Pakistani Sheikh comes for Chunkz and Beta Squad

I don't really support these Somali Muslim influencers. A lot of their content goes against islam.

But I've noticed a lot of timojilecs that are hating on these Somali influencers. They never mention the countless timojilecs who do the same exact thing.

I think it's because Somalis are really starting t become at the forefront of Muslim community on the media. For the longest it was always the Asian community but Somalis are starting to take over. It's just pure jealousy.
It's because they know can't make it big like Beta Squad or Diary Room. Desis love black culture. They all wannabe black. But they're just seen as hairy brown terrorists. Have you noticed there aren't any big Desi or Arab influencers? It's because their kind are not palatable to cadaans. Can you imagine an cadaan kid in Northern England or rural Alabama watch a Paki beta squad or Arab beta squad? Nah. But they do watch BetaSquad. Their videos are always trending in the US. Chunka, Sharky etc were able to be so successful in UK and America because of their blackness.
Alhamdullilah Somalis are black.

Chunkz, Beta Squad, Diary Room, all got really big and successful because they’re black. Black people are palatable to global markets - across all races and cultures.

Nobody would wanna watch Desi influencers. Or Arab influencers. There hairy big nosed “terrorist” faces would scare audiences.

This is why all the major influencers are either Cadaan or madow. Logan Paul, KSI, Sidemen, Beta Squad, JiDion,
Bro were not black we dont have the same history as them race is just a social construct :snoop:

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
just like how hijabi indian guy focus on ilhan who lives in miles away from him another continent, he never talked about his gay loving desi mayor in the city he lives in, somali are easy target bc they never protect themselves
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I was not expecting him to pull out hadiths. Interesting he had smoke for the mainly Somali YouTubers. It's so weird. There are a lot of desis in youtube he could have addressed. There's that guy N3on who left the deen and is running around with OF girls, nothing for that brother? I still remember when they wanted to cancel Chunkz because KSI said p@ki. All of a sudden, Chunkz is on a moral high ground and is supposed to defend the honor of Pakistanis, especially when he didn't even say the word and even told KSI it was bad.
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Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
i wish the boys well. the next move for them is to keep making videos while also doing netflix acting and movie appearances imo. Their influence will go thru the roof
I think people are more likely to call out ethnicities they perceive to be "below" them. Like Arabs -> South Asians when Arabs are amongst the most liberal muslims
It's because they know can't make it big like Beta Squad or Diary Room. Desis love black culture. They all wannabe black. But they're just seen as hairy brown terrorists. Have you noticed there aren't any big Desi or Arab influencers? It's because their kind are not palatable to cadaans. Can you imagine an cadaan kid in Northern England or rural Alabama watch a Paki beta squad or Arab beta squad? Nah. But they do watch BetaSquad. Their videos are always trending in the US. Chunka, Sharky etc were able to be so successful in UK and America because of their blackness.
you might be spitting
I was not expecting him to pull out hadiths. Interesting he had smoke for the mainly Somali YouTubers. It's so weird. There are a lot of desis in youtube he could have addressed. There's that guy N3on who left the deen and is running around with OF girls, nothing for that brother? I still remember when they wanted to cancel Chunkz because KSI said p@ki. All of a sudden, Chunkz is on a moral high ground and is supposed to defend the honor of Pakistanis, especially when he didn't even say the word and even told KSI it was bad.
when Vik was right there


Somalia Hanoolato
I’m not gonna lie I try to stay away from Muslim influencers in general that are not talking about the deen but I ended up watching some of Chunkz content & I truly believe the brother has a good heart & he’s funny tbh. They just say stuff that would normally be said amongst friends but there’s a camera there.

Is he the perfect ideal all the time of what a pure Muslim should be doing no, they make crass jokes and some sexual innuendos but to Chunkz credit he tries to stop them when they go too far and he always talks about how important Islam is to him & why he quit music for that reason. I’m not perfect and no one is so I can’t fault the brother, I think in the society we live in he actually is a better person than most online. I hate when desi & Arab haram police only target Somali people on social media. Like go target your own country please. In Egypt they have Eid’s with men and woman standing in the same row praying side by side, I never see Mohammed Hijab or Ali Dawah mention this.