Palestinians online: "Anywhere is better than Somalia. They are a starving people"

I shared this in another thread but i copy it again.

Somalia is actually a thriving place, it has the highest internet speed, 2nd high electricity rate in East Africa, holds the regions nr 1 university, most advanced mobile banking and telecommunications, is the richest country in East Africa if you take the estimate of 2.8 billion mobile transactions a month would equal 93 billion GDP and per capita of 5-6.200 making it a upper middle income country, with one of Africa's most vibrant private sector.

So Somalia has lots of opportunities and most of the country is safe and governed , its not only the reason why many Ethiopians flock to Puntland and Somaliland (Mogadishu is a bit difficult to cross border into due the tigth security)

But it's also the reason why you have Syrians, Yemenis, Sudanese coming to Somalia as refugees and integrating smoothly

"When we saw how Somalis have been welcoming us, we knew we were in a better place. Though security challenges still exist here, we adopted it and we became part of our host communities. We feel welcome," Sha'naani told Anadolu Agency in an interview.

With freedom to work and travel, Yemeni refugees become part of social and economic fabric of Somalia​

Palestinians are all welcome, it doesn't matter what they believe about us , as long as we know the truth about ourselves and our country it's what matters. We don't discard our values and humanity to play bigot racist warfare over keyboards, it doesn't mean we worship or see any group as superior.

Arabs have a reputation for racism and indifference , Somalis have a reputation for being friendly, kind, charitable and generous. Somalis are more steadfast and unapologetic with their religion, Arabs will move out of their country to discard their religion in the west so they can be more accepted by Islamophobes. We are not the same mindset wise.

I bet all the displaced groups i have mentioned had the same pre-concieved media induced beliefs about Somalia before they went there. So let believe what they want.
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LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
You guys are so emotional dissing a whole group of people cause of what 5 folks said that’s like saying all Somalis are murderer rapist cause 5 of them got arrested for that
Also not all areas back home are doing bad. Its far better then when I was there. And its doing far better compared to when the Ethiopian troops destroyed my hometown and set it ablaze killing our loved ones. What bothers me is that you regularly see the kids mocking our families back home when they don't understand how much trials and tribulations they had to go through to build up their homes. They have far more sympathy for non-somalis then their own people. Its embarrassing you wont see these other communities doing this. And someone already said this here when it comes to Arab countries they will say it was foreign powers that destroyed their countries but when it comes to Somalis its always our fault. We caused it. Maybe the people in your own cities did but it has nothing to do with mines. Both of my parents cities got shelled but now Somalis have worked hard to rebuild it and are continuing to work hard. Why call something shit when you have done nothing but sit on your arse and havent helped at all. We got the most annoying people in our communities.

I think the numbers for Somalia are cooked (HDI and GDP/PPP), none of this stuff makes sense anymore. Somalis are the most hard working people when it comes to livestock, no one could ever say a nomad is lazy, they're up working from dawn till sun down, also;


I bet Somalia's numbers and economic activity are being deliberately downplayed, it's no wonder some Africans were shocked almost 50% of the nation had access to electricity.
Arabs have a weird phobia regarding skin tone. I see the same thing among South Asians.

You can look like Shrek and light in Complexion, somehow you are the best thing since sliced bread.

Woe to you however even if you resemble Prince charming and yet have dark skin. Many of these lighter complexion Arabs (more Anatolian farmer admixed) get nose surgeries to get the Somali nose.

:reallymaury: :dead:
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I think the numbers for Somalia are cooked (HDI and GDP/PPP), none of this stuff makes sense anymore. Somalis are the most hard working people when it comes to livestock, no one could ever say a nomad is lazy, they're up working from dawn till sun down, also;

View attachment 354519

I bet Somalia's numbers and economic activity are being deliberately downplayed, it's no wonder some Africans were shocked almost 50% of the nation had access to electricity.
Is Woqooyi Galbeed in SL? Also tbh low numbers means getting aid but the poor never get the aid.
Arabs have a weird phobia regarding skin tone. I see the same thing among South Asians.

You can look like Shrek and light in Complexion, somehow you are the best thing since sliced bread.

Wo to you however even if you resemble Prince charming and yet have dark skin. Many of these lighter complexion Arabs (more Anatolian farmer admixed) get nose surgeries to get the the Somali nose.

