Opinion: Somalilanders are going to form an identity different than our Somali identity

Not really

True . I admit I probably exaggerating but the problem is still there. Things are moving fast, the mere fact you have landers who hate Somalia to the point that they feel close to Amhara is crazy and even if they are a minority they are a significant part of SL population. Djibouti was never part of Somalia and yet you'll never catch a Djiboutian claiming they aren't somali , they are very proud of their country and most probably don't want to unite with Somalia under any circumstance but yet they are proud ethnic Somalis. The issue here isn't just political separatism but the anti Somali attitude within SL
The PR that reer Djibouti have is amazing. They only claim Somali in the west lmfaooo
There is no such thing as “Somaliland.” It is the land of Ishaq, in northern Somalia. There are tribes and they have their own lands.


The PR that reer Djibouti have is amazing. They only claim Somali in the west lmfaooo
They have their own national identity but even in Djibouti they'll never deny they are Somali. Not wanting to be part of Somalia is totally different than denying your somaliness.


They have their own national identity but even in Djibouti they'll never deny they are Somali. Not wanting to be part of Somalia is totally different than denying your somaliness.
Tbf there is no national identity in Djibouti. We are like Belgium. One part Somali one part Afar. But Somalis dominate everything however we aren't so large a population to absorb them so we accommodate the langaabs


Another example of ethnicities who don't consider themselves to be one for various reasons.
Tigray speakers consider themselves to be different than Tigray speakers in Ethiopia. They are the same exact people but Eritrean tigrayans would swear they are different and will claim tigrayan Ethiopians stole their history. One key similarity with Somaliland is that the Eritrean Tigray speakers have huge political grievances against Tigray Ethiopians which lead to this different identity. Tigray Ethiopians and Tigrinya speakers in Eritrea speak the same language, have similar culture and the same religion just like Landers and Somalis
What u said about Eritrean Tigrinya is completely false.

the Tigrinya language was formed in Logossarda, Eritrea, same for the geez language (Senafe town, Eritrea)

And Adulis/Axumite kingdom started in Adulis Eritrea in the first century. The first adulite/axumite king was from Eritrea. So this history basically started in modern day Eritrea, which is contradictory to your claims of Eritrea and Tigrinya Eritreans belonging to Ethiopia/Tigray

Eritrean Tigrinyas are not Tigrayans, nor does their culture come from Tigray/Ethiopia.

A tigrayan is an individual who lives in the Tigray region (Agew, Irob, Tigrayans, Amharas, Raya oromos)

Eritrean tigrinyas don’t live south of the mereb and setit river. They only live in Hamasien (north) seraye and Akele Guzay (south).
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True . I admit I probably exaggerating but the problem is still there. Things are moving fast, the mere fact you have landers who hate Somalia to the point that they feel close to Amhara is crazy and even if they are a minority they are a significant part of SL population.
And what reason would they have to hate amhara or habesha in general? do these people pursue aggressive acts against isaaqs or impede them in anyway, they are just a foreign people who got hold of there lands through the british.

Djibouti was never part of Somalia and yet you'll never catch a Djiboutian claiming they aren't somali , they are very proud of their country and most probably don't want to unite with Somalia under any circumstance but yet they are proud ethnic Somalis. The issue here isn't just political separatism but the anti Somali attitude within SL
A lot of djiboutians just openly claim djibouti and refer to themselves as djiboutian and nothing else, they wont deny being somali after a little digging but then why would they, its like a swiss (of german descent) denying they are german but they are swiss first no?
i doubt even the most hardcore isaaq secessionist would deny being somali, they would just argue they're different type of somali from those in the south. Why does this bother you so much? there are a number of qabiils that have no reason to hate ethiopia and have a reason to give up on the perpetually failed somali government in the south or even the concept of a somali nation state.


