One of you just broke my heart

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I'm not pissed, I appreciate her real derriere. I'm not picky. I'm just heartbroken, have some sympathy.

I j-just wanted to


Keep Hatin everyone knows pure Hawiye are
There's probably a catch. I don't know what's wrong with Somali girls. Of course, my people are not included.

Good chest and ass. She probably has a bad face.

Good ass and face. She's definitely flat.

If she has all 3, then she has abominable hair or a disgusting accent.

It's almost like a scientific law. :kanyehmm:
There's probably a catch. I don't know what's wrong with Somali girls. Of course, my people are not included.

Good chest and ass. She probably has a bad face.

Good ass and face. She's definitely flat.

If she has all 3, then she has abominable hair or a disgusting accent.

It's almost like a scientific law. :kanyehmm:

'But not me and my clan':umad:

f*ck BUT NOT ME AND MY FAMILY :mjlaugh:


I got me some braids and I got me some hoes
Bastard child uff kulah f*ck off we dont want your diseased dick

stay away LAND NIGGA

You're very angry and aggressive, how very Hawiye-like. :bell: Finna wife me a hot head Hawiye MILF and there's nothing you can do about it. I can already picture the wedding day, her abo and her uncles forcing me to say my vows with an AK47 to my head after they found out about us. We'll live happily ever after.......... until I reach the embassy and lock myself in :siilaanyosmile:

You're a very angry and aggressive, how very Hawiye-like. :bell: Finna wife me a hot head Hawiye MILF. I can already picture the wedding day, her abo and her uncles forcing me to say my vows with an AK47 to my head after they found out about us. We'll live happily ever after :siilaanyosmile:


Hahahahaha your soo funny AK47 kulah in your face. I'll f*ck you up myself:notsureif:. You're probably a 10kg farax :mjlaugh:
Why is there nose too wide
Is their father an AMISOM soldier :siilaanyosmile:

Their father is a famous man you asshole. You know what he did in the war? He use to collect street kids of xamar streets and train them in engineering schools which he built. He taught the kids how to cut wood and work for themselves. He believed the more kids he collected of the streets and educated the less the chance they will be used as child soldiers. He helped over 1000 kids in xamar and gave them a life. More than what you've done you useless qasaaro. He was assassinated.

Great man may Allah grant him the highest place in paradise for his selfless acts.
You're very angry and aggressive, how very Hawiye-like. :bell: Finna wife me a hot head Hawiye MILF and there's nothing you can do about it. I can already picture the wedding day, her abo and her uncles forcing me to say my vows with an AK47 to my head after they found out about us. We'll live happily ever after.......... until I reach the embassy and lock myself in :siilaanyosmile:

Their father is a famous man you asshole. You know what he did in the war? He use to collect street kids of xamar streets and train them in engineering schools which he built. He taught the kids how to cut wood and work for themselves. He believed the more kids he collected of the streets and educated the less the chance they will be used as child soldiers. He helped over 1000 kids in xamar and gave them a life. More than what you've done you useless qasaaro. He was assassinated.

Great man may Allah grant him the highest place in paradise for his selfless acts.
But you didn't answer my question. You know AMISOM soldiers could be great people too :siilaanyolaugh:
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