Omar del Podcast- Response to Allegations

Omar del Sur

I feel famous. Super mega feminist user @π’π’šπ’’π’‚π’˜π’‚π’— π’Žπ’šπ’—π’—π’’ made a couple threads about me, fi sabi feminism as it usually is with her. this user has been hostile to me and pushing racist hostility towards me for years.


so here she is openly attacking me in defence of feminism and attacking me for not being a supporter of feminism. now she tries to pretend her problem with me isn't because of feminism and tries to wrap her feminist agenda in a nationalist package. (it seems in her view, being a true nationalist means being an attack dog for the feminists of your culture and that you attack who feminists don't like).

it isn't popular to openly identify as a feminist so this radical man-hater wants to push her feminism compare-men-to-dogs agenda without being associated with the term


in fact, this user is so hardcore she seems to want to change Islamic texts to make them better fit with her feminist ideology.

Does Islam condone extreme segregation of genders, or did Arab culture seep into islamic texts. Because someone convince me, how extreme gender segregation is healthy for society.

This is exactly how I view some of these controversial islamic texts, someone who is religious, but clearly harbours certain views or ways of expressing themself which are offensive.

here she tries to get people to reject a hadith from saheeh Muslim because the hadith doesn't suit her feminist sensibilities



in the field of hadith, she has contributed her revolutionary accept-or-reject-hadith-based-on-whether-they-suit-your-desires approach.

in the field of fiqh, she seems to have arrived at the little-known fiqh viewpoint that if a Muslim would rather stick to Islam and doesn't follow kaffir feminist ideology, then it's okay to be hostile towards them and promote hostile racism against them (and btw both of these posts are from years ago)

As Muslims we are told that charity starts at home. Last time I checked, Somalia is nowhere near Spain or Latin America. "Help" your own people with your special messages.

You need to peddle your thoughts to your fellow Mexicans instead of trying to force it onto us.

posting my thoughts is forcing them according to her it seems... really I think she's worried others might agree with some of those thoughts, bcuz a lot of us believe in Islam rather than the kaffir feminist ideology she's dedicated herself to
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Omar del Sur

Guys just stop this is all my fault :snoop:

I never made a thread about them. But this user made two threads about me. and for years they were hostile towards me while I was peaceful and even tried to be friendly towards them. but it's like I said in the "podcast" (I put podcast in quotes cuz it isn't actually as long as a podcast)- they're aggressive towards anyone who doesn't share their feminist ideology


Or did I merely repost what you wrote?

You are quite sad aren't you? Everyone can see that my issue with you lies with the fact that you insulted Somalia, threatened it, and bragged about Cuba jumping Somalia in 1978. In addition, you were on this forum, hoping for Latin American countries to rule the world, bearing in mind, that Latin American countries are Catholic.

Spare us the bullshit.

You can spam the forum all you want, everyone sees what you are.



Entitled uppity East African


Or did I merely repost what you wrote?

You are quite sad aren't you? Everyone can see that my issue with you lies with the fact that you insulted Somalia, threatened it, and bragged about Cuba jumping Somalia in 1978. In addition, you were on this forum, hoping for Latin American countries to rule the world, bearing in mind, that Latin American countries are Catholic.

Spare us the bullshit.

You can spam the forum all you want, everyone sees what you are.

View attachment 343919
Be nice guys πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’” I’m sorry I don’t like fighting

Omar del Sur

you were on this forum, hoping for Latin American countries to rule the world, bearing in mind, that Latin American countries are Catholic.

I don't wish for Mexico to rule the world. I would like Latin countries to be more influential compared to western countries because I think Latin countries are morally superior to the west. most latin countries are pro Palestine.

also I don't Catholics to be ruling the world or something. I want the region to become Muslim.
I don't wish for Mexico to rule the world. I would like Latin countries to be more influential compared to western countries because I think Latin countries are morally superior to the west. most latin countries are pro Palestine.

also I don't Catholics to be ruling the world or something. I want the region to become Muslim.

What kind of Muslim man brags about a random Latino country attacking a Muslim country, and then doubles down, and calls for worldwide Latino supremacy. You are a hypocrite, whose fake 'Islam first' personality has been exposed, by himself.

Be mad at yourself.


Entitled uppity East African
I don't wish for Mexico to rule the world. I would like Latin countries to be more influential compared to western countries because I think Latin countries are morally superior to the west. most latin countries are pro Palestine.

also I don't Catholics to be ruling the world or something. I want the region to become Muslim.
Say sorry for what you said about Cuba and 1977 πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”

Omar del Sur

I will not be nice to a Latino supremacist that insulted Somalia sis.

I am in no way and not remotely a "Latin supremacist". I'm not even aware of such an ideology existing.

as for your claim I insulted Somalia- I did make an insensitive remark about the Ogaden which I already apologized for. but as I showed in OP, you've been hostile to me for years so it isn't actually about anything I said recently.
my post was meant against the feminists in question, not Somalia

Anyone with a lick of sense can see that your post, is filled with hostility and threats to all Somalis. You are a coward who is trying to backtrack, but like I said before, your mask slipped and we can see the horns lurking behind it.

1. "Your khawarij are boyscouts compared to ours"
2. "What our cousins were able to do in Ogaden"

3. "We are a rising power"


Omar del Sur

What kind of Muslim man brags about a random Latino country attacking a Muslim country, and then doubles down, and calls for worldwide Latino supremacy. You are a hypocrite, whose fake 'Islam first' personality has been exposed, by himself.

Be mad at yourself.

"calls for worldwide Latino supremacy". quit making things up. I have never called for that and that is not my ideology.
I apologize for my insensitive remarks about the Ogaden and may Allah bless each and every Somali mujahid who fought in that war. amΔ«n. may Allah hasten in returning the Ogaden to Somalia, as well as the Somali land in Kenya. amΔ«n.

Leave the forum, that's the only acceptable apology for your disgusting comment.

'You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time"


Listen spic, you think you are going to navigate freely in a Somali forum without being reminded of the disrespectful post you made about the Ogaden war shaheeds? You’ve gotten too comfortable in our spaces and feel too comfortable coming after Somali women. I will keep reminding you of the post you made

