Palestinians online: "Anywhere is better than Somalia. They are a starving people"

"Palestinians" bro it's literally five people. I've met Palestinians in real life and they are very warm and welcoming people.

At the end of the day they are people being oppressed and we must support them as they are our muslim brothers and sisters. Trust me they aint lying when they say there is a anti Arab to murtad pipeline.
5 people?????
There were thousands of them with negative horrible comments towards Somalis.

Enjoy some of the comments by Falastinis:

"Somalia is the land of the chocolate people"

"So we have to choose between the magicians (Moroccans) or the starving ones (Somalis)?"

"Anywhere is better than Somalia"

"I'm scared for my skin colour (by going Somalia)"

Those are just a few and get this, many are from GAZA.
Arabs even while getting massmurdered by jews have energy for racism. Truly a hopeless people.
The people making excuses for them have no backbone. I’m sure if an African said this you wouldn’t give them the benefit of doubt. Palestinians talking about Somalis starving like Israel isn’t starving them. Free Palestine though!

No Way Wtf GIF by Harlem

So true. Seen Faraxs in the replies bringing out graphs of Somalia’s GDP to justify the slander. They would never do this if it were some madows slandering us. Bunch of spineless cucks who think that lowering themselves in front of Arabs gets them to Jannah.

As for the Palestinians, I don’t know what it is about oppressed people that makes them so vicious against others that have nothing to do with their situation. Makes it hard to sympathise with people when often, you will seem them acting cruelly themselves.


So true. Seen Faraxs in the replies bringing out graphs of Somalia’s GDP to justify the slander. They would never do this if it were some madows slandering us. Bunch of spineless cucks who think that lowering themselves in front of Arabs gets them to Jannah.

As for the Palestinians, I don’t know what it is about oppressed people that makes them so vicious against others that have nothing to do with their situation. Makes it hard to sympathise with people when often, you will seem them acting cruelly themselves.

Its only 2 clans, Isaaq and Darood who have an Arab slave fetish. They would gladly accept being on the lower end of the hierarchy along with the Sudanese and other mullato hybrids.

Hawiye and Dir don't have this mentality alhamdulillah.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
It's good that they don't want to be in Somalis at all, but sxb y'all history is repeating it's self. What happened to 1920-1940 in Palestine? They had people with no homeland seeking to resettled. Nearly 2 million arrived in at once these people where united. Currently is Somalis have our disagreement and they will take advantage of that. Same thing that happened to them they will inflicted on Somali in less than 20 years. We don't want any of them. Somalia is for Somalis
Palestinians are Arabs they don’t have the intellect or cunning to replace people like the Jews do


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Keep in mind, Israeli next to Russia is one of the best at disinformation, either way no matter what comments a minority make, my stance on genocide won't change.

Personally, I wouldn't welcome them to Somalia due to previous issues that Jordan and Kuwait had with them, Somalia is at a fragile state, let their Arab kin take them in.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
k? idc. u all can accuse me of being non-somali but i'm not the one posting bait threads. he’s so jealous of arabs. how can you take their names and follow their religion, yet think you're better than them? insecure abeed
It's not their religion, but everyone's, it just happens to be in their specific end of the woods, no one is jealous but envious of their oil yes, nothing else beyond that, they are America's dogs since the 1970s.

I agree with the names, I believe we should stick to our own since they can be directly translated and understood.
They can keep talking, but I’m sure most people would prefer poverty over whatever's going on in Palestine. Our poverty and disunity can be overcome, we’ve seen other nations achieve just that. But oppression, genocide, apartheid AND poverty combined? Yeah may God help them with that. We all know how things turned out for native Americans and the aboriginals. :browtf:
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That's honestly the best for everyone, I mean, we already know they're racist towards anything African, SEA and Hindi can't even escape their mire. Besides, who said we'd accept anyway? We certainly don't want them back home, and neither do they, win-win.

images - 2025-02-07T032004.157.jpeg
This suggestion comes from the yahuuds. No one has and will offer asylum to Palestinians. Yahuuds are masters of discord, they want o sow division between us. It’s why they only named states of Somalia, undermining the federal government. Quit entertaining this idea before these bracelet wearing retards start acting funny
Israel doing the world a favor. Never supporting these rats again
Certified nacas take, 3 years at a labour camp for you.


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