Omar hit a slave woman with a stick for putting on Hijab and would not allow any slave woman to put it on.


Forza Somalia!
Authetic hadith by Anas

Anas ibn Malik, who said: “The slave women of ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) used to serve us bare-headed, with their hair coming down to their breasts.”

Another hadith of Anas

Malik related to me that he heard that Umar ibn al-Khattab saw a female slave belonging to Abdullah ibn Umar ibn al-Khattab. She was dressed like free (non-slave) women. He went to his daughter Hafsa and said, "Didn't I see your brother's slave-girl dressed like a free (non-slave) woman walking among the people and causing trouble?" Umar disapproved of that.


Narrated Abd Al-A’laa from Mo’ammar from Al-Zuhri from Anas. (Al-Albani: I say: This chain is Authentic, if Al-Zuhri heard it from Anas) Narrated Alee Ibn Mos’har from Al-Mokhtar Ibn Folfol from Anas Ibn Malik who said: A slave girl of Muhajirin or Ansaar came to Umar wearing Jilbab (complete Hijab), he said: "Have you been freed?" She said: “No!” He said: “Put it off your head!” Jilbab is for the freed women. So she hesitated, so he got up to her with the whip (Darrah), and he hit her on the head, until she threw it.
Al-Albani: I say: This this is Saheeh 'Authentic' by the criteria of Muslim.


Forza Somalia!
Omar was always a harsh and hasty in doing what he thought to be right. This hijab for free women and non hijab for enslaved was a costume from that era, and it didn't become mandatory at the start of Islam. So to him and costumes a slave woman should wear a hijab. I hated this aspect of his character, spontaneous and do what he thinks is right with his hand. Reer magaal ma'aheen.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Was he doing this during jahilliya or post jahilliya?
Omar was always a harsh and hasty in doing what he thought to be right. This hijab for free women and non hijab for enslaved was a costume from that era, and it didn't become mandatory at the start of Islam. So to him and costumes a slave woman should wear a hijab. I hated this aspect of his character, spontaneous and do what he thinks is right with his hand. Reer magaal ma'aheen.
Hijab exists because of Omar I think he was stalking the prophets wife
I think one big shock to me regarding islam was finding out muslim female slaves weren’t required to wear hijab, their awrah is only between their navel and knees

that alone put things into perspective since ppl nowadays act like women not being dressed in ’correct’ hijab has a destabilizing effect on society when in reality in most muslim societies women were not even that covered since they had alot of female slaves and free gaalo women running around


Not affiliated with HAG, puntland1st, CBB, MBB, SL
I think one big shock to me regarding islam was finding out muslim female slaves weren’t required to wear hijab, their awrah is only between their navel and knees

that alone put things into perspective since ppl nowadays act like women not being dressed in ’correct’ hijab has a destabilizing effect on society when in reality in most muslim societies women were not even that covered since they had alot of female slaves and free gaalo women running around
Yep hijab is not an honour marker it’s a class one.
Wax keen. Write down your sources.
Sahih al-Bukhari 146

The wives of the Prophet (ﷺ) used to go to Al-Manasi, a vast open place (near Baqi` at Medina) to answer the call of nature at night. `Umar used to say to the Prophet (ﷺ) "Let your wives be veiled," but Allah's Apostle did not do so. One night Sauda bint Zam`a the wife of the Prophet (ﷺ) went out at `Isha' time and she was a tall lady. `Umar addressed her and said, "I have recognized you, O Sauda." He said so, as he desired eagerly that the verses of Al-Hijab (the observing of veils by the Muslim women) may be revealed. So Allah revealed the verses of "Al-Hijab" (A complete body cover excluding the eyes).

Umar wanted women to cover up the prophet ignored his request several times Umar starts harassing Sauda during night when she went out to use the bathroom Sauda goes to Muhammad embarrassed that’s when Allah finally decides to release the hijab verse
Alhamdulilah for hijab.

Men do NOT deserve to feast on the beauty of women. It's very empowering depriving of that privilege.

Lately, I see more and more non-Muslim women purposefully styling themselves to repel men/modest dress and otherwise decenter this farce of dressing attractively outside.


Quite the Islamist.
Umar wanted women to cover up the prophet ignored his request several times Umar starts harassing Sauda during night when she went out to use the bathroom Sauda goes to Muhammad embarrassed that’s when Allah finally decides to release the hijab verse

No you filth. How did extrapolate this from the hadith..him recognizing sauda and suggesting hijab to the prophet (saw) to protect them from others gazing = harassing Sauda????

