One of the most celebrated Oromo singers/musicians is actually Somali

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I'm proud of who I am. But don't misrepresent me. Half of my family is from Somaliland/Somalia proper, the rest live at or around the Ethiopian border so pretty much an extension.:ufdup:
I don't know how you can say that with a straight face. Living on the border of ethiopia is already a red flag. :fittytousand:

I think you should take a dna test to be 100% sure. :siilaanyolaugh:
Hope you don't find some bantu stuff in there, that would be a tragedy. :dead:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
First you oppress my ancestors with the shackles of servitude, then you threaten me-a lady-with violence, ya bani samaale you never cease to amaze my with your savage ways

If it were up to these boys all the ladies here would be a part of some Harem, if they could get away with it.:yacadiim:Why do you think they eroticize plural marriage, so much?


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I don't know how you can say that with a straight face. Living on the border of ethiopia is already a red flag.

I think you should take a dna test to be 100% sure. :siilaanyolaugh:
Hope you don't find some bantu stuff in there, that would be a tragedy. :dead:
:fittytousand: Negro, You're deep into Ethiopia. Why don't you buy yourself a Kente cloth. You're a jump hop and a skip away closer to Lago compared me. Even if it is 7000 km away from your residence.

In all seriousness, what you're saying makes zero sense. Even Ethio-Somalis look different autosmally than most Oromos. To the point a heavily Oromo or Habeshi admixed one would stand out. That's what you call an outlier.
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:nahgirl: Since when did this place become Oromo spot?

If you have over 1% omotic you are exotic aka non-Somali.


Since most “guys” here are pretentious Somali “eugenicists” by demanding a Somali have to be a “pure Somali”, the one drop rule applies here. Let me put in another way, the toughest person to deal with is adeer Jaamac with a degree. Let the brother be Oromo, he finds love and acceptance there. Let him go.
:fittytousand: Negro, You're deep into Ethiopia. Why don't you buy yourself a Kente cloth. You're a jump hop and a skip away closer to Lago compared me. Even if it is 7000 km away from your residence.
None of my family members have been close to even the borders of ethiopia. My mothers family side came from kismayo and have lived there for years and my fathers family is from laascaanood.

Even tho laascaanood is the one that is close to ehiopia, when it comes to it and kismayo. But my father family never mixes with other clans, let alone some people from ethiopia. It was only my father who broke this family rule, when he married my mother in kismayo.:gaasdrink:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
None of my family members have been close to even the borders of ethiopia. My mothers family side came from kismayo and have lived there for years and my fathers family is from laascaanood.

Even tho laascaanood is the one that is close to ehiopia, when it comes to it and kismayo. But my father family never mixes with other clans, let alone some people from ethiopia. It was only my father who broke this family rule, when he married my mother in kismayo.:gaasdrink:

Kismayo is in the heart of the Jubba *cough, cough.* Can you be sure nothing Non-Horner snuck into your maternal line? :siilaanyolaugh: Two can play that game. Both my parent's ancestral lands are Zelia/Awdal. :siilaanyosmile:Now, what?
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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member

Since most “guys” here are pretentious Somali “eugenicists” by demanding a Somali have to be a “pure Somali”, the one drop rule applies here. Let me put in another way, the toughest person to deal with is adeer Jaamac with a degree. Let the brother be Oromo, he finds love and acceptance there. Let him go.

If he wants to be, knock himself out. :mugshotman: However, I don't see the point of jumping off team exclusive for team everybody is welcome. We will have to build walls and detour caravans.
If he wants to be, knock himself out. :mugshotman: However, I don't see the point of jumping off team exclusive for team everybody is welcome. We will have to build walls and detour caravans.


Don’t close the gate as I’ve travelled all the way from Oz to seek asylum in Awdal. Be warned, I’m a progressive entity.
Kismayo is in the heart of the Jubba *cough, cough.* Can you be sure nothing snuck into your maternal line? :siilaanyolaugh: Two can play that game. Both my parent's ancestral lands are Zelia/Awdal. :siilaanyosmile:Now, what?
It's very hard to believe that something snuck into from my mothers side, when you get to know them. Her father side of the family was super critical about any clans that isn't connected to the darod root, same goes for her mother side of the family too. My mothers nickname growing up was "sahro caddaan", and her side of the family were fairly light brown in color.:fittytousand:

So it's hard to believe something snuck in from my mother side if i have to be honest.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
It's very hard to believe that something snuck into from my mothers side, when you get to know them. Her father side of the family was super critical about any clans that isn't connected to the darod root, same goes for her mother side of the family too. My mothers nickname growing up was "sahro caddaan", and her side of the family were fairly light brown in color.:fittytousand:

So it's hard to believe something snuck in from my mother side if i have to be honest.

Likewise. :farmajoyaab: I don't get you're point?
Likewise. :farmajoyaab: I don't get you're point?
You said that your family were living on the border of ethiopia, a place know for having some oromo infestation. All i said was that you can't be 100% sure, so a dna test would help to clear any doubt. I'm not insulting you in anyway, just giving some advice. :gaasdrink:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
You said that your family were living on the border of ethiopia, a place know for having some oromo infestation. All i said was that you can't be 100% sure, so a dna test would help to clear any doubt. I'm not insulting you in a anyway, just giving some advice. :gaasdrink:

My father's town was full of his subclan alone. :yacadiim: What would make my aabo different from my hooyo that's 35 km away in Borama. Caadi iska dhiig.
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