Oromo cuts down tree in Qardho PL

ENDF withdrew from Somalia in Jan 2009. The Ethiopian troops re-entered Somalia in Jan 2012 to help fight Shabab in Gedo. If you didn't want your region defended by ENDF then stop joining Alshabab.
He’s definitely a shabab sympathizer himself, it’s evident from his post history. I guess that’s what happens when you are an ciil riddled laangaab that has no other outlet to address his marginalization.
Sad Tears GIF


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
ENDF withdrew from Somalia in Jan 2009. The Ethiopian troops re-entered Somalia in Jan 2012 to help fight Shabab in Gedo. If you didn't want your region defended by ENDF then stop joining Alshabab.
ENDF has always maintained a presence in the border regions. Abdullahi Yusuf brought them in 1982 to attack Balanbal, Galdogob and MX lands in occupied Somali Galbeed. Your uncle was the first traitor in Somali history, and they continue to maintain their presence today. Lacantullahi calayhi.
ENDF has always maintained a presence in the border regions. Abdullahi Yusuf brought them in 1982 to attack Balanbal, Galdogob and MX lands in occupied Somali Galbeed. Your uncle was the first traitor in Somali history, and they continue to maintain their presence today. Lacantullahi calayhi.
You didn't answer my question. Why are some of your clansmen in Gedo joining AS and the others need Ethiopian protection ?
There is no Ethiopian presence in Balanbale today, What's your excuse for Gedo ?