Origin of the name ‘Daarood’

I saw a video where some Arabs and Somalis were dancing while there was chanting of ‘Daaru-Sacuudi’. Of course the Somalis watching took this to mean they were saying ‘Daarood is Sacuudi’ when in fact they were chanting and praising ‘hosue of the Saud’ and nothing at all to do with any Somali tribe. It did sound very much to untrained ears that they were chanting ‘Daarood’ though.

It made me think - is that the way the tribal name ‘Daarood’ came about? Did it perhaps originally mean ‘Daaru-Islam’ or something similar and was it corrupted by ears not used to hearing the Arabic language to ‘Daaru….Daruud…Daarood’?

If you look at the Arab founder myth, a myth that for example the Hawiye do not have and that the Isaaq essentially replicate at a later point in time, Darood were the first to claim Arab lineage and perhaps by way Islam as well. As a result, in a land of largely non-Muslims the new Muslims and their lands would have been referred to as ‘Daarul-Islaam’ or some variant thereof.

Over time, this would have created a unique identity in the region, which as the religion of Islam spread, would have created a distinct tribal grouping different to later adherents to Islam. The original people of Daarul-Islaam may have then begun to refer to themselves as ‘Daarood’ to shorten it and to identify themselves.

I think this is backed up by the fact that Daarood originated in the same area in the general north-east of Somalia before spreading south and south-west. This wouldn’t really make sense if they were disparate clans that were distant geographically from each other. This is further supported by the traditional ‘abtirsi’ of Daarood and the fact that it indicates Daarood is older than the other Somali tribes and begins with an Arab forefather.

I am not arguing here about who was Muslim first, but rather the likely origin of this name and it’s Arabic/Muslim genesis. I think this theory needs to be developed further. It is possible others have espoused this theory before me but I haven’t seen it published or put forward anywhere.