And what reason would they have to hate amhara or habesha in general? do these people pursue aggressive acts against isaaqs or impede them in anyway, they are just a foreign people who got hold of there lands through the british.
Ethiopians pursue expansion, isaaq have a history of waring thr ethiopians as does all Somalis maybe you should go take a trip to Sland and ask the people what they think of Habasha
A lot of djiboutians just openly claim djibouti and refer to themselves as djiboutian and nothing else, they wont deny being somali after a little digging but then why would they, its like a swiss (of german descent) denying they are german but they are swiss first no?
i doubt even the most hardcore isaaq secessionist would deny being somali, they would just argue they're different type of somali from those in the south. Why does this bother you so much? there are a number of qabiils that have no reason to hate ethiopia and have a reason to give up on the perpetually failed somali government in the south or even the concept of a somali nation state.
Djiboutian is not an identity. We are Somalis and Afars.
A Somali will call himself that, an Afar will call himself that. In the west you have Afars who call themselves Djiboutian only but no Somali does that. In online spaces when I see someone only claim Djiboutian he's always either Afar or Yemeni.

In the Horn I'll call myself Djiboutian or Somali, for people back home they'll know I'm Ciise Somali if I say I'm from djibouti so it doesn't matter. I only go by clan when I'm with only other Somalis.

Outside of east africa im only Somali.

If you think anyone back home would see ethiopia in a neutral light, much less positive, then you are stupid. Please do not talk about what what don't know.


And what reason would they have to hate amhara or habesha in general? do these people pursue aggressive acts against isaaqs or impede them in anyway, they are just a foreign people who got hold of there lands through the british.

A lot of djiboutians just openly claim djibouti and refer to themselves as djiboutian and nothing else, they wont deny being somali after a little digging but then why would they, its like a swiss (of german descent) denying they are german but they are swiss first no?
i doubt even the most hardcore isaaq secessionist would deny being somali, they would just argue they're different type of somali from those in the south. Why does this bother you so much? there are a number of qabiils that have no reason to hate ethiopia and have a reason to give up on the perpetually failed somali government in the south or even the concept of a somali nation state.
It's not the same thing as swiss German vs German. First of all swiss German language is very hard to understand for regular German speakers from Germany, the swiss have a very distinct identity while Djiboutians despite having their strong national identity feel part of the Somali people.
You can just browse social media to find dozens of Isaaqs who will deny being Somali and will openly say they feel closer to Ethiopians


Ethiopians pursue expansion, isaaq have a history of waring thr ethiopians as does all Somalis maybe you should go take a trip to Sland and ask the people what they think of Habasha

Djiboutian is not an identity. We are Somalis and Afars.
A Somali will call himself that, an Afar will call himself that. In the west you have Afars who call themselves Djiboutian only but no Somali does that. In online spaces when I see someone only claim Djiboutian he's always either Afar or Yemeni.

In the Horn I'll call myself Djiboutian or Somali, for people back home they'll know I'm Ciise Somali if I say I'm from djibouti so it doesn't matter. I only go by clan when I'm with only other Somalis.

Outside of east africa im only Somali.

If you think anyone back home would see ethiopia in a neutral light, much less positive, then you are stupid. Please do not talk about what what don't know.
That's cool. I personally met Djiboutians who like to refer to themselves as Djiboutian to both Somalis and non somalis but they still feel pretty much part of the greater Somali nation. Having said this Isaaq have a history of helping foreigners against their fellow Somalis. They fought against the Sayyid and they were mostly pro British and then got funding from Ethiopia in the late 1980s. Today many Isaaqs feel closer to Xabashis and oromos, this quite clear when you see how they welcome Oromo immigrants in their lands but kicked out and discriminated southern Somalis.


What u said about Eritrean Tigrinya is completely false.

the Tigrinya language was formed in Logossarda, Eritrea, same for the geez language (Senafe town, Eritrea)

And Adulis/Axumite kingdom started in Adulis Eritrea in the first century. The first adulite/axumite king was from Eritrea. So this history basically started in modern day Eritrea, which is contradictory to your claims of Eritrea and Tigrinya Eritreans belonging to Ethiopia/Tigray

Eritrean Tigrinyas are not Tigrayans, nor does their culture come from Tigray/Ethiopia.

