Opposition MPs & Senators from Somaliland region quit Sheikh Sharif & Hassan Sheikh Mohamud parties

I know you would want to claim your history as an Italian foot soldier which is why you love claiming your so called Karanle ancestors. But then you would be claiming Oromo history since Karanle are known to be part of Arsi Oromo :mjlol:
View attachment 97156

So are you an Italian Dubat or Karanle Oromo? @embarassing :pachah1:
lol @ posting some random screen shots God knows who wrote about a clan that have protected Somali borders for centuries, while you within the free Somali nation booty clap for gaalo who shat on you anyway. You’re embarrassing.

You know what I could post about your clan if I was a qabilist that’s the hot joke. Have some shame and don’t speak about people you could never amount to.
When you say "secessionist" I'm guessing you are referring to the republic of Somaliland:comeon:?

Please advise your bosses at villa Somalia that it is in everybody's interest if the two neighbouring states of SL and Somalia were to respect each other and coexist peacefully.

However, I do 100% support you when it comes to karbasshing traitors who twerk for ajnabi countries in regards to the domestic issues of our brotherly nation of Somalia:russ:
Republic of what, Miskeen.

k, boring. Bye.
This nigga @merka disappeared for like an hour furiously researching about Karanle and the best thing he could come with as an insult was the above screen shots he posts. Miskeen.com.
lol @ posting some random screen shots God knows who wrote about a clan that have protected Somali borders for centuries, while you within the free Somali nation booty clap for gaalo who shat on you anyway. You’re embarrassing.

You know what I could post about your clan if I was a qabilist that’s the hot joke. Have some shame and don’t speak about people you could never amount to.
The source is here. First hand source from the field as well. Can't get any better than that.

Honestly I shouldn't even talk to someone who's people only became Somali after 1991 :dead:

And how can could your clan protect Somali borders when you were historically slaves of Arsi Oromo for centuries. Now that's @embarassing :gucciwhat:


Don't come crying for mercy now. You were the one that started throwing tribal slurs at me :ufdup:
Karanle, since Ahmed Gurey defending Somali borders until this day while facing the brunt of all the assaults. Many would’ve happily given up on the Somali nation or worked to help destroy it based off some of the dominate characters we see today.

Ahmed Gurey was Karanle, and although we lost a lot of people we still exists today defending the furthest most borders of the nation as proud Somalis.

Here is Karanle fighting against Menelik the coward and also sheltering the Sayyid, Muhammad Abdulle Hassan, he died in peace in Karanle land and his grave still stands there today.

Also Karanle in Somalia is most known for fighting Italians and habeshi in Somalia @Mckenzie
Here's the Karanle in Babille siding with Oromos in evicting Somalis from their land. Should we even consider them as Somali at his point? :mjkkk:



We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Karanle, since Ahmed Gurey defending Somali borders until this day while facing the brunt of all the assaults. Many would’ve happily given up on the Somali nation or worked to help destroy it based off some of the dominate characters we see today.

Ahmed Gurey was Karanle, and although we lost a lot of people we still exists today defending the furthest most borders of the nation as proud Somalis.

Here is Karanle fighting against Menelik the coward and also sheltering the Sayyid, Muhammad Abdulle Hassan, he died in peace in Karanle land and his grave still stands there today.

Also Karanle in Somalia is most known for fighting Italians and habeshi in Somalia @Mckenzie

I know the Murursade along with other clans killed Antonio Cecchi and his entourage who were some of the first Europeans who ever came to Somalia :salute:i will post the Mogadishu Massacre magazine they made on it

Waryaa @merka dhaaf gabarta, Karanle waa curad. :fredo:

Your source is referencing an "informant" who mentioned 1991, we all know which demographic loves to blame everything on 1991:ulyin:

Oromodu Somali badan bay liqeen been ma aha taas, they even took the Mad Mullah's wife by force. I commend beesha Karanle and others who survived the torment of the Xabashi by any means even if deciet. All Somalis who neighboured Oromo in Ethiopia or Kenya have had to play hard ball and lose a few jilibs. We have a Saruur (HG) minority that still live near Harrar which is ruled by non Somalis today. They've all been fighting both Amxaaro and Oromos for centuries but nowadays it's not about clan, meesha kursi iyo lacag laga helayo bey aadayaan.
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I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
This thread is weird indeed. Flip flop anti Somai clans known to be assimilated by Oromos are speaking loudly of fervent Somali nationalism. We're certainly living the end of times :snoop:
The source is here. First hand source from the field as well. Can't get any better than that.

Honestly I shouldn't even talk to someone who's people only became Somali after 1991 :dead:
View attachment 97157

And how can could your clan protect Somali borders when you were historically slaves of Arsi Oromo for centuries. Now that's @embarassing :gucciwhat:


Don't come crying for mercy now. You were the one that started throwing tribal slurs at me :ufdup:
Our people border all ajnabis, Somali borders exists because of us. Not only in Hararghe but thanks for making it clear even in Arsi, where Karanle took in and protected the Sayyid. While... nvm.

The Sayid Abdullah Mahamed Hassan was taken in by the Karanle Hawiye in Imey and protected, he was buried there and his grave still protected by the same border Imey Karanles this Somalidiid hating weirdo wishes he could amount.

Karanle regardless of being in occupied Galbeed age wadanis and their whole history attests to it, fighting ajnabis and winning until today. Stick to booty clapping to gaalo who casually turn their back on you and laugh at you. Traitors never learn, nobody respects your types in the history of every nation. This is advice at this point studying basic human history should help you @merka you only being shame to yourself around genuinely sympathetic people like me.

anyway you will forever keep catching these L,s,

my only concern is when losers like you disappear what kind of history should we construct so the future generations shouldn’t die of humiliation and L’s from ppl like you.


Fighting single handedly against Menelik, preserving Somali borders internationally today, most far reaches of Somali land is KARANLE. Who have fought and died alone. Sayid was protected and died among Karanle.

like I’ve said before show me any Somali history that’s worth remembering and I’ll show you how HAWIYE is at the centre of it:

@merka stay in your lane and stick to your petty Somalidiidnimo against Somalis. You could never compare.

Ahmed Gurey was Karanle.

Karanle recently fought alone and reconquered Baabili themselves.

Along the biggest trade route from Addis and the biggest live stock market in all of Galbeed, and id rather it go through PL, if it gets wadanis leadership before Berbera Ig not Hobyo or a genuinely any Somali port.

The ambassador to Somalia from Ethiopia (Karanle Hawiye from Baabili, keep talking hair as if we don’t all have access to the internet).

Current “Ethiopian” ambassador to Somalia, Baabili native GIDIR Karanle. @Mckenzie


like I said, keep holding all the L’s simpleton Somalidiid hater.

I’m glad you’re made got types clear to us. Keep talking about Karanle.
I know the Murursade along with other clans killed Antonio Cecchi and his entourage who were some of the first Europeans who ever came to Somalia :salute:i will post the Mogadishu Massacre magazine they made on it

Waryaa @merka dhaaf gabarta, Karanle waa curad. :fredo:

Your source is referencing an "informant" who mentioned 1991, we all know which demographic loves to blame everything on 1991:ulyin:

Oromodu Somali badan bay liqeen been ma aha taas, they even took the Mad Mullah's wife by force. I commend beesha Karanle and others who survived the torment of the Xabashi by any means even if deciet. All Somalis who neighboured Oromo in Ethiopia or Kenya have had to play hard ball and lose a few jilibs. We have a Saruur (HG) minority that still live near Harrar which is ruled by non Somalis today. They've all been fighting both Amxaaro and Oromos for centuries but nowadays it's not about clan, meesha kursi iyo lacag laga helayo bey aadayaan.
Forget hard ball, idk why your nice to such pathetic rats. My own awoowe suffered and died fighting for Somaliweyn and we have shameless losers like him who should hide away ruining the noble Somali name with their pathetic legacy.

f*ck em, now he’s talking about Karanle who maintain our borders until today? What’s has Karanle very done to him? Could I not easily post his clan converting to LITERAL Christianity? Putting euros on their backs? Doing whatever they can to shit on Somalis even Karanles who are not their “clan enemies”.

