Palestinians online: "Anywhere is better than Somalia. They are a starving people"

It’s honestly wild to see such arrogance. You’d think people who’ve suffered so much would be more humble.

May Allahs curse be upon those who are willing to die on a hill of arrogance in the face of eradication.

Ximan iyo Xadeed

How muh Ummah glazers feel like after coming to racist Palestinians defense
They mocked our famine. Did you not see them talking about how we're "starving"? How many of our kids died from starvation? Is that not mocking the death of "fellow muslims"?

Ya'll "men" need to tell me what kind of lube you use on your assholes for daddy arab, because that's some STRONG shit :lebronwtf:
Not only are you insane, but you're also morally bankrupt. How can you defend this?

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Fear Allah. And yes, the same applies to the Palestinians who are mocking Somalis. It’s a big sin, and both are dragging the wider community into this nonsensical virtual beef. It’s time to reflect and focus on what truly matters, especially with Ramadan approaching. And that lube comment made me slightly vomit. Stop talking like a gaal pattern up.


That user over there is Somali, that's what I mean. Y'all don't even know who you're accusing, SubhanAllah. And it's probably Zionists putting the community against each other.
That guy claimed in another tweet he wasn't Somali which is why others suspect he is a Pali.

Since you want to clutch at straws, tell me where these guys are from and everyone else on this thread who are clearly Palis?

That guy claimed in another tweet he wasn't Somali which is why others suspect he is a Pali.

Since you want to clutch at straws, tell me where these guys are from and everyone else on this thread who are clearly Palis?

Stop jumping around and focus on the guy you incorrectly called Palestinian, who's actually a troll, likely a Landers. You can tell by their tweet history they claim to be Turkish, and their account is just there to cause a rift between communities.


Stop jumping around and focus on the guy you incorrectly called Palestinian, who's actually a troll, likely a Landers. You can tell by their tweet history they claim to be Turkish, and their account is just there to cause a rift between communities.


Now let's focus on the the hundreds of comments by actual Palis being racist. What about those? Don't divert.


Moroccan woman says it is unfair the way Somalis are being bullied online by Palestinians and being subject to vile racism:

Moroccans on FB are shocked at the level of Palestinian racism being directed against Somalis:

Palestinians online are doubling down on their racism towards Somalis:

"What am I going to do in Somalia? Do something with bananas?"

"God must hate us if we go Somalia"

"Somalia? La hawla wa la quwatta ila Billah"

"We will be fasting with no break (in Somalia)"

"Somalia is the poorest country in the world"

"Mashallah the land of endless poverty"
They also mocked the Moroccans calling their women sex workers and practicing black magic


Stop jumping around and focus on the guy you incorrectly called Palestinian, who's actually a troll, likely a Landers. You can tell by their tweet history they claim to be Turkish, and their account is just there to cause a rift between communities.
Always lander this lander that give it a bloody break.


Syrian guy tells Somalis that Palestinians are a disgusting breed. He even describes the life cycle of a Palestinian from birth to death he is xaasid and doomed to live under occupation. These are his words:

"If I ever saw a Syrian defending a Palestinian I would wipe the floor with him":

Interesting how most Arabs who neighbour Palestinians absolutely despise them.


Another Arab says Somalis don't know Palestinians. His words:

"You (Somalis) live far away from Palestinians and have never interacted with them. They are a spiteful treacherous people. Just ask the people from the region."



The Arabs are absolutely shitting on the Palis.

Saudi man says "Palestinians have always insulted those who supported them. They have no morals".



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