A tigrayan is an individual who lives in the Tigray region (Agew, Irob, Tigrayans, Amharas, Raya oromos)

Eritrean tigrinyas don’t live south of the mereb and setit river. They only live in Hamasien (north) seraye and Akele Guzay (south).
Sorry if I'm mistaken. My assumption was that you Eritreans Tigrinya speakers have the same language as tigrayans from Ethiopia, you are also both Orthodox christians and share genetic ancestry so I assumed Eritrean Tigrinya speakers vs Ethiopian tigrayan is just Somalilander vs southern Somali. My point isn't about who is the OG founder of the culture but mainly that you guys are the same ethnicity which has some different history and political division.
Ethiopians pursue expansion, isaaq have a history of waring thr ethiopians as does all Somalis maybe you should go take a trip to Sland and ask the people what they think of Habasha
The Ethiopians overwhelmingly targeted non-isaaq somalis during their expansion, and even the hawd was given away by the british. Since then ethiopia hasnt even expanded into somali borders atleast without provocation from somalia.
Djiboutian is not an identity. We are Somalis and Afars.
Its a national identity.
A Somali will call himself that, an Afar will call himself that. In the west you have Afars who call themselves Djiboutian only but no Somali does that. In online spaces when I see someone only claim Djiboutian he's always either Afar or Yemeni.

In the Horn I'll call myself Djiboutian or Somali, for people back home they'll know I'm Ciise Somali if I say I'm from djibouti so it doesn't matter. I only go by clan when I'm with only other Somalis.

Outside of east africa im only Somali.

If you think anyone back home would see ethiopia in a neutral light, much less positive, then you are stupid. Please do not talk about what what don't know.
A lot of somalis dont give a shit about ethiopia, and primarily see other somalis as their enemy otherwise they'd be protesting the pro ethiopian policies of their government.


The Ethiopians overwhelmingly targeted non-isaaq somalis during their expansion, and even the hawd was given away by the british. Since then ethiopia hasnt even expanded into somali borders atleast without provocation from somalia.

Its a national identity.

A lot of somalis dont give a shit about ethiopia, and primarily see other somalis as their enemy otherwise they'd be protesting the pro ethiopian policies of their government.
Not completely true. Ethiopians definitely targeted Isaaqs in hawd and even threatened the Somaliland British protectorate several times . Ethiopians generally view us as one people, they just prop Isaaqs because of political interest. Isaaq loving Xabashis is recent and has it's roots the late 80s when SNM was funded by Ethiopia, after somaliland independence declaration SL became closer to Ethiopia but now it seems even the people see themselves as brothers of the Xabashis in opposition to the rest of somalis


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Isaaq live in DDS too so I don’t see this ever happening. A couple retarded kulmiye supporters isn’t going to change our identity
Not completely true. Ethiopians definitely targeted Isaaqs in hawd and even threatened the Somaliland British protectorate several times . Ethiopians generally view us as one people, they just prop Isaaqs because of political interest. Isaaq loving Xabashis is recent and has it's roots the late 80s when SNM was funded by Ethiopia, after somaliland independence declaration SL became closer to Ethiopia but now it seems even the people see themselves as brothers of the Xabashis in opposition to the rest of somalis
I was referring to meneliks expansion, the conflicts in the 60s and 70s was provoked by somalia. Ethiopia has no reason to expand into our territory in somalia if we give up irrendentist claims. Even less of a reason for problems if isaaqs are willing to hand over access to their port.
Yeah Macedonians are a bunch of Slavic tribes who got let into the Balkans by the Greek Byzantine empire now they claim ancient Macedoniania and Alexander. Imagine a whole country larping another countries history.
Greece forced them to change their official name to North Macedonia.

That's like Bantu Kenyans larping as Ajuuran empire you don't understand how silly this is lmao
Funnily enough...Amharas did the exact same thing when they started calling themselves the Ethiopians.

Historically, Ethiopia was a title given to Sudan/Nubia by the Greeks (Aethopia which means land of burnt faces) The bible even mentions Taharqa who was a Kushite Emperor in 2 Kings 19:9 and Isaiah 37:9.

The Amharas took the title when they converted to Christianity as the Axumite Empire and was recently adopted again by Haile Selassie.