The verses of Hijab came down specifically after Zainab bint jahsh's marriage. Sahabas won't leave her household after the walima and the prophet (saw)was too shy to ask..sahih muslim 1428

Anas b. Malik (Allah be pleased with him) reported: I was the best informed among the people pertaining to Hijab (veil and seclusion). Ubayy b. Ka'b used to ask me about it. Anas (Allah be pleased with him) thus narrated: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ got up in the morning as a bridegroom of Zainab bint jahsh (Allah be pleased witt her) as he had married her at Medina. He invited people to the wedding feast after the day had well risen. There sat Allah's Messenger ﷺ and there kept sitting along with him some persons after the people had stood up (for departure) ; then Allah's Messenger ﷺ stood up and walked on and I also walked along with him until he reached the door of the apartment of 'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her). He then thought that they (those who had been sitting there after meal) had gone away. So he returned and I also returned with him, but they were still sitting at their places. So he returned for the second time and I also returned until he reached the apartment of 'A'isha. He again returned and I also returned and they had (by that time) stood up, and he hung a curtain between me and him (at the door of the apartment of Hadrat Zainab, where he had to stay), and Allah revealed the verse pertaining to veil.
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ignore pretty little liars GIF
Imagine making a thread to insult Omar ibn al khatab, Omar was already promised jannah so he is secure from you and you bringing up things to criticize him won't change anything. He gave everything up for the ummah to the point he didn't have much to give to his kids when he died.
Imagine making a thread to insult Omar ibn al khatab, Omar was already promised jannah so he is secure from you and you bringing up things to criticize him won't change anything. He gave everything up for the ummah to the point he didn't have much to give to his kids when he died.
how can he be promised jannah when the prophet himself wasn't promised jannah?
Omar was always a harsh and hasty in doing what he thought to be right. This hijab for free women and non hijab for enslaved was a costume from that era, and it didn't become mandatory at the start of Islam. So to him and costumes a slave woman should wear a hijab. I hated this aspect of his character, spontaneous and do what he thinks is right with his hand. Reer magaal ma'aheen.

First, how authentic the hadith is?

Second, Islam came in stages. The companions (ra) of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah (swt)) followed each command in Holy Quran as they were revealed in stages. Were the verses freeing men, women, and children in bondage as soon as they accepted Islam revealed at that time? Context matters here.

Was the "slave" woman a Muslim at the time? My understanding is once a "slave" woman accepted Islam, she was automatically freed from bondage.

We need the full details without throwing in some charges and claims.

In conclusion, Islamic jurisprudence takes time and effort. It is not something that can be debated in a thread in a forum. If you're after the topic of slavery and how Islam approached, you will need to reach out to a learned Islamic scholar who can put all of the ayats in the Quran and ahadith on the topic and then follow one of the madhabs in Sunni Islam + Saydi Shia and deduce the topic for you.


Forza Somalia!
First, how authentic the hadith is?

Second, Islam came in stages. The companions (ra) of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah (swt)) followed each command in Holy Quran as they were revealed in stages. Were the verses freeing men, women, and children in bondage as soon as they accepted Islam revealed at that time? Context matters here.

Was the "slave" woman a Muslim at the time? My understanding is once a "slave" woman accepted Islam, she was automatically freed from bondage.

We need the full details without throwing in some charges and claims.

In conclusion, Islamic jurisprudence takes time and effort. It is not something that can be debated in a thread in a forum. If you're after the topic of slavery and how Islam approached, you will need to reach out to a learned Islamic scholar who can put all of the ayats in the Quran and ahadith on the topic and then follow one of the madhabs in Sunni Islam + Saydi Shia and deduce the topic for you.
Hadith from 1- Anas bin Malik, 2- in Sahih, 3- verified by Al-Albani.
She was Muslimah, and once you become Muslim doesn't make you free, even after Islam in centuries, Muslim women who were enslaved were bought and sold and gave birth to children who were considered slaves, unless the children were from her master.

Beside that, this is not about fiqh, fiqh was a thing in the days of Omar, he was just acting hastily with what he thought right, Hijab being for free woman and enslaved women unveiling.
Hadith from 1- Anas bin Malik, 2- in Sahih, 3- verified by Al-Albani.
She was Muslimah, and once you become Muslim doesn't make you free, even after Islam in centuries, Muslim women who were enslaved were bought and sold and gave birth to children who were considered slaves, unless the children were from her master.

Beside that, this is not about fiqh, fiqh was a thing in the days of Omar, he was just acting hastily with what he thought right, Hijab being for free woman and enslaved women unveiling.
You can not be born into slavery in islam.. where did you get that from? All humans are born free