I remembered how some verses were talking about trasparent skin of the xuur al-cayn and bone marrow, so i was looking it up, and half of the interpretations talk about fairness (كأنهن اللؤلؤ الأبيض الرطب الصافي البهي, al-sacdii) and the other half talk about the "colour is the best of colours" (الذي يكون لونه من أحسن الألوان, also al-sacdii)
Then i see a quote from sheekh ibn cuthaymiin saying the women of the dunya are better??
So everyone here is wasting their time with discussing marrying white naag and jannah snowbunnies
Then i see a quote from sheekh ibn cuthaymiin saying the women of the dunya are better??
Then i looked up the quote and i found an answer on IslamQA about a guy preoccupied with if xuur al-cayn is really better than dumar of dunyaسئل الشيخ ابن عثيمين: هل الأوصاف التي ذكرت للحور العين تشمل نساء الدنيا؟ فأجاب: الذي يظهر لي أن نساء الدنيا يكنَّ خيراً من الحور العين، حتى في الصفات الظاهرة، والله أعلم.
Translated: A Muslim should occupy his mind with matters that will benefit him and that will bring him benefit in religion and in this world, because not all knowledge and information is beneficial to a person.ينبغي للمسلم أن يشغل فكره فيما ينفعه من المسائل ، وما يرجع عليه بالفائدة في الدين والدنيا ، لأنه ليس كل العلوم والمعلومات مفيدة للإنسان
So everyone here is wasting their time with discussing marrying white naag and jannah snowbunnies