ONLF releases statement

How are people on this forum ignoring this but still ranting about the mou. This is twenty times worse, why aren't there 20 threads about this NOW. I've only seen one. Holy shit this is insane, I'm so vexed. I had no clue somalia was THAT weak đź’€
Don't listen to the fearmongers trying to make us powerless in our own country. It's not seizing control when it's already mandated for them to secure it.

These are all in a region where the security of infrastructure comes under the AU mission in Somalia. These regions are in "Sector 3 comprising Bay and Bakool as well as Gedo (Sub Sector 3) comes under Ethiopian command"

You really think the fg would keep its mouth shut if they started to sabotage on a UN mandated mission, paid for by the US and EU?


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
How are people on this forum ignoring this but still ranting about the mou. This is twenty times worse, why aren't there 20 threads about this NOW. I've only seen one. Holy shit this is insane, I'm so vexed. I had no clue somalia was THAT weak đź’€
It really depends on government and such. Somalia’s current foreign policy is reliance and not building up its own armament capabilities. It’s up to you to reach your own conclusion, but depending on who’s in charge, Somalia’s military would be something to fear.

and this is just a continuation of the MOU crisis, what’s going on in Somalia at the moment is all in relation to that. Some regions of Somalia who got xasuuqed in the past by Somalis are reliant on Ethiopians for protection. Somalia itself uses foreign troops to aid our country so they see nothing wrong with this, foreign troops get used against other Somalis too (such as in gedo with Kenyans bombing their villages and killing people+livestock). Are they traitors? yes, but the situation for them is a far more complex one. A Somali government which isn’t out to get them would certainly get their support. Maybe we can reach an agreement with them regarding Ethiopia
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Don't listen to the fearmongers trying to make us powerless in our own country. It's not seizing control when it's already mandated for them to secure it.

These are all in a region where the security of infrastructure comes under the AU mission in Somalia. These regions are in "Sector 3 comprising Bay and Bakool as well as Gedo (Sub Sector 3) comes under Ethiopian command"

You really think the fg would keep its mouth shut if they started to sabotage on a UN mandated mission, paid for by the US and EU?
AS if there's isn't also non Amisom Ethiopian troops also in those regions


A Laandheere always pays his debts
Is ONLF majority Cawlihan? What about WSLF, they were mixed with everyone right? I remember being told there was a clear distinction in the demographics of the groups, I know ONLF came after post-77
There are rumours. If they do they won't succeed. We don't want war, we want peace. We won't accept even more foreign troops on our land (egypt, eritrea, somalia), we will defend our land
If anywhere deserves peace it’s the Somali region, you guys have been defending the frontiers of Somalidom alone for 25 years.


Wallahi if this is true I hope the onlf take over Somalia
onlf used to be funded and supplied when we had powerful central govt. now somaliwayne and centralization has all been clannized. Doubt this ever happens present fgs wont support onlf and onlf dont see interests in somali



onlf used to be funded and supplied when we had powerful central govt. now somaliwayne and centralization has all been clannized. Doubt this ever happens present fgs wont support onlf and onlf dont see interests in somali

ONLF was barely supported by Kacaan regime and they weren't very active during that period.


onlf used to be funded and supplied when we had powerful central govt. now somaliwayne and centralization has all been clannized. Doubt this ever happens present fgs wont support onlf and onlf dont see interests in somali

After this event even more people came out and condemned it. It was obviously forced and not meant by them. No one takes it seriously.

