Opposition MPs & Senators from Somaliland region quit Sheikh Sharif & Hassan Sheikh Mohamud parties

How so? dont i have a right to pick a candidate of my choice without being called treacherous?

Lol no, don’t be silly. One of your favourite lines on here is the destruction and dismantling of Somalia.

So you can’t blame people if they don’t take you and more importantly the ideas you espouse seriously knowing where it’s coming from.


I don’t feel any sympathy for your types and I’m normally a very sympathetic person. It’s not even about federalism and development for you.

Why do you care my reasons ? i have a right to support whoever i please just like you do

Lol love how you couldn’t address anything I brought up.

Most Somalis don’t support your types. Regardless let the best man win, history (especially your cringe internet posts) will be your legacy.

Anyway, those politicians are clowns who have no face in front of anyone really.

We will see who comes out on top.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
Lol love how you couldn’t address anything I brought up.

Most Somalis don’t support your types. Regardless let the best man win, history (especially your cringe internet posts) will be your legacy.

Anyway, those politicians are clowns who have no face in front of anyone really.

We will see who comes out on top.

Loool yeah, wow interesting.

let it be know for the readers, I’ve been sold on federalism in the sense that all regions in Somalia/Somaliweyn should be developed. There is no reason that a mother should travel to Xamar for medical attention or anyone. Or that people can’t live good lives in their hometowns. So when it comes to development I’m a thousand percent for it.

But if you notice all the advocates for federalism on here that are not retards like @Boqor Quark Boqor Cisman has advocated for the destruction and dismantling of Somalia often.

and of of the sharpest who I think is @Thegoodshepherd has made it clear he’s so evil and deranged he wants other clans rivers to dry up out of hate and that he’s an unapologetic qabilist. That it’s not genuinely about development or supporting one part of the nation but out of hate for the other. That you should show them no sympathy, they should keep catching these Ls.

And let the best man win.

and let me reiterate part of my family is from PL (not MJ admittedly) and I genuinely want to the best for the whole country because although I feel Mogadishu is my hometown all my grandparents are from diff parts of Somaliweyn.

anyway these people are not any better than lowly secessionists.

***but it’s obvious most PLers like the average person is a wadani who loves and supports Somaliweyn and Somalinimo*** so we still love PL out here but these guys political opinions are a joke and are usually and indication of something you shouldn’t support at first glance.


Again let the best man win and don’t cry about qabyalad later.

P.s. @Boqor Quark Boqor Cisman you nerd you’ve admitted your wife isn’t even reer PL but still talk this way, it’s a window into your insecure weird psychology. Although you’re more the moral principles of the bunch.

Kk I’ve said what I need to say after observing the last few years and I started out loving PL because of fam. Still love the people of PL but the reps on here are no diff to SL word secessionists to me at this point.

Macalin M

Out here
Adeer Sharif iyo adeer Hassan are necessary opposition. I’ll take the backseat on them while I wait for all hag candidates
:pachah1: Again, i have a right for a candidate of my choice. I dont have to explain shit to no one. Do i care yall support N&N? No
So don’t cry when the inevitable happens! Lol you’ve lost support of people like me who are genuinely wadani (whether you believe it or not) .

P.s. I can’t imagine being so airheaded that I would talk shit like you guys do about wanting to be secessionists and hating other Somalis.

Truly not the sharpest tools in the shed, lool it’s actually baffling.

Anway! Let the best man win, but the saddest part of that because this is the internet in the future losers like you guys will be the narrative of the future although most PLers and Somalis, wadanis through and through. It’s what made me realize the narrative of Isaaqs being collaborators back then might be a lie as in most of the regular people weee not.

basically @Boqor Quark Boqor Cisman history is alive and same way we read about the past people will read about us tomorrow and their will be less confusion, you’ve decided to choose anti-Somalinimo

Again, we will see how that works out. History and the near fortune, let the best man win!
@Boqor Quark Boqor Cisman If you were the most anti NN person in the world but when it came to anything anti Somali (ajnabis and gaalo) I’d respect you. Kinda like I respect @Ferrari even though he’s anti NN he’s always pro Somali.

Even the Kenya shit I ask him about he had enoug karti and self respect to avoid it.

(anyway viva OG nation they’re wadanis and Pro Somali as it comes we loves dem we just hate Kenya)

loooooll point is brother even with me who wallahi based on the people here is very sympathetic with a

Mixed clan wise non Reer baadiyo fam. You’ve burnt your bridges with most self respecting Somalis, let’s see if the ajnabis you’re willing to booty shake for agonat “rival” Somali clans help you.
@embarassing be like vote N&N or die you traitor :gucciwhat:
If I were you, I’d sit this one out, I almost know the future will remember your types like we remember the people who attacked the sayyid and carried British randos on their shoulder.

wallahi I’m being 100% honest with you, you probably never thought of it but that’s the history you’ve recorded for yourself.

If you don’t get me just consider* the fact that SL will never separate but will be incorporated on eduction in everything but more importantly schools soon. Look at your own post history, it’s one thing to be qabilist but another to be such a lowly beg with nothing to show for it.

your embarrassing posts on the internet will be the new versions of the rare pathetic colonlist slaves, and you’re not clever enough to realize it.

The internet is forever.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
@Boqor Quark Boqor Cisman If you were the most anti NN person in the world but when it came to anything anti Somali (ajnabis and gaalo) I’d respect you. Kinda like I respect @Ferrari even though he’s anti NN he’s always pro Somali.

Even the Kenya shit I ask him about he had enoug karti and self respect to avoid it.

(anyway viva OG nation they’re wadanis and Pro Somali as it comes we loves dem we just hate Kenya)

loooooll point is brother even with me who wallahi based on the people here is very sympathetic with a

Mixed clan wise non Reer baadiyo fam. You’ve burnt your bridges with most self respecting Somalis, let’s see if the ajnabis you’re willing to booty shake for agonat “rival” Somali clans help you.

To you, pro "Somali" is pro N&N

4 years ago, the opposition including farmaajo had a meeting in Nairobi. Did anyone claim they were anti Somaali? No. Why are you against people running against the current Gov whether you like them or not? is this a dictatorship? What makes me anti somaali by supporting non N&N candidate?

:faysalwtf: war yaa ilahay yaqana

