One thing about being above average height


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Thought you lived in the UAE
Didn't truly move. Went to Boston for a Masters and now I'm just using OPT to get some work experience since they have good Data Science and Finance opportunities here. If orange man doesn't somehow deport me I might stay long enough for a green card but, long-term, unless I meet and marry someone here and that complicates my long term plans I'll probably go back to the Khaleej or Horn.

I'm not raising kids 10,000km away from my parents and I wanna make a difference back home in the long term.


Shaqo la'an ba kuu heysaata
In what world? You hanging out with ballers or something? In 90% of the world that's a solid 8-14cm above the average height and still 1-2cm above average in places like the Netherlands. I'm about that height or 1cm taller and even here in Boston 90% of the people I walk by are shorter than me. If I'm in a train car I'm either taller than everyone in it or max 1-5 guys are in my range or taller.
Damn you live in boston? Is there a somali population there?


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Damn you live in boston? Is there a somali population there?

Yeah, not the same as the Minneapolis community in size at all but notable and they're an old one with Somalis here whose families predate the civil war and aren't refugees. The largest mosque in Boston and Massachusetts is the Roxbury mosque and it's hilarious because you'll sometimes almost think it's a Somali mosque with how the main Imam who tends to run the day to day operations and some Jumca prayers and another who leads the non Jumca daily prayers are both Somalis.

A lot of signs at the mosque are in English, Arabic and Somali rather than having any Urdu, Pashtun or Bengali written anywhere even though those communities are noticeable too. I've gone every Friday now for every six months and during Jumca I swear it feels like at least half the turnout are Somalis. During the afternoons and evenings on a day to day basis the Mosque's Cafe is often full of Somali odays doing their usual fadhi ku diri as well. 💀

It's not a huge community but they've made their mark and tend to live in areas like Alewife and Roxbury side by side with a lot of Ethiopians and Eritreans. Few Somali restaurants and shops amok too and some NGOs that do good for the local immigrant communities.
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Bro what? You're 6'6? Why are european somalis so tall?
we built different
Lebron James Fashion GIF by NBA


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
What I lack in height I make up for in arm size. Let’s compare forearm sizes you skinny lanky skyscrapers slenderman looking ahh niggas
I absolutely love being 6'5; I used to want to be as tall as my uncle at 6'10, but what I have is exceptional. I don't have to work as hard with the ladies