:reallymaury: :dead:
You people shouldn’t be surprised by any of this. There was a light skin Somali doctor who years ago said a Palestinian doctor asked her where she was from. She said Somalia and he said no, tell people you are from Libya. Someone asked her later on where she was from and she said Somalia in front of the Palestinian and when they left he asked her why she didn’t say Libya(another hellhole). She said she told him you are a Palestinian you have no right to tell me anything along with some other insults. These people look down on anyone who is dark skinned. They don’t even like Somalis doing demonstrations for them because they see Somalis as being in an even worse situation than them, and they are in the middle of what is clearly ethnic cleansing.
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You people shouldn’t be surprised by any of this. There was a light skin Somali doctor who years ago said a Palestinian doctor asked her where she was from. She said Somalia and he said no, tell people you are from Libya. Someone asked her later on where she was from and she said Somalia in front of the Palestinian and when they left he asked her why she didn’t say Libya. She said she told him you are a Palestinian you have no right to tell me anything along with some other insults. These people look down on anyone who is dark skinned. They don’t even like Somalis doing demonstrations for them because they see Somalis as being in an even worse situation then them, and they are in the middle of what is clearly ethnic cleansing.



♚Sargon of Adal♚
If these deluded diaspora people on this thread spent 6 months back home, beyond just couple of weeks holiday, they would come back with much worse sentiments.

The Palestinians in their concentration camps before the genocide had better quality of life then the Somalis back home, that's in every aspect of life other then freedom.

They are known for having countless engineers and doctors while we are known as being leaches, cheaters and scoundrels even in the diaspora.

Look at there roads, buildings, hospitals and general cleanliness, then compare this to us, it's night and day.

The only thing we have is an abundance of kibir and pride, but nothing to show for it.
If we pooled our resources and manpower things would change, you just need to look at the 1970's, we are cursed people, as long as we continue to have these incompetent leadership, until HSM gets the boot there won't be any progress in PL/SL including the Alkeebab strong hold down south.

Our private sector is a lot more competent, we need better ways of managing external control within Somalia.


A few points on this
- we shouldn't base our political opinions on emotions, there are racist everywhere. I support the Palestinian right to statehood because I believe is the right thing to do , If we base our opinions solely on incidents like this we would have to oppose pretty much the entire world. Imagine someone hating somalis and being against us solely because of the deranged racist stuff some somalis write online. It would make much sense to blame the entire population or switch opinions based on this.
- Some of the comments are obviously racist. Of course Somalia is in bad shape but saying "I'm scared for my color" is racist. Let's not downplay this , I already see the usual self haters who are agreeing with these comments. There are thousands of Arabs refugees (yemeni and Syrian) who found refuge in Somalia,
You guys are so emotional dissing a whole group of people cause of what 5 folks said that’s like saying all Somalis are murderer rapist cause 5 of them got arrested for that
I agree with you but those from the Levant are deeply racist. Do I think we should say they all are? Of course not but many of them would undeniably would treat us awfully and that's a fact.


Plotting world domination
I agree with you but those from the Levant are deeply racist. Do I think we should say they all are? Of course not but many of them would undeniably would treat us awfully and that's a fact.

These folks literally don't care about racism from other communities

Everyone here needs to taka a DNA test. You are not genuine Somalis, because genuine Somalis do not care what any outside ethnic group thinks of them.

You have all been infected with the western inferiority complex syndrome intended for those that have a skin hue richness of a certain degree.

Get a grip with this Arab nonsense. Who cares if Arabs are racist? Let them be racist, enjoy the racism, laugh in the face of it. It's not that deep folks.

Just be racist back if it hurts you that much, sheesh


We aren't considered "genuine" somalis for being offended by racism.
I don't want Arabs in my homeland, akhas
I feel bad for saying this since I myself am diaspora but our country cannot handle immigrants right now. We don't have the security to make sure we're not accident taking in dangerous people, to track the population, we can't even feed our own population. Logistically, Somalia cannot take in any immigrants for the good of it's current citizens and for the immigrants own sakes either.


If these deluded diaspora people on this thread spent 6 months back home, beyond just couple of weeks holiday, they would come back with much worse sentiments.

The Palestinians in their concentration camps before the genocide had better quality of life then the Somalis back home, that's in every aspect of life other then freedom.

They are known for having countless engineers and doctors while we are known as being leaches, cheaters and scoundrels even in the diaspora.

Look at there roads, buildings, hospitals and general cleanliness, then compare this to us, it's night and day.

The only thing we have is an abundance of kibir and pride, but nothing to show for it.
The point isn't them saying somalia is poor, the point is the racially charged comments. Yeah Somalia is poor and messed up but we have thousands of syrians and Yemenis many of whom live thanks to the generosity of our people.
These folks literally don't care about racism from other communities

We aren't considered "genuine" somalis for being offended by racism.

We need people to us as miskeen victims so we can benefit off our imagine 😭😭😭. Look at Japan for example. Those guys were villainous but now it's anime kawaii sushi sugoi <3


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