You maybe wondering why this even matters but it shows you the power of Larping- which is a form of propaganda. One of the reasons why West Africans and African-Americans idealise both the Amharas & Haile Selassaie is because they're apparently mentioned in the bible.

The countries of Guinea, Cameroon Ghana, Senegal and Mali even adopted the tri-colour Ethiopian flag. Rastafarianism which is a religion that worships Haile Selassie and sees Abyssania as a promised & holy land.

Notice how Somalis are consistently seen as racist and anti-black because they have words like jar**r but when it comes to Amharas and their racism? It's swept under the rug and words like bariya (which is their j*r**r equivalent) is not even known.

Maybe it's time we start Larping and start focusing on our PR instead of taking the low hanging fruit of internet diaspora wars.

What do you guys think? I say we double down on the Land of Punt thing and tone down our racism on the internet as we're now being branded as racists when before we were just seen as those funny people who don't pass the ball in football.


Funnily enough...Amharas did the exact same thing when they started calling themselves the Ethiopians.

Historically, Ethiopia was a title given to Sudan/Nubia by the Greeks (Aethopia which means land of burnt faces) The bible even mentions Taharqa who was a Kushite Emperor in 2 Kings 19:9 and Isaiah 37:9.

The Amharas took the title when they converted to Christianity as the Axumite Empire and was recently adopted again by Haile Selassie.

You maybe wondering why this even matters but it shows you the power of Larping- which is a form of propaganda. One of the reasons why West Africans and African-Americans idealise both the Amharas & Haile Selassaie is because they're apparently mentioned in the bible.

The countries of Guinea, Cameroon Ghana, Senegal and Mali even adopted the tri-colour Ethiopian flag. Rastafarianism which is a religion that worships Haile Selassie and sees Abyssania as a promised & holy land.

Notice how Somalis are consistently seen as racist and anti-black because they have words like jar**r but when it comes to Amharas and their racism? It's swept under the rug and words like bariya (which is their j*r**r equivalent) is not even known.

Maybe it's time we start Larping and start focusing on our PR instead of taking the low hanging fruit of internet diaspora wars.

What do you guys think? I say we double down on the Land of Punt thing and tone down our racism on the internet as we're now being branded as racists when before we were just seen as those funny people who don't pass the ball in football.
Yeah everytime I see people chay about "Ethiopia was mentioned in the bible" they think it's Habashi and forget about Nubian/Sudan.
Them Sudanese are bums bro niggas don't fight at all

Yeah Somalia needs to go heavy on the PR we should be pushing out media as well to make other foreigners fall in love with the culture too
Having said this Isaaq have a history of helping foreigners against their fellow Somalis. They fought against the Sayyid and they were mostly pro British and then got funding from Ethiopia in the late 1980s. Today many Isaaqs feel closer to Xabashis and oromos, this quite clear when you see how they welcome Oromo immigrants in their lands but kicked out and discriminated southern Somalis.
Nigga just came on here and lied for no reason


True Puntlander
Hear me out. After the infamous song in Somaliland in which they say they feel closer to Amxaaro Ethiopians than to the rest of Somalis I'm seeing a dangerous tendency that will eventually lead Somalilanders (mostly Isaaq) to refuse to identify as somalis and form a new different etjnic identity. This happened in history before . A very key example would be Macedonians and Bulgarians. Macedonians are culturally and linguistically pretty much Bulgarians and they were considered as such by others , but during the 1800s some Macedonian intellectual developed a Separate Macedonian based on the ancient Macedonian kingdom. I see that Somalilanders will go on to do something similar to try to detach from the rest of somalis. The clues are there , the song about Amxaaro being closer , Edna Aden trying to suggest they are the ''good somalis'' and even talk shows and interviews in SL that I watched recently were people say openly they want nothing to do with Somalis and feel closer to Ethiopians. Of course not all Somalilanders believe this and I still think those who do are a minority but just for the moment. This idea of not being Somali will grow among SL people especially among the young. Mark my words 20-30 years from now landers will consider themselves as a different people, they will start claiming their accent is actually a different language than Somali and they will change the name of their fake country to something esle
Let them join their oromo kin, who wants them!.

