Palestinians online: "Anywhere is better than Somalia. They are a starving people"

Yeah, like 99% of them. I was honestly the only Somali in the past to oppose Ayrab bootyclapping. Everyone else licked their asses. It's like 90% now. Even atheist Somalis bootyclapped for them. It was as Somali as Italians to pasta; it is core to their identity.
I feel like the older Somali generation wasn't like this. Hopefully its not 99%. And thats low-key weird for an Athiest to care.


I remember at the height of the Somali famine in the early 2010s and some shameless Somali woman on then-Twitter said she didn't care about the famine in Somalia but rather was so hurt about the risk of instability due to the Ayrab Spring in Egypt. What a stupid idiot. Why are Somalians such begs? I'll never forget that loser.

Disgusting . I hope people like her see these racist arabs comments.
I remember at the height of the Somali famine in the early 2010s and some shameless Somali woman on then-Twitter said she didn't care about the famine in Somalia but rather was so hurt about the risk of instability due to the Ayrab Spring in Egypt. What a stupid idiot. Why are Somalians such begs? I'll never forget that loser.

Did she live in egypt
I feel like you guys are so dramatic. I’ve never seen a somali bootyclap for arabs and we are just as, if not more, xenophobic than them plsss

When did somali maxamed get so soft
Somali people are honestly so weird, I don't get it. You people cry about everything, victimise yourselves as poor little nomads, but then big yourselves up with tales of crimes against the same people. Nationalism has truly made people mad. Get over yourselves; nobody else in the world has this much of a victim complex but then sees themselves as the strongest people ever. There is nothing to be nationalistic about and to cry about a selected few thousands when I can count to millions of Somalis saying the same thing to each other.

Practice what you preach.
I'm religious myself but I believe the term for this is religious delusions. We aren't cursed. Every nation has experienced difficulties even worse than ours.

We could easily attribute our issues to things such as foreign interference. Collective trauma and corruption. Many other afrucan countries are in the same predicament.

This defeatist mentality is why we won't progress too. You should be finding a way to either better your life or your country's. Not calling yourself cursed and dragging us all into your delusions.
If you are a religious person with knowledge you would not argue against curses, its very explicit in the Quran and Sunnah, and we share the traits of those people.

This is not a defeatist mentality its actually empowering because we are just a sincere repentance away from lifting the curse and reformations can begin, we have strayed from the religion.

We have strayed far from Allah and his religion. No amount of “help” will do any good if we don’t go back to Allah. Until then wallahi we won’t get anywhere as a Nation.
Correct, that is the essence of it all and that makes up the majority of our people, and why they will remain in that pitiful state until they change.
Somalia young country not even 70 years old. Europe has had wars that killed millions that sometimes last 30-100 years and killed half of some nations like Germany. Some wars in China and Spain 2 hundreds years plus. We are young race and nation that is at mercy of Ethiopians right now . It’s bad predicament but not hopeless
Yes but those dark ages they went through was preceded by long period of time they ruled much of the world, a history or a golden age we did not have.

I don't think you understand that 'our' young nation if we don't get our act together within this decade will be wiped of the map like previous nations before.

The entire country is sustained by remittances from the Somali Diaspora in the West, Middle East, Asia and African nations, the boomers are dying and their millennial offspring will not be funding their kinsmen back home as they did.

What do you think will happen to an unstable disunited tribal country with the highest electricity cost in the world (makes it impossible to industrialise or manufacture)

Then you add on top of that a shameless work force that looks down on labour and building? when 60% of the $$$ is cut off within a decade ??? what do you think happens?
They get called slurs sometimes, face ostracization & discrimination, just like minorities in Somalia. Does this mean we do not deserve sympathy and advocacy from other people when we’re wronged ?
But in Somalia you see Ethnic Somalis and Somalis from major clans dying, starving, and getting their land stolen to name a few. Is this the same in their countries?
I feel like you guys are so dramatic. I’ve never seen a somali bootyclap for arabs and we are just as, if not more, xenophobic than them plsss

When did somali maxamed get so soft
This is mostly a Gen Z disease, I did not observe this from Millennials or Gen X/Boomers, these are unscrupulous people that have no principles or morals, highly emotional with schizophrenic tendencies.

But there is one overarching disease they have which no other Somali generation before them had, which is a deep sense of 'inferiority complex', they will idolise a group one day, and before you know it excommunicate them because someone said something that triggered their inferiority complex.

I couldn't careless if all the Palestinians dissed Somali's, it will not change my principled position which is to always side with the oppressed against the oppressors.

The same way if all Somalis decided to collectively leave Islam including my own family, It will not sway me one bit to leave it too, there is honour in having principled stance and position on matters, these lack this and it no surprise they struggle with discipline too.



Enjoy some of the comments by Falastinis:

"Somalia is the land of the chocolate people"

"So we have to choose between the magicians (Moroccans) or the starving ones (Somalis)?"

"Anywhere is better than Somalia"

"I'm scared for my skin colour (by going Somalia)"

Those are just a few and get this, many are from GAZA.
They’re right


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
What is the point of this post, you want us to support Israel or something because a few people made racist comments. No we support our Palestinian brothers and sisters against their oppressors. May Allah free them 🇵🇸

Wild premise, wallahi. Let's be real, every group of people have racist folks and pervasive, common racist norms like MENAs looking down on SSAs or us looking down on people more "madow" than us in Africa. But I guess that justifies ethnic cleansing, killing kids and genocide? Niggas dun lost the script.



🇨🇦 N*gger fatigued
Staff Member
Wild premise, wallahi. Let's be real, every group of people have racist folks and pervasive, common racist norms like MENAs looking down on SSAs or us looking down on people more "madow" than us in Africa. But I guess that justifies ethnic cleansing, killing kids and genocide? Niggas dun lost the script.


Almost all Palestinians and Lebanese people seriously look down on Black people. Don't be ridiculous. The same cannot be said of every other group.
yes, if you're going argue against menial crap like facebooks post while their suffering and attacked by the kuffar then you're a munafiq.
The only munafiq here are you. When i made a thread about a jaréér who slandered us, u didn’t even hesitate and were very quick to insult him back. But u draw the line when it’s ur masters. You suffer from inferiority complex and you are nothing but a mere uncle tom nigga for arabs. if an arab said to you, you're promised to jannah if you give your sisters to arabs, you would definitely do it. Have some self-respect bakhti