Part time Muslims come in.

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Miss ban the jilbaab is giving us a lecture on who's a Muslim kkk

You're soooo superficial, I can see through all that weave & colours on your face b, you ain't fooling no one kkk
Trying my ass. How convenient for them to "try" wearing it during the holy month. Why don't they "try" during any other month? Fake ass part time Muslims ain't fooling no one not even the devil.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
^^^ partying, drinking & hitting up girls they've been avoiding like the plague all month long.

Also, I can't stand females who want to throw on the hijab all of the sudden when Ramadan comes. I don't get it, why be fake? Who tf are they fooling.

Well Eid day is about family, idk how some choose to go clubbing/shisha on the day itself rather than spend it with loved ones


Your superior
I know people who don't pray but fast during ramadan. I don't understand wallahi why starve yourself cause there is no way you getting ajar from fasting without praying.

Salah is your only connection to allah I don't know why people don't see how compulsory is to pray.

Wallahi my life would have been dull if I wasn't praying.

Very dogmatic


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Trying my ass. How convenient for them to "try" wearing it during the holy month. Why don't they "try" during any other month? Fake ass part time Muslims ain't fooling no one not even the devil.
What better time than the holy month? So I take it you're perfect & live a sinless life? Bring your feet firmly back on the ground mr holier than thou.
Is it haram to brush your teeth while fasting?

you can use this one but brushing is not haram but preferable to not brush till you break the fast


Of course you can brush your teeth while fasting! This is what I do to be on the safe side (to make sure I don't break my fast), I brush my teeth (with a few toothbrush & toothpaste) once after iftar and another time after suhoor and for the rest of the day I use miswaak which is very effective.
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