Palestinians online: "Anywhere is better than Somalia. They are a starving people"


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
I agree with you but those from the Levant are deeply racist. Do I think we should say they all are? Of course not but many of them would undeniably would treat us awfully and that's a fact.
U could be right but at the same time who are we to complain we are just as racist as them if not more
U could be right but at the same time who are we to complain we are just as racist as them if not more
I agree! We also must work within ourselves. The way we have bit hwabil and ethnic tension is disgusting and halring our progress. We should be the most unified group of people in the continent. Perhaps even the world.

However I'm quite unaware of how ethnic minorities in Somalia are treated so I hope to learn more about the subject before I talk about it without knowing anything.
These folks literally don't care about racism from other communities

We aren't considered "genuine" somalis for being offended by racism.
You become a slave to the manipulation of others if they can easily "offend" you or make you happy even

Your emotions, thoughts and responses should all be under your own control and not in the hands of others.


HA Activist.

Enjoy some of the comments by Falastinis:

"Somalia is the land of the chocolate people"

"So we have to choose between the magicians (Moroccans) or the starving ones (Somalis)?"

"Anywhere is better than Somalia"

"I'm scared for my skin colour (by going Somalia)"

Those are just a few and get this, many are from GAZA.
maa beentood baa ? :kendrickcry: :kendrickcry:

All jokes aside, it's just a classic exemple of primitive xenophobia with a "joking" twist. Didn't expect somalis to be this shocked lol
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maa beentood baa ? :kendrickcry: :kendrickcry:


Attention: Resident self-hating Somali man with low self-esteem who has previously expressed negative feelings about himself, with a history of making self-hating comments, has decided to make his voice heard. His less-than-flattering profile picture reflects his struggles.

Don't think we've forgotten about you.


Anyways guys I encourage you to go back to the original post by Ramallah news on Facebook. The majority of top comments are either criticizing the ethnic cleansing plan in general and many others are praising Somalia and the Somali people. They closed commenting because of the high number of Somali users rushing to defend our name
Anyways guys I encourage you to go back to the original post by Ramallah news on Facebook. The majority of top comments are either criticizing the ethnic cleansing plan in general and many others are praising Somalia and the Somali people. They closed commenting because of the high number of Somali users rushing to defend our name
Can you link the post? I can't find it


If these deluded diaspora people on this thread spent 6 months back home, beyond just couple of weeks holiday, they would come back with much worse sentiments.

The Palestinians in their concentration camps before the genocide had better quality of life then the Somalis back home, that's in every aspect of life other then freedom.

They are known for having countless engineers and doctors while we are known as being leaches, cheaters and scoundrels even in the diaspora.

Look at there roads, buildings, hospitals and general cleanliness, then compare this to us, it's night and day.

The only thing we have is an abundance of kibir and pride, but nothing to show for it.



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It's a power dynamic. You see the true nature of how a country treats immigrants when the immigrants are poor and in need. Lebanese in west Africa have money and business so they get treated well. If they were poor refugees things would be different .
Syrians and Yemenis in Somalia with some exceptions are mostly poor , they still get treated well because our society is generally hospitable and generous with guests, also especially with syrians there's a positive idea since Syria was probably the kindest Arab country towards Somali refugees


A lot of people kicking Palestinians while they are down. 40k plus dead mostly women and kids. Millions homeless hundreds thousands injured. Just pray for them. if they lash out it’s understandable. Experiencing Modern day genocide with cowards who bombing them from sky
A lot of people kicking Palestinians while they are down. 40k plus dead mostly women and kids. Millions homeless hundreds thousands injured. Just pray for them. if they lash out it’s understandable. Experiencing Modern day genocide with cowards who bombing them from sky
But why they gotta insult us? They think they are better than us even when the world watches their genocide and does nothing. We are not the ones doing this to them, they should lash out against the white man but they love the white man and hate your black Somali African ass sxb :ileycry:
If these deluded diaspora people on this thread spent 6 months back home, beyond just couple of weeks holiday, they would come back with much worse sentiments.

The Palestinians in their concentration camps before the genocide had better quality of life then the Somalis back home, that's in every aspect of life other then freedom.

They are known for having countless engineers and doctors while we are known as being leaches, cheaters and scoundrels even in the diaspora.

Look at there roads, buildings, hospitals and general cleanliness, then compare this to us, it's night and day.

The only thing we have is an abundance of kibir and pride, but nothing to show for it.
High quality of life is to be spit on by a Jewish kid in your own home? :damn:
Trust me they are acting like Somalis would be happy tommorow if they were displaced from their homeland and made refugees in Sudan for example. Of course they wouldn't. Who in their right mind would be happy to be ethnicaly cleansed.
The difference is you won’t see Somalis mocking other people who are suffering, by the way we are hosting many refugees but what do we get in return


But why they gotta insult us? They think they are better than us even when the world watches their genocide and does nothing.
This small minority bro. It could even be western agents trying to get negative PR against Palestinians. Israel hates that Africans behind Palestine. Africans know the evil of western colonialism and will never support these crazy whites from Poland and Russia who killing natives


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