

Have a read through this interesting pdf btw, i've sent you one or two passages from this, to understand conflict with Oromia and SRS, how Babile and Mieso act as both shared cities and districts, for a short brief on the pdf, conflict with Oromo started after 1991 Derg collapse, prior to 1991 during Derg and Selassie times Hawiye, Oromos and Somalis worked together as WSLF and SALF, after 1991 ethnic federalism was founded and 9 parties were created, Hawiye were mainly part of DUP which merged with ESDL which was like a shadow Irir party of several groups, ESDL stands for Ethiopian Somali Democratic League and called "Leego" in short, it was quite influential in the first four years after Derg collapse because it won majority seats after some ONLF didn't participate in elections, then gradual wider conflict with Oromo and Afar erode the unity and party progress, Hawiye kept their militia from WSLF Ahmed Gurey Front days under the new ESDL/DUP banner, conflict ranged from low volume in the early 90s, to skirmishes in the late 90s before reaching its peak in 2004 with hundreds of houses getting burnt and dozens of federal police and people killed, things had worn down over time as Hawiye used their peace making offices and networks to reduce cross border and inter clan conflict, there is even a mention of a intra Karanle conflict in 1989 between Maru and Ciye mentioned in here

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^This is the ESDL Party aka Leego, the Karanle militia that have been fighting since the 80s and 90s led by Muxyadiin Xaydar a Gidir Karanle against Oromos use this banner

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ESDL party flag

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Party flag was created by ESDL, which won a majority of seats in 1991 elections after some ONLF members boycotted it, flag was used by the state from 1991 till 2007, then Cagjar restored it, defending its pan Somali nature, even to the upset of Amhara officials on social media

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ESDL was a TPLF puppet headed by a former Derg slave. ONLF created the somali region in 1991, the ESDL was selected in 1995.
With the strong support of the EPRDF, the ESDL won the first
regional elections in 1995.
It secured 75 seats out of the 139 available.
ONLF’s non-participation in these elections contributed to the victory
of the ESDL. A faction of the ONLF that renounced violence, the ‘legal
ONLF’ participated in the elections. It, however, only managed to get a
few seats. Thus, the ESDL
The party had no clear agenda other than opposing ONLF and the Ogaden clan and lacked discipline.
Its regional government established in
1995 appointed Iid Dahir (from the Ishak clan) president.
The ESDL, even if it received strong support from the EPRDF and
initially from the non-Ogadeni clans failed to provide effective
administration in the region because of a number of inter-related factors.
It was fraught with internal divisions and lack of party discipline.
The clanist agenda of the ESDL helped the insurgency against Ethiopia.
Another accusation against ESDL was its failure to separate the
Ogaden people from the insurgent ONLF. This seemed to have
inadvertently expanded the support base of the ONLF.
ESDL failed to control the region beyond Jigjiga.
The ESDL was
not also successful in maintaining regional security. Indeed, many
observers in the region noted that the authority and structures of the
regional government during this period (1995-1998) did not extend
beyond the regional capital, Jijiga.
In the end TPLF had enough of this failed political party and installed an Ogaden from the "legal" ONLF.
it refused to accept the
pressure of the federal government. It instead decided to sack the
president and the entire executive committee and elected a new
president (Samatar 2004: 1145-6). The regional parliament elected Keder
Ma’alin from the legal ONLF president. The election of Keder by the
ESDL-dominated regional parliament gave the final blow to the
fractured and divided ruling party.
Where are they now.
Do rebels exist
They have all been crushed. Non of them are effective anymore.

Forget to mention during Selassie time a lot of Karanle Hawiye in Bale also supported the Bale revolt of the early 60s with men and weapons this was the Wako Gutu movement that made deals with Aden Abdulle and General Daud to get support from Somalia they used Karanle contacts, history repeats itself when Europeans first came to explore Imay in 1891 the Karanle sent letters to the Abgaal to prepare an army incase of an invasion.



The Karanle sent the letters to the Abgaal out of kinship, since Italy reached Imay and Harar they signed a conventional treaty with Karanle and other clans there in 1891 but we knew that encouraged the Ethiopians to move further inland which they did from 1891 till 1897 when they signed the Anglo Italian treaty that later became the modern Somali Ethiopia border.


Lands in Pink is what Ethiopia took over by 1897, they expanded further thanks to the British the 1940s.


TPLF hated Qanyare since the days he was part of Caydiids SNA in the 90s, Derg were fighting Karanle militia that joined WSLF and SALF for two decades and even Haile Selassie remembers Colonel Cilmi Nuur a Murusade sarkaal leading the Beledweyne front in the 64 War who won the first gold medal for Somalia

And lastly Ethiopia 2007/8 fighting Murusade militia needs no further clarity!
Wslf were founded by siad bare and took part of 1977 war.
Onlf was formed after many ogadens felt siad bare was not serious in libration after he made peace deal with mingustu . In 1988 becos siad bare and mingustu both were on the brink of colapse.
Onlf is technicaly ogaden. Imo.
WSLF was preceded by Nasrallah which was active in the 1963 revolt
I have some questions about ONLF and WSLF.

Was WSLF crushed after 1977 war?

Did ONLF fight against Mengistu?

Was ONLF a serious threat to Mengistu in 1991?


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
I have some questions about ONLF and WSLF.

Was WSLF crushed after 1977 war?

Did ONLF fight against Mengistu?

Was ONLF a serious threat to Mengistu in 1991?
WSLF was crushed in the mid 80's by SNM


Resident Eritrean | Ye's strongest soldier
Do u think oromo nationalism and secesion wil bring and end to ethiopia if it hapens
Brother, an Oromo can't tie their shoelaces without the help of an Amhara. No integrity either. Go back a couple of years and they were crying that Ethiopia was the invention of Menelik II. Now they're invoking their "right to sea access" because of the Aksumites (even though they were still swinging on trees in the Kenyan jungle at that point in history)
Brother, an Oromo can't tie their shoelaces without the help of an Amhara. No integrity either. Go back a couple of years and they were crying that Ethiopia was the invention of Menelik II. Now they're invoking their "right to sea access" because of the Aksumites (even though they were still swinging on trees in the Kenyan jungle at that point in history)
Filthy obsessed boy smh

