It was only a matter of time before other nationalities caught on to Somalis using their flags to represent their clan fiefdoms. It has gotten so bad that if you search these flags on TikTok, many of the videos that come up are from Somalis.
Please, for the love of God, dadkaan calankooda u daaya. Is not enough for you? Can you not at the very least stick to using heart and cloud emojis?? Imagine the shame of others finding out that an ethnicity of people who speak the same language, share the same culture, religion, and even lineage are constantly trying to further fragment and weaken themselves over ooga booga clan politics.
Please, for the love of God, dadkaan calankooda u daaya. Is not enough for you? Can you not at the very least stick to using heart and cloud emojis?? Imagine the shame of others finding out that an ethnicity of people who speak the same language, share the same culture, religion, and even lineage are constantly trying to further fragment and weaken themselves over ooga booga clan politics.