I hope you see it now @Mckenzie as much as I disagree politically with PLers wallahi they have never stopped this low. They usually show respect for wadanis and keep it moving, at the very least they ignore the thread and never disrespect our hero’s who’ve died for us.

I aveuallt don’t get how any of you dislike PLers over these people.

anyway anyone who is against Islam and the Somali nation should continue to be humiliated Allahuma Amee! May Allah swt make me one of the just and righteous, ameen.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Beesha Garfuul aka kibirjabshe Karanle Allow dhowr :banderas:

Nel Karanle abbondano la gomma, la mirra, le penne di struzzo, l'avorio, l' incenso; – non coltivano il caffè che prendono dai Galla. Hanno cammelli, bovi, pecore e cavalli in quantità discreta. - Gli Hauja son superiori d'assai ai Somali dell'Ogaden per intelligenza e dignità, tendendo meno di questi alla menzogna. Son lavoratori e coraggiosi. Essi soli, capitanati da Omar-Abdi ebbero il fegato di far fronte ai 15 mila Hamara razziant nel- l' Ogaden.

In Karanle, gum, myrrh, ostrich feathers, ivory, incense abound; - they do not grow the coffee they get from the Galla. They have camels, oxen, sheep and horses in fair quantities. - The Hauja are superior to the Somalis of Ogaden in intelligence and dignity, tending less than these to lies. They are hardworking and brave. They alone, led by Omar-Abdi, had the guts to face the 15 thousand Hamara raiding the Ogaden.

SOURCE Congresso geografico italiano - 1894
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Stop begging the trash @Mckenzie during my time online I’ve seen one day they use your name the next they shit on it. We all know HG alone needs no one, stop letting somalidiid use your name, and I agree Ben Darood (minority) Somalidiida on here.

They use your name for clout but are the first to rejoice at literal ayeeyos being incinerated in bombs, not PLErs, not even the fatass creep PLers on here.
This thread is weird indeed. Flip flop anti Somai clans known to be assimilated by Oromos are speaking loudly of fervent Somali nationalism. We're certainly living the end of times :snoop:
Prove it you worthless unislamic insecure POF, you who lives within Somalis and has to the audacity to speak? who from Ahmed Gureys time until today has maintained Somali borders ? Kibir Jibshe Karanle, you wish you could amount. Stick to your inner Reer baadiyo politics of crying about other Somali clans and let us focus on the nation like we always have. Cuqdad ridden creeps like you are useless.
Sorry I don't get paid to troll online like you. I actually have to work a job :bell:
Awww what a cop out. Because you’re qadiyaad is embarrassing the opposing ideology must be a paid one cuz can’t compete? Lol wallahi I feel sorry for you and the kids you raise. F’ed up but wallahi.
Talk about having a mental breakdown. No wonder you’re always going nuts, you’re overcompensating for your Oromo heritage :dead:


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Stop begging the trash @Mckenzie during my time online I’ve seen one day they use your name the next they shit on it. We all know HG alone needs no one, stop letting somalidiid use your name, and I agree Ben Darood (minority) Somalidiida on here.

They use your name for clout but are the first to rejoice at literal ayeeyos being incinerated in bombs, not PLErs, not even the fatass creep PLers on here.

You can't convince me my ancestral enemies have better interests at heart than Isaaq oo godob keliya ka tirinayo 1991kii. There is a reason we are called okiyaalaha Hawiye, meel dheer baan wax ka aragnaa :diddyass: cawa waad soo jihaadaye you gnna paint the town red with thay N&N bonus:denzelnigga: