Oromo Habarnosa welcomes their “Somaliland brothers”

Mashallah long lost assimilated cousins returning to Garxajis. Hopefully they are registered voters come November ❤️
Somaliland Oromiyaadha. Oromiya Somalilanddha. :rejoice: Nutii Ireecha dhufaa jiru keessatti gara bakka laga Berbera deemuuf deemna. Biyyi Oromoo haa jiraattu :fredo:


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
@Yami I wish I was joking but I'm not this actually happened
Wouldn’t be surprised that xayawaan is noticeably corrupt :dead: He sold Kulmiye’s fate by that disastrous SSC war that nigga party is never getting voted back even if he fakes 60k votes next time

Garaad Awal

Former African
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They can chinp out all they want, they will be crushed by us again. Tap dancing & conning for faqash like @daljirkadahsoon wont give the weak obese,shaped like an aunty Buddha look-alike th kursi. No president can rule SL with the complete disapproval of Bani Zubeyr Awal.
Hargeisa is ours, Wajaale is ours & Berbera Port is ours. This is the reality you have to live with. :manny:

