Agah awowgaa la gub waryaa Ogaden make up 400% of the region.there 26 somali tribes bro, non wanted to fight for the region, non wanted to shed blood, except ogaden
also you contradict yourself by saying ogaden sidelined other somalis and ogadne sidelined ogadne, what?
anywyas, the british named the region Ogadeniya in 1884, in berlin conference, check the hisotry yourself, we make up 93% of thepopluation if you add ogaden and his absame cousins, and only we fought the british in 1880s, the sayid kciked out the habashi and british 3 times in 1890s till 1920, 3 times, ogaden is the only one willing to shed blood becasue out of the 11 province, 9 waa ogaden/absame , only shaniley/sitti and liban are non ogaden/absame, the rest 9 gobals waa 90% plus ogaden one way or another or absame,
the rest of the tribes were welcome to create their own version of onlf, in fact ciise did create one and so did gadabursi but fell apart, yet onlf carried on and marched on because its our home land,
did we stop other somali tribes from creating their own versions of onlf? Mj is welcome to create one in warder, 1door in gashambo, ciise in shaniley they are all welcome, let garre and dagodi create one in liban region too, we never stopped anyone, go ahead, liberate yuor own lands, otherwise let me do the fighting, i dont need your support, never asked for us, but i could do with you learning more before your open your mouth and throw dirt, learn some history,
or are you worried if Ogadne libberates the land he will dominate it? dont worry, it will be majorty rule, minorty rights and no one is asking you to shed blood, if yuo want to rule the land, shed blood, power comes at a cost, blood and treaure, even though i am reer waamo jubalander 11 geneartions, i used to raie money for onlf as a ogaden youth student union rvolunteer in london, and will never forget the homeland of my ancerstors, the bones of my forfathers are buried there before we inavded jubaland and took it from gala madow in the late 1700s, i will never forget,
other tribes can join us but truth is they are cowards and langab mentality and would rather worship habashi then fight them like we have
oh and the british anmed the land Ogadeniya in 1884 because they realised majority of land residents were us and the only ones fighting them were us, check for it your self