Palestinians shocked at interracial Somali-Dutch couple

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I think someone posted about her some time ago.

I don't think she is ethnic Somali at all. In the videos she released where you can see her face better she looks definitely part Bantu and her kids look too black for half Somalis.

PS. Her husband is a Low IQ moron who can barely speak normally and is most likely an ex-convict.

I wouldn't say he's low IQ. He is actually quite well-spoken ( in his native tongue) but he didn't finish anything. And you're right, he is an ex-convict. He committed a robbery as a young teen. Also at some point, he became a Salafi extremist, joined a group called Sharia 4 Belgium. He even wanted to marry several other wives. Safe to say that she must have felt embarrassed and humiliated by him during that phase.


The irony when I scroll through the fb comments and all these 'typically racist' Arabs are calling the girl beautiful whilst SSpotters are calling her ugly and duxul.

SubhaanAllah we are lost:snoop:
Its small segment of people you are comparing and dont reflect reality and some are even trolling. Racism is everywhere but in larger % I think arabs are more racist than somalis so in your own estimate they are more lost than us.
Its small segment of people you are comparing and dont reflect reality and some are even trolling. Racism is everywhere but in larger % I think arabs are more racist than somalis so in your own estimate they are more lost than us.

"We aren't as lost as the Arabs, though" -- is this the bar? How low we have sunk:stopit:

And Arabs gabdahoodha ma caayan - they talk good about them.

People are mis-using the word "duxul" - this girl would not be described that way by anyone with eyes. Duxul does not mean simply 'dark-skinned' - dadkeena don't have a problem with that, it means the person looks like wax gubtey. Does she look burnt, ashy and done-in to you? Ufff doqomiintaan are gonna turn us into the timo-jilac and AA's who create whole criteria redbone/yellowbone/jinnibone to describe variations in skin colour and what is perceived as qurux. Keep that cancerous language wayyyyy over there walaaloyaal:idontlike:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
"We aren't as lost as the Arabs, though" -- is this the bar? How low we have sunk:stopit:

And Arabs gabdahoodha ma caayan - they talk good about them.

People are mis-using the word "duxul" - this girl would not be described that way by anyone with eyes. Duxul does not mean simply 'dark-skinned' - dadkeena don't have a problem with that, it means the person looks like wax gubtey. Does she look burnt, ashy and done-in to you? Ufff doqomiintaan are gonna turn us into the timo-jilac and AA's who create whole criteria redbone/yellowbone/jinnibone to describe variations in skin colour and what is perceived as qurux. Keep that cancerous language wayyyyy over there walaaloyaal:idontlike:

Shes not really duxul this is duxul :susp:


"We aren't as lost as the Arabs, though" -- is this the bar? How low we have sunk:stopit:

And Arabs gabdahoodha ma caayan - they talk good about them.

People are mis-using the word "duxul" - this girl would not be described that way by anyone with eyes. Duxul does not mean simply 'dark-skinned' - dadkeena don't have a problem with that, it means the person looks like wax gubtey. Does she look burnt, ashy and done-in to you? Ufff doqomiintaan are gonna turn us into the timo-jilac and AA's who create whole criteria redbone/yellowbone/jinnibone to describe variations in skin colour and what is perceived as qurux. Keep that cancerous language wayyyyy over there walaaloyaal:idontlike:
It was you that talked about them as if their standard are higher than our and I disagree and they talk bad and good about their girls, just as somali men talk good and bad about somali girls, I feel like you are putting arabs on higher standard than Somalis but this might be unconsciously on your part. The person who was saying she looks like duxul was trolling and its not worth getting riled up over. She does not look duxul to me and even if she does she can still be beautiful in my eyes.
They're using the couple as 'inspiration' against racism and even reported her as dark skinned 'who styles her scarf and make up well for her dark colour'. Arabs live in a different world. A terribly racist world.

I'm suprised that her claiming somali and her skin color is making people here more angry than the way they described her.
It was you that talked about them as if their standard are higher than our and I disagree and they talk bad and good about their girls, just as somali men talk good and bad about somali girls, I feel like you are putting arabs on higher standard than Somalis but this might be unconsciously on your part. The person who was saying she looks like duxul was trolling and its not worth getting riled up over. She does not look duxul to me and even if she does she can still be beautiful in my eyes.

I was comparing a very specific group of arabs (the ones on the fb timeline) to a very specific group of somalis (the ones on sspot).

But you are right, they talk smack about their girls just as much as the faaraxs talk smack about xalimos and vise versa. I suppose it was the positvie comments by the arabs juxtaposed with the relatively negative posts by Somalis that pissed me off. You're right I shouldn't tar you all with the same brush :)

This 'duxul' insult needs to die.


Your superior
"We aren't as lost as the Arabs, though" -- is this the bar? How low we have sunk:stopit:

And Arabs gabdahoodha ma caayan - they talk good about them.

People are mis-using the word "duxul" - this girl would not be described that way by anyone with eyes. Duxul does not mean simply 'dark-skinned' - dadkeena don't have a problem with that, it means the person looks like wax gubtey. Does she look burnt, ashy and done-in to you? Ufff doqomiintaan are gonna turn us into the timo-jilac and AA's who create whole criteria redbone/yellowbone/jinnibone to describe variations in skin colour and what is perceived as qurux. Keep that cancerous language wayyyyy over there walaaloyaal:idontlike:

Dhuxul means charcoal. She looks dhuxul


Cultural revolution
"l Ufff doqomiintaan are gonna turn us into the timo-jilac and AA's who create whole criteria redbone/yellowbone/jinnibone to describe variations in skin colour and what is perceived as qurux. Keep that cancerous language wayyyyy over there walaaloyaal:idontlike:

implying that colorisim and jinnibone balaayo doesn't already exist within our communities like the AA and Indians :heh:

Just look at some of the posts on this forum.


Somalis are already pretty freakin colorist lol, don't act like we're not. Where most ethnicities scrutinize the women and leave it at that, Somalis extend the scrutiny to 'charcoal' men too :ftw9nwa:

You praise lighterskinned women and men.


Cultural revolution
Well, then I must come from a good family because this nonsense is new to me.

It's not as bad and obvious as AA/Indians but there's still colorism and if you're around Somalis long enough you'll start to notice it. Every non white ethnicity in the world is like this.
It's not as bad and obvious as AA/Indians but there's still colorism and if you're around Somalis long enough you'll start to notice it. Every non white ethnicity in the world is like this.

Do you think we were like this before the war? Or is it something that developed after?


Cultural revolution
Do you think we were like this before the war? Or is it something that developed after?

Nah I don't think so. Judging from the old poems and songs that used to praise "Marin" color (dark brown) this is definitely new.

Nowadays thanks to globalization and all that bs everyone wants to be light to follow the world standards of beauty which is to look as much as possible like white women.
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