over thirty and got kidnapped by egal airport for dhaqan celis (2021)

This doesn’t sound plausible. I have so many questions. But tbh, I’ve been hearing about how some adults have been held against their will for daqan celis but they have mostly been female. Also, usually the parents are in on it. What rights do aunts and uncles have to do such a thing, like who the hell are they?

Also, as an adult man for them to do this means you either have to be really saaqid as let’s be real their isn’t much accountability for men when it comes to Somalis. Seeing a man chew Khaat and not work and just be an overall waste is not exactly unheard of and it isn’t usually punished. So what could you have possibly have done for them to think you need this? Do you have property or money back home that they might want to control or seize? I’m at a loss.

I’m interested to know if you any of you lot know any stories like this.

lastly, I wish you the best!
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A over 30 year old getting put into dhaqan celis is a new one to me, and also unfathomable. Unless they threw you into a dungeon with 24/7 supervision, how did they stop you from leaving?
Why does sound like bs this happened to me. And the people that did this take care of a villa because we're never there.

I had police guard but they were my cousins. So i don't know if that counts.

Sheikh Ali would scream about sihir all day dangerous place this woman just got out of a coma and he even beat her. He was horrible.
A over 30 year old getting put into dhaqan celis is a new one to me, and also unfathomable. Unless they threw you into a dungeon with 24/7 supervision, how did they stop you from leaving?
Guns. They all had weapons. But mind you they use to let me play with them all day and yes i did think of shooting them but i didn't. Repercussions on my mind how do i escape that


just as i landed a family member picked me up. i wanted to go to my dads villa in hargeisa instead my cousin turned up from burco in army fatigue (spelling)
i was put into a car against my will dragged to burco sent to cilaay for one whole year. it was bad the guy would walk into the house beat you and put this white burning powder to your nose. it burns you feel like your dying he would put tubes by my ear and scream quran made me drink disgusting water or randomly start hitting you they stole my phone was gridless for a year neeedless to say im never going back. as soon as i land my cousins will be there in army fatigue.

i still dont know the reason maybe my online activity or the fact i cussed some relative out alll i kno for certain as soon as i land in egal airport im dead and im over thirty

the only way for me to go to hargeisa is as a married woman cant fly alone

i never imagined this happening to me i thought dhaqan celis was for kids
How are you being treated like this in your 30’s, stand up for yourself


Proud American
This gotta be fake. Nigga how are you a grown ass adult letting this happen? You’re 30, go start a family. No disrespect btw
:snoop: :heh:


my cousin from back home is 26 and got sent to one of those dungeons because of his lifestyle it’s not unheard of


عادل | جامعة الدفاع العربي
Guns. They all had weapons. But mind you they use to let me play with them all day and yes i did think of shooting them but i didn't. Repercussions on my mind how do i escape that
You could have used the guns as a bluff if they ever caught you sneaking out, maybe take a child with you as a hostage :pachah1:
people have to know what police can do to you. im thinking of starting a youtube channel just to speak about my experience
during my kidnapping i phoned the embassy nearest one in kenya they couldnt help.

All the people involved still call me sometimes to see how im doing. lol my cousins