Al Dhoobe
Dr. Dhoobe
I don't really think there are any differences between Somalis regardless of location. I blame living in huge cities where impoverished refugees have absolutely no chance to get out of the hood.
When the median home value is half a mill in Toronto, let alone a place like London, people are gonna be stuck in shitty neighborhoods where your kids will inevitably turn into their neighbors.
I'm not gonna lie, too many Somalis here who can easily afford to move out decide to stay put to save a couple bucks while their kids become adoon. You'll see islaamo pushing 2016 camrys living in subsidized housing.
Sxb somalis don't understand the housing system in the west. Nobody has half a mill in the bank for a house. Housing in Canada and London is more expensive then many places in the states. Therefore a house here is an investment as opposed to a "home". You put down 30k one time, then you live there and pay until property value increases and you get a high ROI(return on investment), then you flip your property and it's on to the next one. If you do this while your kids are growing, it keeps them out of the hood until you want to settle down and pay off a mortgage