Origin of the word 'Gaal'

Do you know Arabic ?

The triliteral word ( kafr ) is not only found in the Arabic language, but is also present in other Semitic languages. The biliteral linguistic root is found in the Somali language .

What is the meaning of the word kfr ( كَفَرَ kafara ) in the Quranic verses ?
Kafara means disbelieved, you're not proving anything
I believe the word "Gaal" is derived from "Galla".

After we (Somalis) reverted to Islam, we had serious conflicts with the Galla to the point we drove them out of our land.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
I believe the word "Gaal" is derived from "Galla".

After we (Somalis) reverted to Islam, we had serious conflicts with the Galla to the point we drove them out of our land.
Oromo never lived in Somalia regions ever, they only started moving out of their ancestral homeland in the Southwest in the 16th century.
Oromo never lived in Somalia regions ever, they only started moving out of their ancestral homeland in the Southwest in the 16th century.

Gallas (especially Borana) used to live all the way Nugaal, Sanaag, and Bari). We learned from elders the places they fought us and how they were driven out of our territories.

for instance, Nugaal was a Borana king. He was killed and areas that his people once settled today is called Nugaal.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Gallas (especially Borana) used to live all the way Nugaal, Sanaag, and Bari). We learned from elders the places they fought us and how they were driven out of our territories.

for instance, Nugaal was a Borana king. He was killed and areas that his people once settled today is called Nugaal.
I highly doubt that, what are your sources?

Even Oromo timelines match this spread from the 16th century.

Gallas (especially Borana) used to live all the way Nugaal, Sanaag, and Bari). We learned from elders the places they fought us and how they were driven out of our territories.

for instance, Nugaal was a Borana king. He was killed and areas that his people once settled today is called Nugaal.
Not true, I’d say before Somalis moved southwards, the land was inhabited by the Harla, who were driven into extinction and or absorbed by the incoming Somalis, the Harla are hypothesised to have been mainly absorbed the Darod, where they are now counted as a branch of it. The Harla were probably similar to the Rendille and were speakers of a somaloid language, but persisted with their Waaq religion until they were defeated and islamised at the hands of the incoming Somali clans
Not true, I’d say before Somalis moved southwards, the land was inhabited by the Harla, who were driven into extinction and or absorbed by the incoming Somalis, the Harla are hypothesised to have been mainly absorbed the Darod, where they are now counted as a branch of it. The Harla were probably similar to the Rendille and were speakers of a somaloid language, but persisted with their Waaq religion until they were defeated and islamised at the hands of the incoming Somali clans

Xarla Koombe is part of the Daarood family and therefore fully Somali.
Not true, I’d say before Somalis moved southwards, the land was inhabited by the Harla, who were driven into extinction and or absorbed by the incoming Somalis, the Harla are hypothesised to have been mainly absorbed the Darod, where they are now counted as a branch of it. The Harla were probably similar to the Rendille and were speakers of a somaloid language, but persisted with their Waaq religion until they were defeated and islamised at the hands of the incoming Somali clans

Only problem with that theory is that archaeologists found the Hara Islamic sites to show signs of show evidence of non-Muslim and highly Muslim practicing societies coexisting. That doesn’t point to a defeat, more like a gradual adoption of Islam through Dawah and trade.

Maybe Harla +Darood and other Somali ancestors=same. And thus it would just be a case of Somali inventing jihad origins for themselves and distancing themselves from their pagan ancestors.

Even the name Dar-ood seems like it might be related to stone builders of some sort.
Did Somalis speak Arabic as native language back in the days ? How would they come up with the Arabic word “qaal la = he said no” ?
No Somalis didn’t speak Arabic. Ibn Batutta visited Somalia back in the 12th or 13th century, I forgot which one, but he specifically went out of his way to make it clear that the locals (Somalis) didn’t speak Arabic.

Somali Saayid

Ninkii dhoof ku yimid beey geeridu dhibeysaa
No. Gaal = Camel (as in AbGaal). Gaal'la = Camel less ( foreigners ). Gaal became associated with colonizers and thus non Muslims.
I also thought the clan names Gaal-Jecel meant foreigner lovers. Interesting it just Camel in old af somali


♚Sargon of Adal♚
No Somalis didn’t speak Arabic. Ibn Batutta visited Somalia back in the 12th or 13th century, I forgot which one, but he specifically went out of his way to make it clear that the locals (Somalis) didn’t speak Arabic.
They used it as a secondary language, I had a brief read Ibn Battuta travels to Mogadishu, and he stated they spoke their own language between themselves but when he was present they spoke Arabic.

There are several different words for camel in Somali.



سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
In Somali language , letter " q ق / k ك " is pronounced as " g چ " .

For example :
the word " book " became " buug " and " the book " became " buugga "
( It had to be : " buukka " ) .

the word " bank " became " bangi " in Somali language .

the word tooth in Somali lanuage was " ilik " became " ilig " .

the word leg in Somali lanuage was " luk " became " lug " .

لق / عق ← لك / عك ← لچ / عچ

Luq / caq → Luk / cak → Lug / cag

The letters " L ل " and " c ع " are interchangeable
= ل
= L

The pronoun " I " was " anaku " and became " anigu " in Somali .

So the word " Kaafir كافر " which means unbeliever became " gaal چال " .



The letters " L ل " and " R ر " are interchangeable

= ر

L = R

By the way, the word “ Kafr كفر ” is a Somali word and NOT a loan word .
I will explain in another post .

Baiso language ( belongs to Somaloid languages ) ,
the word for right is ( merge ) while in Somali languge , the word
for right is ( midig ) .
merge مرچ
midig مدچ

As we noticed in the two words, there is a transformation of the letter " d " into the letter " R / L " ,
or we can say that the letter " R / L " turns into the letter " d " .

Another example:
The word ( dayax ديح דיח ) in the Somali language means ( moon )
While the word ( yarax يرح ירח ) in the Aramaic , Canaanite and Hebrew languages means ( moon ) .
As we noticed in the two words, there is a metathesis and there is also a transformation of the letter " d " into the letter " R / L " or vice versa.

dayax ديح דיח
yarax يرح ירח

ilm Orma
ilmo Adaama

إلمو أرم

إلمو أدم



Perhaps the word ( GaLaa ) comes from the word ( GaDaa ) .

‏جزاك الله خيرا brother
Never heard of this explanation, but it makes sense, if answers another question, from a linguistic perspective. It is said to be derived from ' قال لا => qaal la => he said no', originally used to describe people who refused to accept Islam.

In Yemeni Arabic, letter 'q' is pronounced as 'g', in which case, then it would appear 'Gaal' as in 'Geel', as has been suggested, is just a homonym, with no linguistic bearing.

How has 'gaalshire', as in a place where 'gaalo' congregate, come to mean prison?
Gaalshire = Italian ‘Carcere’ meaning prison. It’s just the typical Somalification of a foreign word. This is what they call the main prison in Boosaaso. Further proof is that in the areas where Italians didn’t control no Somali people call it ‘gaal shire’ hence not an actual Somali word with any meaning.
Never heard of this explanation, but it makes sense, if answers another question, from a linguistic perspective. It is said to be derived from ' قال لا => qaal la => he said no', originally used to describe people who refused to accept Islam.

The name Galla , used especially by the rulling Amhara-Tigrean groups .

Gala = Pagan => In the north, Christianity has been adopted for centuries, and they refer to any southern ethnicity initially Galas, and the very non-Christian south that intermingled with the "Amharas"/Christians were the ethnicity we now called Oromos. So, when the norther say "Gala", its true meaning was non-Christian, also non-Muslims, as they were already accustomed to Islam, thru Ahmed Gran expansion/war a few centuries ago, and muslims settled in the region we call Wollo.

Gala = Slave, Gala could also mean people from the south who they consider "slaves" - hence in Gojjam, one can say "I am not your dad's Galla" meaning," you can't order me like your slave" . To reinforce this argument: King Menelik once proclamied "Don't kill any human, even is he/she is Gala", meaning non-Christian.

As we all know, the religion of the majority of Amhara and Tigray is Christianity.
So if you read the New Testament you will find a book called The Epistle to the Galatians.

Galatians 4:8 : "Formerly, when you did not know God, you were enslaved to those that by nature are not gods".

Galatians were slaves to other figures, like Zeus and Hermes, who were not even true gods, at all. Their false religion held them captive to false hopes of being saved or favored by false gods.
According to Paul the Galatians themselves were slaves to false gods ( .

Who were the Galatians?

The Galatians were a Celtic people who lived in the region of Galatia, which is now part of Turkey.
Galatia : A region of ancient Asia Minor, in what is now central Turkey; a province of ancient Rome.
The Galatians were a Celtic group who migrated from Gaul to Asia Minor .

Gallia / Wallia :
1. (Classical Latin) the lands of the Gauls; various tribes primarily inhabiting what is now modern-day France and Belgium .
2. (Medieval Latin) Alternative spelling of Wallia (“Wales”) .

The Galatians literal translation (  Gauls ) were a Celtic people dwelling in Galatia, a region of central Anatolia in modern-day Turkey surrounding Ankara during the Hellenistic period. They spoke the Galatian language, which was closely related to Gaulish, a contemporary Celtic language spoken in Gaul.

Galatia (/ɡəˈleɪʃə/; Ancient Greek: Γαλατία, Galatía, "Gaul") was an ancient area in the highlands of central Anatolia, roughly corresponding to the provinces of Ankara and Eskişehir in modern Turkey. Galatia was named after the Gauls from Thrace (cf. Tylis), who settled here and became a small transient foreign tribe in the 3rd century BC, following the Gallic invasion of the Balkans in 279 BC. It has been called the "Gallia" of the East.

The Wolaita people are an ethnic group in Ethiopia.

Gaalada people = Welayta / Wolaita people .
Gallia = Wallia ( Alternative spelling ) .
g :

Middle French guerre, from Old French guerre, from Early Medieval Latin werra, borrowed from Frankish *werru (“confusion; quarrel”). Compare English war.

Gaul : from French Gaule (“Gaul”), from Middle French Gaule (“Gaul”), from Old French Gaule, Waulle .

gaal " gāll " waal " wāll " aal " āll " ضال .

چال ↔ وال ↔ ضال

( āll ) (masculine plural ضَالُّون (ḍāllūn) or ضُلَّال (ḍullāl), feminine plural ضَالَّات (ḍāllāt) or ضَوَالُّ (ḍawāllu))
ضَالّ ( āll ) means : straying; roaming; astray; lost.

صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا الضَّالِّينَ ٧ الفاتحة
wala alalleena وَلَا الضَّالِّينَ :
the Path of those You have blessed—not those You are displeased with, or those who are astray .

وَوَجَدَكَ ضَالًّا فَهَدَىٰ ٧ الضحى " Wawajadaka ḍallan fahada " :
And He found you lost ( unguided , astray ) and guided [you],
Screenshot 2025-01-18 133752.png
I had thought it could be from qalaad (strangers) change into G. A few languages in east Africa may have called foreigners or people with different religions galla.
Never heard of this explanation, but it makes sense, if answers another question, from a linguistic perspective. It is said to be derived from ' قال لا => qaal la => he said no', originally used to describe people who refused to accept Islam.
to sum up :
gaal " gāll "
waal " wāll " ↔ aal " ḍāll " ضال .

g w " ض " :
waal : " astray mind / lost mind; drive someone mad " :
An astray mind is a mind that is confused, in error, or thinking or acting in an undesirable way.
gaal : means : being off the right path or route or astray from the right path . Out of the right way / lost the way .
aal " ḍāll " ضال : straying; roaming; astray; lost .

g w :
William = Guillaume .
The names William and Guillaume are of the same Germanic origin. Guillaume is the French version of the name, while William is the English version.

g w :
Galatia = Welayta / Wolaita .

g w
wareer = gariir
wareer : dizziness; confusion; restlessness; confusing; disturbing
wareer : be dizzy; get confused; be restless
wareeri : make someone dizzy; confuse;
cause to be restless .
gariir : shake, tremble, quake, shiver
gariir : trembling, quaking; pulse.
gariiri : shake, make tremble, cause to quake .

gariir: Dhaxan ama jirro oo jirku la
2. ld gallayr. 3. ld gariirid.
gariir: (gariiray , gariirtay) Cabsi, dhaxan iwm
awgeed la ruxasho.

waal : madden, drive someone mad, make someone go insane .
waalan .
waalan : insane, crazy, mad .
waallaan : insanity, madness, state of being insane .
waalli : madness, insanity .
waalo : become insane, go mad .

waal (waalay, waashay) :
1. Qof wax maskaxda lagaga jiro ka dhigid.
2. Is waal : qof waalan iska dhigid.
waalid .
waalan (waalnaa, waalnayd) :
1. Qof waalli hayso ahaansho.
2. U waal : cid wax si xad dhaafa ah u jecel ahaansho.
waalasho .

waalli: Isbeddel daran ee dhimirka oo caan ku ah habka fakaridda oo aan dhammayn iskuna xirneyn; abbaaridda dhabta oo beddelan; iyo jawaab celin caadifi ah.
waalo (waashay, waalatay) :
1. Wax waalan noqosho.
2. Ka waalo: meel cabsi awgeed uga cararid.
waalwaal (waalwaalay, waalwaashay) :
Is waalwaal : qof waalan iska dhigid.


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