I like how your argument for what they're doing is mostly just accusing me of being a wahhabist and not valuing "somalinimo." I like how you're not actually responding to my claims of making pilgrimmage to another human being is a sin in all shapes and forms because you know that's 100% haram but you don't care. You aren't bringing up any ayats from the Qu'ran or any hadiths on how this is permissable simply because you're fully aware that this is forbidden. Fine, whatever--I'm not going to force you to learn or care about the diin. But just to fully inform all practicing Muslims, what they're doing is a clear-cut example of Shirk in Ibadah.
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"Say: Think to yourselves, if Allah's punishment came upon you or the Final Hour, would you then call on other than Allah? (Reply) if you are truthful." [Surat Al-Anaam: 40]

this is a cultral heritage site
and is more then 800 or 900 years old it was built by shiekh hussein on behalf of the somali ajuraan sultanate
he is significant as he converted the local sidamo and oromos to islam
stop trying to push you're Wahhabi version of islam somalia is a secular democratic country built for somalis this is our history