I think that's backward and dangerous attitude to have, but I can't educate you through a forum (nor do I have any duty to do so, you're let down by the education system of wherever you live).
Don't let down your Hooyo, wherever you are.:umad:
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