you live in america? you live in america?
Average height in Denmark is 180cm the tallest in Europe are the Dutch at 185in denmark you would be seen as a midget
Thought you lived in the UAEIndeed.
Thought you lived in the UAE
Didn't truly move. Went to Boston for a Masters and now I'm just using OPT to get some work experience since they have good Data Science and Finance opportunities here. If orange man doesn't somehow deport me I might stay long enough for a green card but, long-term, unless I meet and marry someone here and that complicates my long term plans I'll probably go back to the Khaleej or Horn.
I'm not raising kids 10,000km away from my parents and I wanna make a difference back home in the long term.
Im 6'11 everyone look like a child to me and children look like petsbetter buy these and fraud 6ft6
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Damn you live in boston? Is there a somali population there?In what world? You hanging out with ballers or something? In 90% of the world that's a solid 8-14cm above the average height and still 1-2cm above average in places like the Netherlands. I'm about that height or 1cm taller and even here in Boston 90% of the people I walk by are shorter than me. If I'm in a train car I'm either taller than everyone in it or max 1-5 guys are in my range or taller.
Damn you live in boston? Is there a somali population there?
LOL TELL THEM im 199 cm and sometimes get very overwhelmed by these scandi giantsin denmark you would be seen as a midget
Bro what? You're 6'6? Why are european somalis so tall?LOL TELL THEM im 199 cm and sometimes get very overwhelmed by these scandi giants
we built differentBro what? You're 6'6? Why are european somalis so tall?
Time to bulk upFaarax lugo baasto has never had that problem, never properly been above like 60kg at 6'2"