|Otaku Zone 2.0|

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yasmin lan

Satans step daughter
Tokyo ghoul was good but I stopped watching after episode three of season one because so much happened in just three episodes I can’t process that much. It’s intresting so I reccomend it :samwelcome:
Idk how people can religiously watch anime year after year.
Aside from pokemon & random Yu Gi Oh on cartoon network as a child, the only anime i finished was Full Metal Alchemist. Even then i was like 11-12 yrs old. But it was the bomb lol good times :banderas:

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Idk how people can religiously watch anime year after year.
Aside from pokemon & random Yu Gi Oh on cartoon network as a child, the only anime i finished was Full Metal Alchemist. Even then i was like 11-12 yrs old. But it was the bomb lol good times :banderas:
You would think people would grow out of it at some point. I lost total interest in it once i turned 16-17.:manny:
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