Oman's Alternative Approach to City Planning: Harmonizing Urban Development with Nature

The truth seeker

Get Rich or Die Tryin'
I love how Oman keeps its local culture instead of being a plastic city like Dubai or Las Vegas

Saudi Arabia’s absurd 1 trillion dollar “line ”has completely failed every architect in the world was laughing they really want to be the next UAE 😂
Whispers rise where shadows reign,
Hope ignites to break the chain.

Breaking the chain of oppression has to start somewhere. start a grass-roots movement on tiktok that informs youth about corruption back home.
No, the youth is too deluded by qabil; let's be honest, we need a thoracic leader who brings in progress with force. It's been 30 years with no change, and we can't keep continuing like this.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Always been impressed by Omanis. Regret I didn't visit while one of my habos was a Somali ambassador there. Could've enjoyed her big villa and diplomatic immunity for speeding, kekekeke. Kidding on that last part!

But yeah, they're pretty much the only Khaleej state, if I'm not mistaken, where you'll find Omanis doing pretty much every job imaginable. Taxi drivers, waiters, cleaning staff... I even knew an Omani young lady years ago who was a hotel receptionist. Omanization was taken very seriously by them back in the day; basically doing away with dependency on foreign labor and making Omanis run every facet of their own economy and not be used to government jobs and financial support.
I saw clips of Oman and it looks like a well managed Somali city.


If you showed me these two pictures and told me it was some random Somali city I’d 100% believe it 😭 Oman is a very beautiful country, good for them mashallah


♚Sargon of Adal♚
No, the youth is too deluded by qabil; let's be honest, we need a thoracic leader who brings in progress with force. It's been 30 years with no change, and we can't keep continuing like this.
Amongst the Dir, all my friends found about their qabils in their late teens, I doubt the youth in the west have been corrupted to such a degree, what Somalia needs is a youth revolution from the ground up, from all walks of life united in a common goal to get rid of these cancers.


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