Parliament Building Take-Over to prevent Speaker Jawari to chair Meeting by Troops

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Self imposed exile
RasCanjero that is true he has been a stumbling block but he seasoned and was in government in the civil period 1960-69.

He is in favour of the 60's constitution and is preventing the process for whatever reason.

The 60's constitution doesn't address today's problems and would in turn keep us stuck in the deadlock were currently in.

Does he want us to progress or does he have other nefarious goals in mind?

Btw the civil government back then was just as incompetent as the one today.

Not saying the kacaan era was good but it doesn't give Jawaari any browny points.

Also Khayre should come out in the open and tell us his reasons for going after him.

Dude could be just as corrupt.
RasCanjeero indeed Jawaari wants to keep his memory and sanity. He wants Somalia to be beholden at that era where he was young there is no other explanation on his insistence of the 1960 constitution.

He even fiddled with the draft constitution passed on 1st August 2012, he changed some of the wording and deleted some other articles prior to Hasan Sheikh Mohamud being elected on the 10th September 2012.
As long as Jawaari remains there will be no constitution.

The man deleted and even changed articles in the constitution all by himself.

The draft constitution included many articles and it passed through Parliament so why would he take it upon himself to change it.


Seeker of knowledge and truth
Jawari is crazy he thinks the solutions in 1960 can solve our problems today 1960s Somalia didn't work then why would it work today he's living in the past
Wasn't this because of a disagreement surrounding the constitutional reforms talk?

Old man Jawaari's been in government for nearly a decade as the speaker.

I think he's one of the main stumbling blocks in the way of drafting a new constitution.

His faction successfully ran a motion to oust another MP a few months back.

I don't have much confidence in Khayre but Jawaari needs to go.

While i agree everything you say, i think you're undersetimating kheyre's ability to outmaneuver his oponents and come out as the winner once again.

Jawaari is a lame duck, i don't think he'll be much of an obstacle for the PM, but i can't get around my head as to why the PM is after him, is he leading the motion against the PM ? Reports suggest Shariif Sakiin, the governer of Koonfur galbeed state and an old enemy of jawaari, is settling some old scores. Given both men are from the same constituency (qabiil), PM has a easy road ahead.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
I said it in his first few weeks that Kheyre is a political talent. I saw something in him. He is a new breed, a new kid on the block. What I like about him is that he goes after the big guys.

I look forward to his battle against Gaas. It's just a matter of time and I sure as hell will play my part. Finally a worthy opponent :mjhaps:
It gets more bizarre. State Minister for Security and Police Chief held press conference in front of Police Head Quarters.

They said because of the Parliament being in session they increased the police presence there with other specially trained rapid response police.

Somalis love strong leaders. Kheyre should be the next Putin or Erdogan. If he cannot at least be the next Abdi Mahamud Omar and Kadyrov. The man is a natural born leader.

Use your power creatively and play your hand wisely soon they will be on their knees ornin oppisition outside of the country.

Kheyre is self assured and confident. He should run his Mogadishu.
Why? What's Kheyres agenda is he an agent for a big power
The guy is nothing more than a puppet for foreign countries/companies, after all he's the poster child figure head they used for SomaOil, he's eliminating any obstacle that's gonna slow him down from selling out our resources, ffs he was about to hold up the auctioning of our oil and minerals next week in Nairobi until parliaments and shacab put the heat on him and he ended up back tracking, the guy is a major crook, he made millions being a ngo, farmaajo and him have to go.


Always Venture, Always Win
About time that corrupt lowborn of a man Jawaari gets the boot, I just can't fathom that a supreme of a position such as Leader of the Parliament has been granted to the panhandling minorities.

I guess every dog has his day.


May god protect Kheyre, his very young for a politician and with good intention. I believe Jawaari is good person who has done absolute wonders but sometimes, we need to give different vision a chance. I support Kheyre. :)
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