One thing about being above average height

Its like damn i can’t tell when im gaining weight. The only thing is I’ll see my jeans are getting tighter. But i’ve got baggy jeans. Sometimes i can’t even tell. Im 184cm (6.005) without shoes. Bro its crazy one moment im 183 normally and then some months 200. Then when i can see im 200. I’ll cut back on snacks. This is one of the many reasons i’ve said eff it with snacks/junk food places. Its something i’ve noticed. I’ve stopped eating at these junk food places. Ever since Ramadan. Eating clean genuinely is great feeling. Plus Ramadan your belly gets full with dates and 1L water

Internet Nomad

Sorry sweetie but 6ft is no longer tall, you have to be 6ft3 minimum to enter the club now. 5ft10 is now the default zoomer height now.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
We're the same height and yes, in college I gained like 50 pounds/22kgs and only began to truly catch on when my jeans wouldn't fit anymore. 💀

That was actually how I eventually discovered low carb/keto/carnivore. Wanted to grasp nutrition so I couldn't back slide into being overweight again. Been pretty much stably the same clothing sizes for almost a decade now thanks to that.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
184 cm is not above average

In what world? You hanging out with ballers or something? In 90% of the world that's a solid 8-14cm above the average height and still 1-2cm above average in places like the Netherlands. I'm about that height or 1cm taller and even here in Boston 90% of the people I walk by are shorter than me. If I'm in a train car I'm either taller than everyone in it or max 1-5 guys are in my range or taller.
In what world? You hanging out with ballers or something? In 90% of the world that's a solid 8-14cm above the average height and still 1-2cm above average in places like the Netherlands. I'm about that height or 1cm taller and even here in Boston 90% of the people I walk by are shorter than me. If I'm in a train car I'm either taller than everyone in it or max 1-5 guys are in my range or taller.
do you live in america?